CEAgui Help Menu -- Omit Dataset

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The Only feature and the Omit feature allow the user to pare down the number of species considered for a given calculation.  CEAgui obtains all atoms involved in the current chemical system from the selected reactants (Reactant tab).   It then compiles a list of names for all possible products comprised of these atoms in the thermodynamic data library thermo.inp.   For the Only set, only the species selected will be considered in the calculations.   For the Omit set, all species will be considered except those selected for that list (Omit tab).   Thus the user should complete the Problem and Reactant datasets before making up either the Only or Omit datasets.

Examples 3, 4, and 5 include an Omit dataset


The possible product names are given in two lists.   One contains gaseous species names and the other lists the condensed species.   The total number in each set is given in parentheses.   The user simply clicks on the desired species and then the Add button to make up the list.   Similarly the species may be removed from the user's list by clicking on the name and then the Remove button.

The Help button displays the help menu for the Omit dataset.

The SAVE button saves the data and returns to the Omit dataset.

The Reset button clears the selected species names.

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