CEAgui Download for Unix (Sun, Sgi, Linux, and Mac OS X )

NASA's CEAgui is a Java GUI Application for NASA's CEA Fortran program. CEAgui creates or modifies your input file (e.g. xxx.inp) and runs a previously complied Fortran executable named FCEA2. FCEA2 generates an output file (e.g. xxx.out)on your local machine. The requirements for running this Java Application on your local machine are:

Downloading the files via FTP or HTTP

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Archive Platform Size FTP Download HTTP Download
CEAgui JAR Sun Solaris, Sgi Irix, Linux, Mac 1795 KB CEAgui-jar.tar.Z CEAgui-jar.tar.Z
*CEA+ Fortran Package Sun Solaris, Sgi Irix, Linux 1153 KB CEA+Fortran.tar.Z CEA+Fortran.tar.Z
CEAexec Package Sun Solaris 677 KB CEAexec-sun.tar.Z CEAexec-sun.tar.Z
Sgi Irix 625 KB CEAexec-sgi.tar.Z CEAexec-sgi.tar.Z
Linux 585 KB CEAexec-linux.tar.Z CEAexec-linux.tar.Z
Mac OS X 10.3 614 KB CEAexec-mac.tar.Z CEAexec-mac.tar.Z

* It includes CEA related Packages - CAP, PAC, and MISC.

The CEAgui Download Installation Procedures for Unix(sun or sgi or linux or mac OS X):

  1. Create the installation directory on your local machine (e.g. mkdir CEAexec)
  2. Download all ZIP files and the JRE executable file and save into the installation directory ( e.g. cd CEAexec )
  3. Extract files from the CEAgui JAR file (CEAgui-jar.tar.Z).
    zcat CEAgui-jar.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
  4. Extract files from the Fortran Package (CEA+Fortran.tar.Z).
    zcat CEA+Fortran.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
  5. Select one of the following platforms:
  6. Check that you must have the SIX files ( CEAgui.jar, thermo.lib, trans.lib, syntax, b1b2b3, FCEA2 ) in the installation directory. The file permissions of the executable files ( syntax, b1b2b3, FCEA2 ) must be set to executable, and update UNIX environment variables, then execute the shell script runCEA.sh
  7. More information can be found in Readme_CEAgui-unix.txt

For questions or feedback, please send Email to Minna Chao
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Responsible NASA Official: Bonnie McBride
NASA Privacy and Accessibility Statement
Web page curator and CEAgui designer: Minna Chao
Last updated: September 20, 2004.