Sephorus is a human male, 5' 8" tall. He has dark blue eyes, and a fairly low voice. A sharp sense of humor is obviously clear, you can tell. You also can notice Sephorus is a dedicated adventurer. He knows the truth is out there, and he'll be the first to find it. Several things distinguish Sephorus from other characters, mainly his odd hair, always sticking straight up. He's always dedicated to becoming a better character, and plays perfectly fair. A man you can trust in a world of untrustworthy people, a geniunely nice guy. Let me tell you, there are not that many people like Sephorus. He's quite friendly too. He asks you remember two things, though. First, sometimes when you do things right, people wont be sure you've done anything at all. Second, and more importantly, 42 is the meaning of life. 42!!!