Not much is known about my childhood, but if I remember, I was raised by one Alyrian ruler of some sort and one Alyrian window washer. In order to not get the ruler that was my father in trouble for having a relationship with a window washer, I was left in Lasler to experience only the best in training. Unfortunately, it seems more of my stats look similar to those of a window washer instead of royalty, and have have yet to receive a cent of my fathers money. Oh well, as I have learned to adapt to my low stats and somewhat absurd class choices (i.e.: I will never get bash) that lead to me never being a good pker. I still train my stats to this day, questing for qp for a Vandy trunk helping me out with practices too. I still have hp of that of a second classer, and I'm in mid third class. I still have tremendously bad stats all around. But I'm determined to change all that. Heck, I'm not even very tall, but I'm not that affected by that. Sure, I might not be that lucky, but hey, as far as I know, my mom the window washer is still alive, and so is whoever my father is (and he's a politician!). If they can survive, it therefore proves the family luck isn't THAT bad. Now excuse me, but I have to go. It's tea time, you see. And one last thing: 42 is the meaning of life.
What others are saying about Sephorus: (names have been changed to protect the innocent):