1998 Race Schedule

Well, well, well. Who would have thought that little TriBaby here would wind up going to the Ironman? I still don't believe it, but hey, if the Ironman folks need someone to blow the curve for them in Kona I'm happy to oblige.

Before learning about my Hawaii slot my big focus for '98 was, like last year, Ironman Canada. Canada now becomes secondary. Heck, everything is secondary to a single day in October now! Will I still race at Canada? That is the question. Right now, I am planning on it. Although calling it a "race" would be incorrect; if I still do IMC, I will be "participating" only. Time will be of absolutely no consequence. It'll just be my last long training day for the big event just *gulp* five weeks later. THAT is the problem.

Aside from the big races, I'll also be taking part in a number of excellent local events. Here's the scoop:

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