% Elmore delay sizing for an interconnect network.
% (a figure is generated)
% This is an example taken directly from papers:
%   A Tutorial on Geometric Programming (see pages 31-34)
%   by Boyd, Kim, Vandenberghe, and Hassibi.
%   Digital circuit optimization via geometrical programming
%   by Boyd, Kim, Patil, and Horowitz
%   Operations Research 53(6): 899-932, 2005.
% We consider the problem of finding optimal wire widths w_i
% of N wire segments in an interconnect network, which will
% minimize the critical Elmore delay, subject to limits on
% wire widths and the total circuit area. We use a pi-model
% for each wire segment. Problem can be formulated as GP:
%   minimize   D
%       s.t.   w_min <= w <= w_max
%              area  <= Amax
% where variables are widths w (and arrival times T that are used
% to formulate the overall delay D expression).
% Important: We label root node as 1, and all the other nodes as
%            node_label_in_the_paper + 1 (due to Matlab's convention).
%            Also label nodes with increasing numbers downstream.
% Almir Mutapcic 02/01/2006
clear all; close all;
PLOT_TRADEOFF = 1; % to disable set PLOT_TRADEOFF = 0;

% user supplied data (problem constants and tree topology)
N = 6; % number of nodes (including the root node which is labeled as 1)

% parent node array
% specifies which node is a unique parent for node i (always have a tree)
parent(1) = 0; % root node does not have a valid parent
parent(2) = 1;
parent(3) = 2;
parent(4) = 3;
parent(5) = 2;
parent(6) = 5;

% problem constants
Rsource = 0.1;
l = 1*ones(N-1,1);
alpha = 1*ones(N-1,1);
beta  = 1*ones(N-1,1);
gamma = 1*ones(N-1,1);

% load capacitance at each node
C1 = 10; C2 = 10; C3 = 10; C4 = 10; C5 = 10;
Cload = [0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5];

% minimum and maximum width and area specification
Wmin = 1;
Wmax = 10;
Amax = 15;

% derived data (computed from user's data)
% compute children cell array (evaluate who are children for each node)
children = cell(N,1);
leafs = [];
for node = [1:N]
  children{node} = find(parent == node);
  if isempty(children{node})
    leafs(end+1) = node; % leafs have no children

% optimization
% optimization variables
gpvar w(N-1)     % wire width
gpvar T(N)       % arrival time (Elmore delay to node i)

% wire segment resistance is inversely proportional to widths
R = alpha.*l./w;
R = [Rsource; R];

% wire segment capacitance is an affine function of widths
C_bar = beta.*l.*w + gamma.*l;
C_bar = [0; C_bar];

% compute common capacitances for each node (C_tilde in GP tutorial)
C_tilde = posynomial; % create empty posynomial
for node = [1:N]
  C_tilde(node,1) = Cload(node);
  for k = parent(node)
    if k > 0; C_tilde(node,1) = C_tilde(node,1) + C_bar(k); end;
  for k = children{node}
    C_tilde(node,1) = C_tilde(node,1) + C_bar(k);

% now compute total downstream capacitances
C_total = posynomial; % create empty posynomial
for node = N:-1:1
  C_total(node,1) = C_tilde(node);
  for k = children{node}
    C_total(node,1) = C_total(node,1) + C_total(k,1);

% generate Elmore delay constraints
elm_delay_constr = [R(1)*C_total(1) <= T(1,1)];
for node = 2:N
  elm_delay_constr = [elm_delay_constr; ...
                      R(node)*C_total(node) + T(parent(node),1) <= T(node,1)];

% collect all the constraints
area = sum(w.*l);
constr(1) = area <= Amax;
constr = [constr; Wmin*ones(N-1,1) <= w; w <= Wmax*ones(N-1,1)];
constr = [constr; elm_delay_constr];

% objective is the critical Elmore delay
D = max( T(leafs) );

% solve the problem
[D_value, solution, status] = gpsolve(D, constr);

% save for plotting
ckt_delay_plot = D_value;
Amax_plot = Amax;

fprintf(1,'\nOptimal Elmore delay for Amax = %d is %3.4f.\n', ...
        Amax, D_value)
disp('Optimal wire widths are: '), w

% tradeoff curve code

% set the quiet flag (no solver reporting)
global QUIET; QUIET = 1;

disp('generating the tradeoff curve')
Darray = []; Duniform = [];
for Amax = [5.05 5.25 5.5 5.75 6:25]
  % formulate the GP problem and solve it
  constr(1) = area <= Amax;
  [D_value, solution, status] = gpsolve(D, constr);
  Darray = [Darray D_value];

  % evaluate delay to leaf 4 (or 3 in the papers) with uniform sizing
  D_to_3 = C_tilde(4)*(R(1) + R(2) + R(3) + R(4)) + ...
           C_tilde(3)*(R(1) + R(2) + R(3)) + C_tilde(1)*R(1) + ...
           (C_tilde(2) + C_tilde(5) + C_tilde(6))*(R(1) + R(2));
  D_to_5 = C_tilde(6)*(R(1) + R(2) + R(5) + R(6)) + ...
           C_tilde(5)*(R(1) + R(2) + R(5)) + C_tilde(1)*R(1) + ...
           (C_tilde(2) + C_tilde(3) + C_tilde(4))*(R(1) + R(2));
  D_3_5 = max(D_to_3,D_to_5);
  Duniform = [Duniform eval(D_3_5, {'w' Amax/(N-1)*ones(N-1,1)}) ];

% enable solver reporting again
global QUIET; QUIET = 0;

% plot the tradeoff curve
Amax = [5.05 5.25 5.5 5.75 6:25];
xlabel('Elmore delay D'); ylabel('Amax');

% end tradeoff curve code
Iteration     primal obj.         gap        dual residual     previous step.
   1         5.20469e+00       4.30000e+01       2.24e+01               Inf
   2         5.26444e+00       1.79498e+01       6.76e-03       9.90311e-01
   3         2.13759e+00       9.81860e+00       4.80e-04       7.95102e-01
   4         1.81684e-01       4.50566e+00       5.37e-06       1.00000e+00
   5        -2.58233e-01       2.23499e+00       3.75e-06       1.00000e+00
Iteration     primal obj.         gap        dual residual     previous step.
   1         1.92704e+02       4.30000e+01       1.00e+00               Inf
   2         1.56156e+02       4.10528e+01       9.36e-01       3.36318e-02
   3         6.53202e+01       3.78461e+01       8.81e-01       3.00259e-02
   4         2.36201e+01       3.45175e+01       7.77e-01       6.05599e-02
   5         9.13300e+00       3.12913e+01       6.01e-01       1.25000e-01
   6         6.68741e+00       2.54784e+01       1.67e-01       5.00000e-01
   7         8.28682e+00       2.20511e+01       1.12e-03       1.00000e+00
   8         5.89151e+00       1.10608e+01       7.15e-04       1.00000e+00
   9         4.89862e+00       5.56656e+00       1.17e-04       1.00000e+00
  10         4.34698e+00       2.79801e+00       2.33e-05       1.00000e+00
  11         4.05803e+00       1.40475e+00       2.75e-06       1.00000e+00
  12         3.91054e+00       7.04238e-01       2.87e-07       1.00000e+00
  13         3.83696e+00       3.52660e-01       2.48e-08       1.00000e+00
  14         3.80014e+00       1.76474e-01       1.81e-09       1.00000e+00
  15         3.78170e+00       8.82735e-02       1.20e-10       1.00000e+00
  16         3.77247e+00       4.41459e-02       7.65e-12       1.00000e+00
  17         3.76785e+00       2.20752e-02       4.83e-13       1.00000e+00
  18         3.76554e+00       1.10382e-02       3.03e-14       1.00000e+00
  19         3.76439e+00       5.51924e-03       1.90e-15       1.00000e+00
  20         3.76381e+00       2.75966e-03       1.19e-16       1.00000e+00
  21         3.76352e+00       1.37984e-03       7.42e-18       1.00000e+00
  22         3.76338e+00       6.89921e-04       4.64e-19       1.00000e+00
  23         3.76331e+00       3.44961e-04       2.90e-20       1.00000e+00
  24         3.76327e+00       1.72481e-04       1.81e-21       1.00000e+00
  25         3.76325e+00       8.62404e-05       1.13e-22       1.00000e+00
  26         3.76324e+00       4.31202e-05       7.08e-24       1.00000e+00
  27         3.76324e+00       2.15601e-05       4.43e-25       1.00000e+00
  28         3.76324e+00       1.07800e-05       2.77e-26       1.00000e+00
  29         3.76324e+00       5.39002e-06       1.74e-27       1.00000e+00
  30         3.76324e+00       2.69501e-06       1.09e-28       1.00000e+00
  31         3.76323e+00       1.34751e-06       5.93e-30       1.00000e+00
  32         3.76323e+00       6.73753e-07       1.79e-30       1.00000e+00
  33         3.76323e+00       3.36877e-07       1.99e-31       1.00000e+00
  34         3.76323e+00       1.68438e-07       3.99e-31       1.00000e+00
  35         3.76323e+00       8.42191e-08       3.88e-31       1.00000e+00
  36         3.76323e+00       4.21096e-08       3.35e-31       1.00000e+00
  37         3.76323e+00       2.10548e-08       1.93e-31       1.00000e+00
  38         3.76323e+00       1.05274e-08       5.81e-32       1.00000e+00
  39         3.76323e+00       5.26370e-09       2.92e-31       1.00000e+00
Problem succesfully solved.

Optimal Elmore delay for Amax = 15 is 43.0876.
Optimal wire widths are: 

w =


generating the tradeoff curve
Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
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Problem succesfully solved.
Problem succesfully solved.
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