Titles To Make You Smile: One for the Boys

Accidental empires : how the boys of Silicon Valley make their millions, battle foreign competition, and still can't get a date / Robert X. Cringely. -- Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1992.
AKU1157 / HD9696 .C63 U51586 1992 / Green Library.

Ballet for boys / Carl Coolen. -- New York : 101 Enterprises, c1968.
APE5049 / 71 22162 / Special Collections - Rare Books.

Ghost of the Hardy Boys, an autobiography / Leslie McFarlane. -- Toronto : Methuen/Two Continents, c1976.
ALM5866 / 71 09165 / Special Collections - Rare Books.

The relationship of teacher sex to fifth grade boys' achievement gains and attitudes toward school [thesis] / Rufus Carvel Clapp. -- [Stanford University : School of Education], 1967.
ALN2829 / 371.1 .C589 / Cubberley Education Library.

The wild boys, a book of the dead / William S. Burroughs. -- New York : Grove Press, [1971]
AMC2441 / PS3552 .U75 W5 / Green Library.

--submitted by Brian Kunde

Originally published in SUL/AIR News, July 7, 2000. These titles reflect the compiler's notions of the humorous, wry, ironic or unusual, and should not be construed as reflecting any other opinion or judgment, including the editorial opinion of the original publisher.

© 2000, 2011 Fleabonnet Press.
This page was established Jul. 26, 2000,
and last updated Mar. 29, 2011.