Ultra-Modern SUL by Anonymous

Ultra-Modern SUL
by Anonymous

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Ultra-Modern SUL
by Anonymous

The stacks must electronic be,
So wire up the library:
A terminal for every seat
Our goal must be. Is this not neat?

This century, by one big burst,
We'll force into the twenty-first.
Come one! Come all! We shall amaze
You with our ultra-modern ways!

Let CRTs blast every face
In every single study space!
Let digits dance on keyboards till
We risk the charge of overkill.

Away with those who love to lounge
About, or sleep, or simply scrounge
For paperbacks: it isn't mete!
Such practices are obsolete!

The screen is where the future's at,
So study must be sped there, stat!
Our operations lean and mean
Shall be, when slaved to the machine!

We're done with books! We're done with print!
We're wired! Do you take our hint?
We're ultra-modern now, throughout!
Unless, of course, the power's out.

Originally published in SUL News Notes, February 10, 1995.
c 1995, 1996 Fleabonnet Press for the author.

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c 1996 Fleabonnet Press. This page was established Jan. 2, 1996, and last updated Jan. 2, 1996.