An Exchange of Roses by Anonymous

An Exchange of Roses
by Anonymous

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An Exchange of Roses
by Anonymous

[Dedicated to SUL's third Rose, Rose Rajeff, with the author's apologies for leaving her out.]

A Rose by any other name
Is still sweet, I suppose,
And we will get to test the same;
For we have lost one Rose,
But in her place another came,
As everybody knows.

It's not an absolute exchange:
The job description shows a
Position that might be found strange
By Rose Marie Mendoza
Reserved for Adams; but its range
Of skills well suits that Rosa.

Rose Adams left us once, but rose
Again, and so that bloom
Yet flowers: though now the other goes,
We've still a Rose on whom
To call. Mendoza merely chose
To leave her growing-room.

So bid a sad farewell to one,
While welcoming the newer:
Though Rose Mendoza's work is done,
Our Roses grow no fewer.
'Tis well; for were we left with none,
We'd all be much the bluer.

Originally published in SUL News Notes, October 22, 1993.
c 1993, 1995 Fleabonnet Press for the author.

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c 1995 Fleabonnet Press. This page was established Dec. 27, 1995, and last updated Dec. 27, 1995.