We are the book pimps.
We dress them in colorful wrappers,
or strip them off for display.
We touch them up,
restoring or concealing
the ravages of age;
deliver them over
to the ravages of horny minds,
to sate their lust
for learning.
We keep them, make them pretty,
jealously keep track
of their comings and goings,
until the day their freshness fades,
and they are no longer needed,
or wanted,
or the lust of the Johns
turns to newer, cleaner,
more glittery
online, wired,
and hot for fun and games.
What then for the faded,
painted ladies?
Spurned, discarded, sold,
while we promote the latest rage;
pander to newer,
more bizarre
Originally published in SUL News Notes, November 3, 1995.
c 1995 Brian Kunde.