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November 21, 1997


On Monday, October 20th, the Hoover Institution Library began circulating materials online, via the Unicorn circulation system. Among the many advantages of this move are that "display circ" will now have meaning in Socrates I for Hoover materials and, when web-based User Services are mounted in Winter Quarter, Hoover patrons will be among those who will be able to check the status of their
circulation transactions online.  On a day to day basis, of course, Hoover staff will benefit greatly from being able to conduct their circulation transactions online.

Congratulations to the Hoover circulation staff, in particular Maria Quinonez, who lead the effort to move online.  She spent many a confused hour patiently trying to understand Unicorn policies and how to map her manual procedures to an online system. Naheed Zaheer and her staff in Green Loan also contributed many hours to the cause by providing the Hoover circ staff with in-depth training on the Unicorn circulation system.

Welcome aboard, Hoover; we're pleased to have your company!

-- Submitted by Jennie Nicolayev


RLIN bibliographic and authority files will be available in search-only mode on Thursday Nov. 27 through Friday Nov. 28, 1997.  This period of search-only service will allow supplementary loading of RLG member, RLIN user, and resource file data.

These functions WILL NOT be available Thursday or Friday 11/27 - 11/28:
   -  Input/update in the bibliographic files
   -  Input/update in the authority files

These functions WILL be available on Thursday and Friday 11/27 - 11/28:
   -  Searching in all files
   -  Input/update in the ILL file
   -  The Pass command in the bibliographic and authority files
   -  Printing in all files (including Acquisitions products)

Search-only service will be available as usual on Saturday and Sunday.

Service hours for these periods will be (Pacific Time):

-- Submitted by Catherine Tierney

Please send future submissions to SUL/AIR Weekly to Charity Nielson at

SUL/AIR Weekly, an electronic publication of Stanford University Libraries is issued weekly.  Copy deadline is 5:00 Wednesday.  Submit items for publication to cnielson@sulmail.stanford.edu
EDITOR/PRODUCTION:  Maureen Davidson
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Lucretia Cerny, Catalog (lcerny@sulmail) Grace Baysinger, Swain (graceb@leland) Liz Green, Reference (cn.dat@forsythe) Donna Hjertberg, Cubberley (cn.dxh@forsythe) Jill Otto, Falconer (jotto@leland) Riva Bacon, Music (hf.riv@forsythe) Lois Sher, Engineering (cn.las@forsythe) Liz Wise, Preservation (lizwise@leland).
COORDINATE LIAISONS: Elaine Cattell, Law (cattell@leland) Suzanne Remington, Hoover (suzyq@leland) Valerie Su, Medical (valerie@krypton) Suzanne Sweeney, Business (ssweeney@gsb-peso)

Last Modified: May 12, 1998
Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information Resources