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July 18, 1997



The Stanford Libraries Staff Association is pleased to provide you with an excuse to take a
break from the piles of work on your desk.

Jim Coleman, Head of Academic Computing for the Humanities and the Academic Text Service
(ATS) will talk about SUL/AIR's current digitization projects and the ATS's new Web presence.

His talk will pay particular attention to SUL/AIR's effort to digitize its collection of Dime
Novels/Penny Dreadfuls.  Included in his presentation will be a brief history of the
project, issues the project team has had to confront (technical, preservation-related, and
architectural) and a demonstration of the project's Web site.

The ATS demonstration will highlight the new Web environment for text searching, retrieval,
and analysis, and lay out the development of these resources for the coming months. For those of
you who watch Channel 51, you may have seen Prof. Barbara Gelpi exclaiming over the wonders of Jim's ATS machine and how it has revolutionized her teaching.

Jim's talk will be on Wednesday, July 30th, at 3:00, in the Meyer Forum Room.

                                                  -- Submitted by Jennie Nicolayev
                                                             EX-President, SLSA


Early next week, Green Stack PUB Plan materials (Monographs:Interim Processing on Stack
directories) beginning with the numbers 95 and 96 and followed by 5 digits will move from the
South Mezzanine Stack to SAL.  Both years are being moved in order to make room for growing
collections elsewhere in the Green building.

The change in physical location will be reflected in the public catalog, thanks to the work of the
Systems Group and particularly to Darsi Rueda.  It is, however, possible that the physical move
will precede  the catalog record changes by as much as one week.

Green Library patrons wishing to have this material paged to Green may use paper forms
available at the Loan Desk; all patrons may, of course, send e-mail requests (giving requestor
name and full citation information) to salcirc@sulmail.

Paper and floor directories will be updated as soon as possible.

                                                     -- Submitted by Joan Krasner
                                                                Access Services


The ARL Diversity Program is charged with, among others, assisting in the creation and
maintenance of assertive systems for enhancing the racial and ethnic diversity represented in
library candidate pools.  In response to this charge, and numerous inquiries from hiring
institutions seeking to market their positions to a diverse audience, a minority librarian mailing
list is being created.

The Diversity Program regularly receives calls from personnel officers, human resource
managers, search and affirmative action committee members requesting contact information for
librarians from racially underrepresented groups as position openings become available
in their home institutions.  ARL's incentive in creating this mailing list is to create a forum for
connecting a broad pool of minority librarians with libraries interested in affirmative
recruitment and hiring strategies.

The ARL minority librarian mailing list will be maintained by the Diversity Program.  The
mailing list will include self-identified minority librarians interested in receiving current
position openings.  The list will also include the names of administrators who are
actively engaged in distributing career information to minority librarians.  The ultimate product
will allow direct and indirect access to librarians from underrepresented racial and ethnic
groups for those institutions committed to assertive outreach practices.

The list will be updated regularly so names may be submitted at any time.  Mailing list
information should be forwarded to Marianne Seales, Program Assistant <marianne@cni.org>.
Please route this message to others who you feel may benefit from this service.

                                                      -- Submitted by Rose Adams


This is a full-time LSII position.  Send your resume, along with an SU application to Mike
Ballard, CP&Mtxts, Green East, MC6004.

100%. For 6,000 title serial collection in Current Periodicals & Microtexts, Green Library:
checks-in new issues; creates/maintains serial records, statistics and online journals file;
initiates claims/replacement orders; handles lapsed subscriptions, transfers and special serial
problems.  Provides microtext and periodical collection oriented informational and tech
assistance to patrons. Supervises assistants in serials work.  Supervises unit evenings and
Sundays.  Hours: Sun-Thur 12-9pm during academic terms & Mon-Fri 9am-6pm during

Qualifications:  Demonstrated experience providing effective customer service; excellent
interpersonal, problem solving & communication skills; accuracy & attention to detail essential;
able to maintain good attendance record.  Preferred:  familiarity with UNICORN, SOCRATES,
EXCEL, WORD; experience overseeing/providing work assignments; experience with serials &

microtexts.  Reading knowledge of one European language other than English.

                                                   -- Submitted by Michael Ballard


Zita Zukowski, aka The Tanner Philosophy Library, will be leaving the library she has tended so
well and so lovingly, and retiring at the end of this month. She was the only staff member at the
library, working half time and overseeing a host of student workers. During her tenure at Tanner,
Zita moved the library from a manual circulation system to NOTIS, and then hung on with the
restof us while we moved from NOTIS to Unicorn. For Zita, this latter move was compounded
by the simultaneous physical move of the entire Philosophy Dept. from its temporary Encina
location back to its permanent quad location, only days before we went live on Unicorn. Zita
came up on Unicorn without terminals, without wiring, and without supplies!  That experience
may have hastened her plans to retire.

You are invited to join us in honoring Zita and celebrating her years with the Libraries on
Thursday, July 24th, from 10-11, in the Ida Green Room.

                                                  -- Submitted by Jennie Nicolayev

Please send future submissions to SUL News Notes to Charity Nielson at cnielson@sulmail.stanford.edu

SUL News Notes, an electronic publication of Stanford University Libraries is issued weekly.  Copy deadline is 5:00 Wednesday.  Submit items for publication to cnielson@sulmail.stanford.edu
EDITOR/PRODUCTION:  Maureen Davidson
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: J.Baltierra, Branner (cn.jab@forsythe) Lucretia Cerny, Catalog (lcerny@sulmail) Sarah Dohi, Swain (cn.sed@forsythe) Liz Green, Reference (cn.dat@forsythe) Donna Hjertberg, Cubberley (cn.dxh@forsythe) Jill Otto, Falconer (jotto@leland) Riva Bacon, Music (hf.riv@forsythe) Lois Sher, Engineering (cn.las@forsythe) Liz Wise, Preservation (liz.wise@forsythe).
COORDINATE LIAISONS: Elaine Cattell, Law (cattell@leland) Suzanne Remington, Hoover (suzyq@leland) Valerie Su, Medical (valerie@krypton) Suzanne Sweeney, Business (ssweeney@gsb-peso)

Last Modified: May 12, 1998
Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information Resources