Each member of the Stanford Community has a general obligation to safeguard and make appropriate use of University property and equipment either assigned for individual use, or as part of a common area. This obligation includes but is not limited to:
Asset User:
1. Uses and maintains assigned assets in accordance with departmental
and sponsor requirements
2. Takes reasonable security precautions to discourage loss and
theft of assets
3. Provides accurate, timely, and complete information regarding
property status changes (e.g., acquisition, loss, movement to a new location,
obsolescence) to designated Departmental Property Administrator
4. Participates in physical inventories and system audits by
identifying property items
5. Participates in researching and resolving property issues
Property Custodian: role not currently defined
1. May be held responsible for loss or theft of assigned assets in the event of failure to take reasonable precautions
2. May be subject to disciplinary action for improper use and
failure to maintain assigned assets
The Automated Cataloging Service formerly known as Diogenes has been renamed: MARCADIA(TM).
The name derives from "Arcadia", region of ancient Greece frequently chosen as background for pastoral poetry; any place or region thought to epitomize rustic contentment and simplicity. Keeps the Greek theme; implies a blissful place where MARC records live happily and a serene, "simple" way to do your cataloguing.
Now we have to find a replacement verb for "Diogenize" when referring to cycling records for copy.
For information about the service, check the RLG Web site at:
The next "Marcadia (formerly Diogenes) Users Group Meeting" will be
The deadline this year for processing purchase orders is July 15th. Please make a special effort to process any August (or earlier) requests prior to July 15th. After July 15th, only emergency purchase orders will be processed.
The University must comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) which require that all goods and services received prior to August 31st, be charged to expense in fiscal year 1997. The July 15th deadline will provide sufficient time to process and receive the goods and services prior to August 31st.
The completion of receipt and recording of donated assets into the Capital Asset Management System must be performed as soon as possible, and no later than August 15th.
Recording donations is part of the stewardship commitment necessary for Stanford to continue positive relationships with its current and potential future donors. Please report any outstanding donated assets to Cindy Skalski.
Please call Cindy Skalski, 3-3221, or email cskalski@sulmail with any
Because the June 15th deadline for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award unfortunately coincided with end-of-the-academic-year madness, the deadline for nominations has been extended to Monday, June 30th. I encourage you to take this opportunity to recognize those of your colleagues whose contributions merit the nomination; there are many of them. All staff from all libraries are eligible. The awards will be presented by Provost Rice at the annual summer picnic.
Complete information about the award is available on the SUL/AIR home
page under "What's New".
Connie Brooks, Head of the SUL/AIR Preservation Department, will be out on maternity leave until December 1, returning at that time to work afternoons until March 1, at which point she will resume working full-time.
During Connie's absence, the Preservation Department section heads will share some duties and report directly to Catherine Tierney. Please try to contact the appropriate section head directly when you have a question. They are:
Elizabeth Mosler, Head of Binding and Finishing:
commercial binding and end processing questions.
emosler@sulmail or 3-3401.
Maria Grandinette, Head of Conservation Treatment: in charge of repair and housing of circulating materials, as well as the conservation of Special Collections and Locked Stack materials. mgrand@sulmail or 3-0394.
Eleanore Stewart, Head of Media Preservation (formerly known as Replacement and Reformatting). Contact Eleanore about issues involving the preservation of nonprint materials, digital preservation, and preservation microfilming or photocopying at estewart@sulmail or 5-4914.
If you are in doubt about
whom to contact or if you have a general preservation question, Walter
Henry will handle triage at whenry@lindy or 3-9381. You also should
feel free to contact Catherine Tierney whenever you need to.
The Preservation Department ordered a copy of "Historical and Philosophical
Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage" from the Getty Conservation
Institute. It was delivered to the Green mail room in late February
but never made it to anyone in the Preservation Department. If you
have seen this book, will you please call Elizabeth Wise, 3-9367.
It's a mystery.......