The Seal ManR.T. Carr, Editor Table of ContentsExploring the West (Script Excerpt). A Diary is found under a rock that hasn't been touched in 140 years. A few words of preamble to the task at hand, with comments on the origin, validity, and the text as presented. A few technical details on the find and its condition. SECTION ONE(Nearly the first half of the discovery, reproduced to conform to the text as written, with a few comments interjected.) Included: I am a Seal; his first meeting with one of the creatures; a statement about names and family origins; memories of arrival and education; pronounced unfit for higher education he is given a job; Study and his Telescope; Observation but not of the scientific variety; Cliff House Entertainments; Zeus and Victoria; Sparkle identified and named; a mating ritual; A logical stopping point... Included: War, The Colony Departs, Sparkles is gone with the herd, Males Only, Continued study, I quit the job, The Pier, My Congress of Seals and Sea Lions, My costume, Sparkle Returns, behaviors and play, A job that must be finished. The end of the Pier, Sparkle dead and many of the others, hiding in my former home, Posing as a man, my new small diary, recopied, I am The Seal! SECTION TWOEditor's Notes and Comments Includes: Therapies and Treatments, Reconciliation, Healing, Study, Epiphany, and Escape. SECTION THREEComments, Dusty Books meets the Seal Man, Court Documents., Evidence lists, A trial, a Verdict. |