by Brian Kunde
Tall the willow stands,
softly swinging to wind’s breath,
branches bare and draping in
a spider’s weaving of fine lines,
but wild as a Jackson Pollock’s drippings.

A clustered flapping brings one bird,
alighting, huddled body black
against gray sky—it stays,
frozen fruit on bobbing branch
one long, long, instant,
alone perching as beyond,
several spear along the sky,
rotored darts aimed at infinity.

Abruptly, the instant ends—
a quick scan about,
brief flap, long glide,
dipping to earth
in slow, controlled fall—
and it’s gone.
* * * * *


from Samizdat : poems, 1st ed., Dec. 2001.

1st web edition posted 7/1/2002.
This page last updated 8/6/2010.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 2001-2010 by Brian Kunde.