by Brian Kunde
The fog is on the hills today,
And swiftly blowing in.
The heat we’ve had has passed away:
A yang that’s met its yin.

The summer weather pattern’s here
To fill the season’s slot,
And just as it does every year,
It blows both cold and hot.

The breezy spring’s been banished, and
The furnace of the fall
Is yet to come: our days are bland,
But balmy, all in all.

It seems the season in which we
Are presently positioned
Approaches Heaven, pleasantly
By nature air-conditioned.
* * * * *

(A Stanford Garland ; 8)

from A Stanford Garland and Other Verses, Sep. 2007.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 3, no. 30, Aug. 12, 1994, as “Summer Weather.”

1st web edition posted 12/28/1995.
2nd web edition posted 9/4/2007.
This page last updated 9/4/2007.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1994-2007 by Brian Kunde.