by Brian Kunde
The Tower of Hoover stands over the Farm,
A sentinel ready to sound the alarm
Whenever the Faculty Senate agree
That words (not computers) must now be PC.

The Tower of Hoover leans off to the right,
Ignoring all left of it, save in a fight;
Deriding the liberals, fomenting memos
Rousing the faithful and damning the Demos.

The Tower of Hoover is bundled with books,
With every extreme crowded into its nooks.
With such information, it’s always a riddle
Why more of its scholars don’t stand in the middle.
* * * * *

(A Stanford Garland ; 2)

from A Stanford Garland and Other Verses, Sep. 2007.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 2, no. 11, Mar. 19, 1993, as “The Tower of Hoover.”

1st web edition posted 12/28/1995.
2nd web edition posted 9/4/2007.
This page last updated 9/4/2007.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1993-2007 by Brian Kunde.