Under Construction
by Brian Kunde
It must be summertime again,
That period delightful, when
They fence off half the dorms, and chalk
Their lines to dig along each walk.

The time’s arrived in which the height
Of fashion is construction blight,
In which the peak of elegance,
Apparently, is cyclone fence.

In other seasons, student hordes
Might feel irritated towards
The dust and din, and raise complaint.
They might, if they were here. They ain’t.

Perhaps that’s why this yearly crime
Is native to the summertime.
The crews have only now to play
Before they have to go away.

We hardly know what’s going on,
But how we wish the bother gone.
We hate our campus out of whack.
We really do. We want it back.

* * * * *

Under Construction
(Poems from the Stanford Libraries)

from Two by Four: and other poems, 3rd ed., Dec. 2004.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 4, no. 29, Jul. 21, 1995.

1st web edition posted 12/20/1995
(updated 12/20/1995).
2nd web edition posted 6/25/2004.
This page last updated 6/25/2004.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1995-2004 by Brian Kunde.