Information Byway
by Brian Kunde
Surfing the Internet,
I caught the next wave,
only to wipe out data.
  Back to flipping channels.

Swimming the channels,
I sought the true charge,
only the charge was static.
  Back to flipping pages.

Reading a book,
I got the most joy—
only it was overdue.
  Another charge!

* * * * *

Information Byway
(Poems from the Stanford Libraries)

from Two by Four: and other poems, 3rd ed., Dec. 2000.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 4, no. 46, Dec. 8, 1995, as “Information Highways and Byways.”

1st web edition posted 12/29/1995
(updated 12/29/1995).
2nd web edition posted 6/25/2004.
This page last updated 6/28/2004.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1995-2004 by Brian Kunde.