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The Fleabonnet Press Catalog: Spilt Ink Publications:

Spilt Ink: the writers' group.

Spilt Ink: the writers' group / Brian Kunde, Martin Fouts and Geoffrey Skinner. -- Stanford, CA. -- Internet publication. The group's web site.
        · 1st web ed. Nov. 29, 1995 with later updates.

The <i>Spilt Ink</i> Sampler.

The Spilt Ink Sampler / The Spilt Ink Writers' Group. -- Stanford, CA. -- (Publications of the Spilt Ink writers' group). -- Internet publication, an anthology of group writings. Content has varied over time; the sampler currently highlights 12 works of poetry and prose by Esther Erman, Brian Kunde, Diana Roberts, and Geoffrey Skinner.
        · 1st web ed. Oct. 29, 1997 with later updates.

The Booke of the gruppe.

The Booke of the gruppe / compiled by Brian Kunde. -- Redwood City, CA. -- (Publications of the Spilt Ink writers' group ; WG-04a). -- Limited edition looseleaf handbook of the Spilt Ink writers' group for members only.
        · 1st ed. May 1995 with later updates.

The Minutes of the <i>Spilt Ink</i> Writers' Group.

The Minutes of the Spilt Ink Writers' Group / compiled by Brian Kunde. -- Redwood City, CA. -- (Publications of the Spilt Ink writers' group ; WG-04b). -- Limited edition periodical for members only. Continued by The Proceedings of the Spilt Ink Writers’ Group.
        · Vol. 1, no. 1 = whole no. 1 (Apr. 6, 1995)-v. 5, no. 8 = whole no. 119 (Jul. 29, 1999).

The Proceedings of the <i>Spilt Ink</i> Writers' Group.

The Proceedings of the Spilt Ink Writers' Group / compiled by Brian Kunde. -- Union City, CA. -- (Publications of the Spilt Ink writers' group). -- Limited edition periodical for members only. Continues The Minutes of the Spilt Ink Writers’ Group.
        · Vol. 6, no. 0 = whole no. 120 (Aug. 24-Sep. 7, 2000)-

Lit O' the Week.

Lit O' the Week / by Brian Kunde. -- Tracy, CA. -- e-periodical of fiction and poetry for members and others.
        · No. 1 (Sep. 18, 2014)-


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This page was established Apr. 23, 2007,
and last updated Jul. 10, 2015.