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The Fleabonnet Press Catalog: Fiction:

Kit and Lily : a novel.

Kit and Lily : a novel / Geoffrey Skinner and Brian Kunde. -- Redwood City, CA. -- (Works in progress series ;1A). -- Limited edition chapbook. Chapters from a collaborative novel in progress focusing on a uniquely purturbed couple, set in the pictureseque town of Las Bellotas. A love story of sorts.
        · 1st ed. July 1994. Out of print.
        · 1st web sampler ed. Jun. 28, 2004 with later updates. Superseded.
        · 2nd web sampler ed. Jan. 10, 2005 with later updates.

The Fleabonnet fiction collection.

The Fleabonnet fiction collection / Brian Kunde. -- Stanford, CA. -- Internet publication. A small selection of early works. An encounter with liquor, an allegory, and an experimental fantasy/horror play.
        · 1st web ed. Feb. 11-27, 1996 with later updates. Superseded.
        · 2nd web ed. Mar. 16, 1998 with later updates.

Valley of the vanquished : a one act play for radio.

Valley of the vanquished : a one act play for radio / Brian Phillip Kunde. -- Redwood City, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Holiday Annual ; 2). -- Internet publication (as part of The Fleabonnet fiction collection) and limited edition chapbook. An experimental fantasy/horror play.
        · 1st web ed. Feb. 11, 1996 with later updates. Superseded.
        · 2nd web ed. Oct. 1, 1997. Superseded.
        · 1st print ed. Dec. 1997.
        · 3rd web ed. Dec. 17, 1997 with later updates. Superseded.
        · 4th web ed. Jun. 26, 2007 with later updates.

Sturgis Antelope : four tales of Las Bellotas.

Sturgis Antelope : four tales of Las Bellotas / Brian Kunde. -- Redwood City, CA. -- Limited edition chapbook. Four short stories from the youth and age of Las Bellotas personality Sturgis Antelope, together with a thumbnail history of Las Bellotas.
        · 1st ed. Oct. 1998. Out of print.
        · 1st web sampler ed. Jun. 28, 2004 with later updates.

Two tales from <i>Squirrel's Children</i>.

Two tales from Squirrel's Children / Brian Phillip Kunde. -- Palo Alto, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Holiday Annual ; 8). -- Limited edition chapbook. Scenes from the life of Janice Garber detailing her education in the history of her ancestors, the aboriginal inhabitants of Las Bellotas.
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2005.
        · 1st web sampler ed. Jan. 18, 2006.

Hickey's Creek, or, a month in the gold fields : from the memoirs of a 49er.

Hickey's Creek, or, a month in the gold fields : From the memoirs of a 49er / Brian Phillip Kunde. -- Palo Alto, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Holiday Annual ; 10). -- Limited edition chapbook. A tale of the Old West featuring R. T. Carr's legendary literary frontiersman Dusty Books (used by permission).
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2006.

Bookmarks, or, early days in California : further excerpts from the memoirs of a 49er.

Bookmarks, or, early days in California : further excerpts from the memoirs of a 49er / Brian Phillip Kunde. -- Mountain House, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Holiday Annual ; 12). -- Limited edition chapbook. More Old West yarns featuring R. T. Carr's legendary literary frontiersman Dusty Books (used by permission).
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2007.

Shell Town noir : tales of Las Bellotas.

Shell Town noir : tales of Las Bellotas / Brian Kunde. -- Mountain House, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Holiday Annual ; 13). -- Limited edition chapbook. Four short stories of the darker side of Las Bellotas.
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2008.
        · 1st web sampler ed. Mar. 8, 2010.

In the Broken World : tales of Las Bellotas.

In the Broken World : tales of Las Bellotas / Brian Kunde. -- Tracy, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Holiday Annual ; 14). -- Limited edition chapbook. Three short stories of the mystical side of Las Bellotas.
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2009.
        · 1st web sampler ed. Mar. 8, 2010.

A Las Bellotas Triptych : tales.

A Las Bellotas Triptych : tales / Brian Kunde. -- Tracy, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Holiday Annual ; 15). -- Limited edition chapbook. Three short stories of Las Bellotas, with interludes.
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2011.
        · 1st web sampler ed. Apr. 15, 2014.

Three Kortolian Tales.

Three Kortolian Tales / Brian Kunde. -- Tracy, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Annual ; 18). -- Restricted distribution ebook. Three short stories after L. Sprague de Camp.
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2013.

Tales of Old Kortoli.

Tales of Old Kortoli / Brian Kunde. -- Tracy, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Annual ; 19). -- Restricted distribution ebook. Three short stories after L. Sprague de Camp.
        · 1st ed. Jul. 2015.

Three More Kortolian Tales.

Three More Kortolian Tales / Brian Kunde. -- Tracy, CA. -- (Fleabonnet Annual ; 20). -- Restricted distribution ebook. Three short stories after L. Sprague de Camp.
        · 1st ed. Dec. 2015.


© 1996-2016 by Fleabonnet Press.
This page was established Apr. 23, 2007,
and last updated Nov. 14, 2016.