had Nothing to Offer but Squirrels, Jays, and Feral Cats... (from the natural history notebooks of a serial cataloger) by Brian Kunde Spotted: one raccoon, in unusual circumstances (broad daylight). Seen about 4:50 P.M., Friday, June 25, from fourth floor of Meyer. Subject observed to have gray coat, striped tale, and profile that in no way resembled a dog, latter feature being responsible for attracting attention of observer. Subject ambled west across brick plaza between Meyer and Green, along southern periphery of Hoop fountain, onto grass, and over to hedge in Koret Park. Skirting eastern side of hedge and rounding northern corner, subject lost to view. Observer bruised leg on edge of desk jumping up in excitement to obtain a better view, which elicited no reaction from co-workers, who are accustomed to seeing observer make complete fool of self. * * * * * Just When You Thought the Campus had Nothing to Offer but Squirrels, Jays, and Feral Cats Posted Aug. 9, 2013, and last updated Aug. 9, 2013. Originally published in SUL News Notes, v. 2, no. 26, July 2, 1993.
Published by Fleabonnet Press.