Disqualified Works.
Note: works in this section
are arranged alphabetically by author and title. It should be emphasized that
quality played no part in the disqualification of any work from the combined
list; had they not been excellent books they would never have made it on the
source lists to begin with. Disqualification is solely a matter of these works
failing to meet the criteria for qualification. Appended to each title is a link
to the
cause of its disqualification.
K |
L |
M |
R |
App. |
Author |
Title |
Date |
Cause |
K-067 |
1 |
Alcott, Louisa
May |
Little Women |
1868 |
1 |
K-047 |
L-108 |
2 |
Allende, Isabel |
of the Spirits, The |
1985 |
3 |
K-054 |
1 |
Brontë, Charlotte |
Jane Eyre |
1847 |
1 |
L-081 |
1 |
Camus, Albert |
Plague, The |
1947 |
3 |
L-138 |
1 |
Camus, Albert |
Rebel, The |
1954 |
3 |
L-046 |
1 |
Camus, Albert |
Stranger, The |
1942 |
3 |
R-053 |
1 |
Capote, Truman |
In Cold Blood |
1965 |
2 |
K-087 |
1 |
Carson, Rachel |
Silent Spring, The |
1962 |
2 |
K-100 |
1 |
Carter, Forrest |
Education of Little Tree, The |
1976 |
2 |
R-050 |
1 |
Chopin, Kate |
Awakening, The |
1899 |
1 |
K-077 |
1 |
Conway, Jill K. |
Road From Coorain, The |
1989 |
2 |
K-045 |
1 |
Crane, Stephen |
Red Badge of Courage, The |
1895 |
1 |
L-082 |
1 |
de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine |
Little Prince, The |
1943 |
3 |
L-057 |
1 |
Duras, Marguerite |
Lover, The |
1972 |
3 |
L-126 |
1 |
Grass, Günter |
Tin Drum, The |
1959 |
3 |
R-077 |
1 |
Hemingway, Ernest |
In Our Time |
1925 |
4 |
R-087 |
1 |
James, Henry |
Bostonians, The |
1886 |
1 |
R-035 |
1 |
James, Henry |
Portrait of a Lady, The |
1881 |
1 |
M-008 |
1 |
Koestler, Arthur |
Darkness at Noon |
1940 |
3 |
L-098 |
1 |
Kundera, Milan |
Unbearable Lightness of Being, The |
1984 |
3 |
L-111 |
1 |
Mann, Thomas |
Magic Mountain, The |
1924 |
3 |
L-015 |
1 |
Márquez, Gabriel
García |
One Hundred Years of Solitude |
1970 |
3 |
K-051 |
L-146 |
2 |
McBride, James |
Color of Water, The |
1996 |
2 |
K-026 |
1 |
McCourt, Frank |
Angela's Ashes |
1996 |
2 |
L-116 |
1 |
Pasternak, Boris |
Doctor Zhivago |
1958 |
3 |
L-088 |
1 |
Proust, Marcel |
Remembrance of Things Past |
1960 |
3 |
L-043 |
1 |
Remarque, Erich Maria |
All Quiet on the Western Front |
1929 |
3 |
L-068 |
1 |
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander |
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich |
1963 |
3 |
R-078 |
1 |
Stein, Gertrude |
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The |
1933 |
2 |
K-076 |
1 |
Thompson, Hunter |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas |
1972 |
2 |
R-085 |
1 |
Wells, H. G. |
War of the Worlds, The |
1898 |
1 |
L-140 |
1 |
Wilson, Colin |
Outsider, The |
1956 |
2 |
Reasons for
1. Not from
twentieth century.
2. Nonfiction.
3. Translation
(not originally written in English).
4. Collection, not a novel.
1st web edition posted 2/26/99 (last updated 5/25/04).
2nd web edition posted 6/24/05 (last updated 12/13/13).
Please report any errors to the compiler.
Published by Fleabonnet Press.
The source list data is public domain.
Additional material © 1999-2013 by Brian Kunde.