~  Brian Kunde’s Home Page  ~

I have worked at the Stanford University Libraries for over 37 years, currently as a
library specialist in the Serials Receiving and Maintenance Unit of the Acquisitions
Department. In addition to my professional duties, I maintain this website (online for
more than 29 years, which is an eternity in web-time), and also maintain sub-sites on: In real life I’m a poet, author, artist, genealogist, researcher, and group expert on
books for the L. Sprague de Camp- Enchanter of the Quill facebook group.
I’m also an occasional guest blogger at spraguedecampfan. See below for more on: Thanks for stopping by.

Page established Nov. 27, 1995, and last updated Mar. 3, 2025. This and other pages on this site are occasionally
revised. Check regularly for changes. ©1995-2025 by Brian Kunde (bkunde@stanford.edu).
Substitute Thinker
Photo by S. Kunde

“You see the light...”