Levin, B. (2006) ``English Object Alternations: A Unified Account'', unpublished ms., Stanford University, Stanford, CA. (This paper needs to be updated so that it uses the ideas in Rappaport Hovav and Levin 2010 to give a better grounding to identifying manner and result verbs; 39 pages, pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (1999) ``Two Types of Compositionally
Derived Events'', unpublished ms., Bar Ilan University and
Northwestern University, Ramat Gan, Israel and Evanston, IL. (Much of
the material in this paper appears in Levin and Rappaport Hovav 1999
and Rappaport Hovav and Levin 2001; 70 pages, pdf)
Levin, B. (to appear) ``Pounding up the stairs and slamming into the wall: English Hitting Verbs in Motion Event Descriptions'', in E. Corre and L. Sarda, eds., Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description: Deconstructing Motion Events, John Benjamins, Amsterdam. (27 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (to appear) ``An Unusual English Resultative Construction'', in C. O'Shannessy, J. Gray, and D. Angelo, eds., Projecting Voices: Studies in Language and Linguistics in Honour of Jane Simpson, Asia-Pacific Linguistics, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT. (14 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (2025) ``Hitting the High Notes: A Crosslinguistic Perspective on Contact Event Descriptions in Nakh-Dagestanian and Beyond'', in L. Clemens, V. Gribanova, and G. Scontras, eds., Syntax in Uncharted Territories: Essays in Honor of Maria Polinsky, University of California e-Scholarship, 385-407.
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2024) ``Variable Agentivity: Polysemy or Underspecification?'', Glossa 9, Article 10774, 1-39. (Plus Supplementary File: ``Appendix 1: Simple Transitive Instances of Basic-sweep Are Not Covert Unaccusatives''; 3 pages)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2024) ``Agentivity, Animacy, Prototypicality and Specialized Meaning'', 4th Agency and Intentions in Language Workshop. (extended abstract; 6 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (2022) ``On Dowty's `Proto-roles and Argument Selection''', in L. McNally and Z. Szabó, eds., A Reader's Guide to Classic Papers in Formal Semantics, Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 100, Springer, Dordrecht, 103-119.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2022) ``Conventionalized Agentive Activities and Compositionality'', in L. Stockall, L. Martí, D. Adger, I. Roy, and S. Ouwayda, eds., For Hagit: A Celebration, QMUL Occasional Papers in Linguistics 47, Department of Linguistics, Queen Mary University of London, London. (25 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (2020) ``Resultatives and Constraints on Concealed Causatives'', in E. Bar-Asher Siegal and N. Boneh, eds., Perspectives on Causation: Selected Papers from the Jerusalem 2017 Workshop, Springer, Dordrecht, 185-217.
Levin, B. and B. Krejci (2019) ``Talking about the Weather: Two Construals of Precipitation Events in English'', Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 4(1), Article 58. (29 pages; DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.794)
Levin, B., L. Glass, and D. Jurafsky (2019) ``Systematicity in the Semantics of Noun Compounds: The Role of Artifacts vs. Natural Kinds'', Linguistics 57, 429-471. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2019-0013)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2019) ``Lexicalization Patterns'', in R. Truswell, ed., Oxford Handbook of Event Structure, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 395-425.
Luo Y., D. Jurafsky, and B. Levin (2019) ``From insanely jealous to insanely delicious: Computational Models for the Semantic Bleaching of English Intensifiers'', First International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change, Association for Computational Linguistics, Florence, Italy, 1-13. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W19-4701)
Levin, B. (2018) ``Argument Structure'', in M. Aronoff, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, Oxford University Press, New York. (Revision)
Grimm, S. and B. Levin (2017) ``Artifact Nouns: Reference and Countability'', Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, Volume 2, 45-64. (10 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (2017) ``The Elasticity of Verb Meaning Revisited'', Proceedings of SALT 27, 571-599. (29 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (2015) ``Verb Classes Within and Across Languages'', B. Comrie and A. Malchukov, eds., Valency Classes: A Comparative Handbook, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1627-1670. (pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2015) ``The Syntax-Semantics Interface: Semantic Roles and Syntactic Arguments'', in S. Lappin and C. Fox, eds., The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, Blackwell, Oxford, 593-634. (Second edition.) (pdf)
Levin, B. (2015) ``Semantics and Pragmatics of Argument Alternations'', Annual Review of Linguistics 1, 63-83. (URL)
Levin, B. (2014) ``Semantic Roles'', in M. Aronoff, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, Oxford University Press, New York.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2014) ``Manner and Result: A View from clean'', in R. Pensalfini, M. Turpin, and D. Guillemin, eds., Language Description Informed by Theory, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 337-357.
Levin, B. (2013) ``Argument Structure'', in M. Aronoff, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, Oxford University Press, New York.
Levin, B. and J. Grafmiller (2013) ``Do you always fear what frightens you?'', in T.H. King and V. de Paiva, eds., From Quirky Case to Representing Space: Papers in Honor of Annie Zaenen, CSLI On-line Publications, Stanford, CA, 21-32. (volume pdf)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2013) ``Lexicalized Meaning and Manner/Result Complementarity'', in B. Arsenijević, B. Gehrke, and R. Marín, eds., Subatomic Semantics of Event Predicates, Springer, Dordrecht, 49-70. (22 pages; revised June 2011; pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2012) ``Lexicon Uniformity and the Causative Alternation'', in M. Everaert, M. Marelj, and T. Siloni, eds., The Theta System: Argument Structure at the Interface, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 150-176. (text)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2011) ``Lexical Conceptual Structure'', in K. von Heusinger, C. Maienborn, and P. Portner, eds., Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning I, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 418-438. (pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2010) ``Reflections on Manner/Result Complementarity'', in E. Doron, M. Rappaport Hovav, and I. Sichel, eds., Syntax, Lexical Semantics, and Event Structure, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 21-38. (text)
Beavers, J., B. Levin, and S.W. Tham (2010) ``A Morphosyntactic Basis for Variation in the Encoding of Motion Events'', Journal of Linguistics 46, 331-377. (47 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (2009) ``Further Explorations of the Landscape of Causation: Comments on the Paper by Alexiadou and Anagnostopoulou'', Proceedings of the Workshop on Greek Syntax and Semantics, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 49, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 239-266. (15 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. and P. Sells (2009) ``Unpredicated Particles'', in L.H. Wee and L. Uyechi, ed., Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, 303-324. (22 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. (2008) ``Dative Verbs: A Crosslinguistic Perspective'', Lingvisticæ Investigationes 31, 285-312. (prepublication pdf; 29 pages) Erratum in published version: p. 288, 7 lines below (7): their arguments should be the y arguments.
Kennedy, C. and B. Levin (2008) ``Measure of Change: The Adjectival Core of Degree Achievements'', in L. McNally and C. Kennedy, eds., Adjectives and Adverbs: Syntax, Semantics and Discourse, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 156-182. (30 pages; pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2008) ``The English Dative Alternation: The Case for Verb Sensitivity'', Journal of Linguistics 44, 129-167. (39 pages; pdf) This paper supersedes our 2005 paper ``All Dative Verbs Are Not Created Equal''.
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2007) ``Deconstructing Thematic Hierarchies'', in A. Zaenen, J. Simpson, T.H. King, J. Grimshaw, J. Maling, and C. Manning, eds., Architectures, Rules, and Preferences: Variations on Themes by Joan W. Bresnan, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, 385-402. (16 pages; pdf)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2006) ``Constraints on the Complexity of Verb Meaning and VP Structure'', in H.-M. Gaertner, R. Eckardt, R. Musan, and B. Stiebels, eds., Between 40 and 60 Puzzles for Krifka. (Volume web site)
Koontz-Garboden, A. and B. Levin (2005) ``The Morphological Typology of Change of State Event Encoding'', in G. Booij, E. Guevara, A. Ralli, S. Sgroi, and S. Scalise, eds., Morphology and Linguistic Typology: On-line Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 185-194. (pdf; Proceedings web site)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2005) Argument Realization, Research Surveys in Linguistics Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. (Publication info)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (2004) ``The Semantic Determinants of Argument Expression: A View from the English Resultative Construction'', in J. Gu'eron and J. Lecarme, eds., The Syntax of Time, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 477-494. (20 pages; pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2002) ``Change of State Verbs: Implications for Theories of Argument Projection'', Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 269-280. A slightly revised version appears in N. Erteschik-Shir and T. Rapoport, eds. (2005), The Syntax of Aspect, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 274-286. (12 pages; pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2001) ``An Event Structure Account of English Resultatives'', Language 77, 766-797.
Levin, B. (2000) ``Aspect, Lexical Semantic Representation, and Argument Expression'', Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 413-429. (17 pages; pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (2000) ``Classifying Single Argument Verbs'', in P. Coopmans, M. Everaert, and J. Grimshaw, eds., Lexical Specification and Insertion, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 269-304.
Levin, B. (1999) ``Objecthood: An Event Structure Perspective'', Proceedings of CLS 35, volume 1: The Main Session, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 223-247. (30 pages; pdf)
Hay, J, C. Kennedy, and B. Levin (1999) ``Scalar Structure Underlies Telicity in `Degree Achievements''', Proceedings of SALT 9, Cornell Linguistics Circle Publications, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 127-144. (18 pages, pdf)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (1999) ``Two Structures for Compositionally Derived Events'', Proceedings of SALT 9, Cornell Linguistics Circle Publications, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 199-223. (25 pages, pdf)
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (1998) ``Building Verb Meanings'', in M. Butt and W. Geuder, eds., The Projection of Arguments: Lexical and Compositional Factors, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, 97-134.
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (1998) ``Morphology and Lexical Semantics'', in A. Zwicky and A. Spencer, eds., Handbook of Morphology, Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 248-271.
Levin, B., G. Song, and B.T.S. Atkins (1997) ``Making Sense of Corpus Data: A Case Study of Verbs of Sound'', International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 2, 23-64.
Atkins, B.T.S., B. Levin, and G. Song (1996) ``Making Sense of Corpus Data: A Case Study'', EURALEX '96 Proceedings, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (1996) ``Lexical Semantics and Syntactic Structure'', in S. Lappin, ed., The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, Blackwell, Oxford, 487-507.
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (1996) ``Two Types of Derived Accomplishments'', in M. Butt and T.H. King, eds., Proceedings of the First LFG Conference, 375-388. (14 pages, pdf)
Atkins, B.T.S. and B. Levin (1995) ``Building on a Corpus: A Linguistic and Lexicographical Look at Some Near-synonyms'', International Journal of Lexicography 8, 85-114.
Levin, B. (1995) ``Approaches to Lexical Semantic Representation'', in D. Walker, A. Zampolli, and N. Calzolari, eds., Automating the Lexicon I: Research and Practice in a Multilingual Environment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 53-91.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (1995) Unaccusativity: At the Syntax-Lexical Semantics Interface, Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 26, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (1995) ``The Elasticity of Verb Meaning'', Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics and of the Workshop on the Syntax-Semantics Interface.
Atkins, B.T.S., B. Levin, and A. Zampolli (1994) ``Computational Approaches to the Lexicon: An Overview'', in B.T.S. Atkins and A. Zampolli, eds., Computational Approaches to the Lexicon, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 17-45.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (1994) ``A Preliminary Analysis of Causative Verbs in English'', Lingua 92, 35-77. Also appears in L. Gleitman and B. Landau, eds. (1994) Lexical Acquisition, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 35-77.
Boguraev, B. and B. Levin (1993) ``Models for Lexical Knowledge Bases'', in J. Pustejovsky, ed., Semantics and the Lexicon, Kluwer, Dordrecht. Also appears in Electronic Text Research, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the Centre for the New OED, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1990, 65-78.
Levin, B. (1993) English Verb Classes and Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. (Publication info; web-accessible version of the Index)
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (1992) ``The Lexical Semantics of Verbs of Motion: The Perspective from Unaccusativity'', in I.M. Roca, ed., Thematic Structure: Its Role in Grammar, Foris, Berlin, 247-269.
Rappaport Hovav, M. and B. Levin (1992) ``--er Nominals: Implications for a Theory of Argument Structure'', in T. Stowell and E. Wehrli, eds., Syntax and Semantics 26: Syntax and the Lexicon, Academic Press, New York, NY, 127-153.
Atkins, B.T. and B. Levin (1991) ``Admitting Impediments'', in U. Zernik, ed., Lexical Acquisition: Exploiting On-line Resources to Build a Lexicon, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 233-262. Also appears in Information in Text, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Centre for the New OED, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1988, 97-113.
Levin, B. and S. Pinker, eds. (1991) Special Issue on Lexical and Conceptual Semantics, Cognition 41. Reprinted as B. Levin and S. Pinker, eds. (1992) Lexical and Conceptual Semantics, Blackwell, Oxford.
Levin, B. and S. Pinker (1991) ``Introduction to Special Issue of Cognition on Lexical and Conceptual Semantics'', in B. Levin and S. Pinker, eds. (1991), 1-7.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav (1991) ``Wiping the Slate Clean: A Lexical Semantic Exploration'', in B. Levin and S. Pinker, eds. (1991), 123-151.
Levin, B. (1991) ``Building a Lexicon: The Contribution of Linguistic Theory'', International Journal of Lexicography 4, 205-226. Also appears in M. Bates and R. Weischedel, eds. (1993) Challenges in Natural Language Processing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 76-98.
Levin, B. (1989) ``The Basque Verbal Inventory and Configurationality'', in L. Maracz and P. Muysken, eds., Configurationality: the Typology of Asymmetries, Foris, Dordrecht, 39-62.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport (1989) ``An Approach to Unaccusative Mismatches'', Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Linguistics Society, 314-328.
Atkins, B.T., J. Kegl, and B. Levin (1988) ``Anatomy of a Verb Entry: from Linguistic Theory to Lexicographic Practice'', International Journal of Lexicography 1, 84-126. Also appears in A. Zampolli, N. Calzolari, and M. Palmer, eds. (1994) Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: In Honour of Don Walker, Giardini, Pisa, 237-266.
Katz, B. and B. Levin (1988) ``Exploiting Lexical Regularities in Designing Natural Language Systems'', Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 316-323. (pdf available from MIT's Dspace)
Levin, B. and T.R. Rapoport (1988) ``Lexical Subordination'', Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 275-289.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport (1988) ``Non-event --er Nominals: a Probe into Argument Structure'', Linguistics 26, 1067-1083.
Levin, B. and C. Tenny, eds. (1988) On Linking: Papers by Richard Carter, Lexicon Project Working Papers 25, Center for Cognitive Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
Rappaport, M. and B. Levin (1988) ``What to Do with Theta-Roles'', in W. Wilkins, ed., Syntax and Semantics 21: Thematic Relations, Academic Press, New York, NY, 7-36.
Rappaport, M., B. Levin, and M. Laughren (1988) ``Niveaux de représentation lexicale'', Lexique 7, 13-32. Appears in English as ``Levels of Lexical Representation'', in J. Pustejovsky, ed. (1993) Semantics and the Lexicon, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 37-54.
Levin, B. (1987) ``The Middle Construction and Ergativity'', Lingua 71, 17-31.
Atkins, B.T., J. Kegl and B. Levin (1986) ``Explicit and Implicit Information in Dictionaries'', Advances in Lexicology, Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Centre for the New OED, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 45-63.
Levin, B. and M. Rappaport (1986) ``The Formation of Adjectival Passives'', Linguistic Inquiry 17, 623-661.
Levin, B. (1985) ``Case Theory and the Russian Reflexive Affix'', Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 4, 178-189.
Guerssel, M., K. Hale, M. Laughren, B. Levin, and J. White Eagle (1985) ``A Cross-Linguistic Study of Transitivity Alternations'', Papers from the Parasession on Causatives and Agentivity, Chicago Linguistic Society, 48-63.
Levin, B., ed. (1985) Lexical Semantics in Review, Lexicon Project Working Papers 1, Center for Cognitive Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
Levin, B. (1985) ``Lexical Semantics in Review: An Introduction'', in B. Levin, ed., (1985), 1-62.
Levin, B. (1983) On the Nature of Ergativity. Doctoral dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, MA. (Distributed by MIT Working Papers in Linguistics; pdf available from MIT's Dspace)
Levin, B. (1983) ``Unaccusative Verbs in Basque'', Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Linguistics Society, 129-144.
Levin, B. (1979) ``Instrumental With and the Control Relation in English'', Memo 552, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA. (pdf available from MIT's Dspace)
Levin, B. (1977) ``Mapping Sentences to Case Frames'', Working Paper
143, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
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