Introduction: Connecting to a Unix machine
The primary Unix computing cluster is on the second floor of Sweet
Hall. A description of the machines, their names and capabilities
is available here.
One can either log-in directly to the computer by going to Sweet Hall,
or remotely via ssh. If
you use Microsoft Windows, then you might find it convenient to use PuTTY. When you connect, you will
be asked for a user name, which would be your SUId, and password, which
is the password you use to access email or Axess.
Common commands
Listing directories
By default, you have 200MB of disc space. To see the files in your home
directory use the ls
[sanat@elaine4 sanat]$ ls
News Xrootenv.0 cam-tex-page emacs-lisp
gloves ladycrumpet list
misc nsmail src toprint
WWW bin
fonts ips
limoges log-anal music
pens tmp
Help files
If you need to determine what options a command takes, or its full
description, lookup the manual using the man command. So for example,
typing man ls at the
command prompt will show you the manual page for ls.
List of common Unix
Changing directories
The cd command changes directories. Issuing
[sanat@elaine4 sanat]$ cd misc
[sanat@elaine4 misc]$ ls
Images cs197 doc jjb opre tex
[sanat@elaine4 misc]$
Creating text files
To edit text files, such as programmes, use any of the number of
editors available. Common ones are Emacs, vi, and pico.
Popular text editors
Further information
If you do end up spending a lot of time on Unix systems, then you might
wish to review: Getting
Started in Unix, or better still, take a look at: The Unix Programming
Environment, by Brian W Kernighan
and Robert Pike. An online
book on the Unix environment is here.
Compiling programs
Suppose you wish to compile the program hello.c
A C or C++ file may be compiled using the gcc compiler. The simplest way
of doing this is to issue the command:
g++ hello.c
this will create a file called a.out, whcih is the executable. Typing:
will run the programme.
The command:
g++ -o hello hello.c
will make hello the executable, which can then be run by typing
Instructions for programming assignments
- The program should text-mode, ie should not create
any windows, and should run in a command window.
- When submitting, please send both the source code and
the executable via email.