Annelise Anderson: Selected Publications


Co-author, Ronald Reagan: Decisions of Greatness (Hoover Institution Press, 2015)

Co-author, Reagan's Secret War: The Untold Story of His Fight to Save the World from Nuclear Disaster (Crown/Random House, 2009)

Co-editor, Stories In His Own Hand: The Everyday Wisdom of Ronald Reagan (Free Press, 2007)

Co-editor, Reagan's Path to Victory:The Shaping of Ronald Reagan's Vision: Selected Writings (Free Press, 2004)

Co-editor, Reagan: A Life in Letters (Free Press, 2003)

Co-editor, Reagan, In His Own Voice: Ronald Reagan's Radio Addresses (Simon & Schuster Audio, 2001)

Co-editor, Reagan, In His Own Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan That Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America (Free Press, 2001)

FreeBSD: An Open-Source Operating System for Your Personal Computer (The Bit Tree Press, 2001

Co-editor, Thinking About America: The United States in the 1990s, Annelise Anderson and Dennis L. Bark, eds., Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, Ca., 1988.

Co-author, Privatization: Toward More Effective Government, Report of the President's Commission on Privatization, David Linowes, Chairman, and members of the Commission, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., March 1988.

The Business of Organized Crime: A Cosa Nostra Family, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, Ca., 1979.

Articles and Chapters in Books

"The Transition: Transformation of Institutions or Spontaneous Development?" Prepared for the First International F.A. Hayek Memorial Conference; to be published in an Austrian economic journal, forthcoming, 1996.

"The Red Mafia: A Legacy of Communism." In Edward Lazear, ed. Economic Transition in Eastern Europe and Russia: Realities of Reform. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, Ca., 1995. Abstract

"Organized Crime, Mafia, and Governments." In Gianluca Fiorentini and Sam Peltzman, eds. The Economics of Organized Crime. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 1995.

"Alternative Approaches to Monetary Reform in the Former Communist Countries." In Richard D. Sweeney, Clas Wihlborg, and Thomas D. Willett, eds. Establishing Monetary Stability in the Former Communist Countries. Westview Press Series on the Political Economy of Global Interdependence, 1995.

"Organized Crime, Mafia, and Governments" ("Organizovannia Prestoopiosty, Mafiya, i Pravitegstva"). Eco (Russian economic journal), Vol. 3 No. 237, 1994, Moscow, pp. 160-70. In Russian.

"The Ruble Problem: A Competitive Solution." Cato Journal, Vol. 12 No. 3, Winter 1993, pp. 633-649.

"The United States Budget Process," Conference on the Budget Process, Central Asia Development Fund and Asia Foundation, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, September 16-18, 1993. Mimeo.

"Homeless in America." In Edwin S. Rubenstein, ed. The Right Data. New York: National Review, 1994.

"Monetary Competition and Monetary Stability in the Transition from Plan to Market." In Larisa Piyasheva and James A. Dorn, eds. From Plan to Market: The Future of the Post Communist Republics. Moscow: Cattalaxy, 1993. In Russian.

Contributor (sections on banking, monetary reform, housing, organized crime and black markets, capital budgeting, and privatization), Reform Without Shock (Reforma Bez Shoka). Eds. Mikhail Bernstam and Vladimir N. Leksin. Moscow: The Supreme Economic Council of the Presidium of the Russian Supreme Soviet, 1992.

The Ruble Problem: A Competitive Solution, Essays in Public Policy, The Hoover Institution, 1992.

"Immigration Policy," in Annelise Anderson and Dennis L. Bark, eds., Thinking About America: The United States in the 1990s, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, Ca., 1988.

"Immigration Policy," Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association (December 28-30, 1987), August 1988.

Illegal Aliens and Employer Sanctions: Solving the Wrong Problem, Hoover Essays in Public Policy, The Hoover Institution, Stanford, Ca., 1986. Excerpt

"Below-Replacement Fertility and Public Policy," in Davis, Bernstam, and Campbell, eds., Below-Replacement Fertility in Industrial Societies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1986, and Population and Development Review, Supp. to Vol. 12, Fall 1986, pp. 313-17.

"Civil Service Pay and Retirement," in John C. Weicher, ed., Entitlement Issues in the Domestic Budget: The Long Term Agenda, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., 1985.

"The Federal Budget: Problems and Prospects," in John Moore, ed., To Promote Prosperity: Domestic Policy in the Mid-1980s, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, Ca., 1984.

"The Development of Municipal Fire Departments in the United States," Journal of Libertarian Studies, Fall 1979.


"U.S. Immigration Policy in a Post-187 Era: Enforce the Law, But Preserve Civil Liberties," Stanford Daily, January 31, 1995, p. 5.

"Wilson's Tax Cut Plan and the State Economy," San Francisco Chronicle Open Forum, January 17, 1995, p. A.21.

"To Bolster California's Recovery, Lower the State and Local Tax Burden," Los Angeles Times, December 23, 1994, p. B7.

Co-author, "Building a Better California: The Tax Reform Component." Report to Governor Pete Wilson from the Task Force on California Tax Reform and Reduction, December 1994.

"What Should Our Immigration Policy Be?" The World and I, January 1994, pp. 363-69.

"It's Federal Spending, Sweetheart," USA Today, February 17, 1993, p. 13A.

"Clinton's Choices," San Diego Union-Tribune, Insight, January 3, 1993.

"Clinton: How will he address the issues? Jump-start not an easy chore," The Stanford Daily, November 10, 1992, p. 5.

"Republicans Are Free to Regroup," San Jose Mercury News, November 4, 1992.

"The Right Man for Our Time," San Jose Mercury News, Commentary, September 9, 1992, p. 7B.

"Homeless in America," National Review, August 32, 1992, p. 49.

"Free Banking Can Solve the Ruble Problem," The Wall Street Journal Europe, October 16, 1991.

"Soviets at the Crossroads: Union Treaty Talks Hold the Key," The San Diego Union, June 30, 1991.

"Perestroika: An Obituary," The Christian Science Monitor, March 11, 1991, p. 18.

"Employer Sanctions: Time for Repeal," The World and I, September 1990, pp. 135-137.

"Soviets' Hard Road to the Markets," The Christian Science Monitor, June 14, 1990.

"Communism's Demise: The Impact on Academe," The Sacramento Bee, June 3, 1990, Forum, p. 3.

"S & Ls: Halfway Deregulation Won't Work," The Christian Science Monitor, March 7, 1989.

"The United States in the 1990s: A Speech at the Commonwealth Club," The Hoover Institution, January 1989.

"Employer Sanctions or Open Borders?" Cato Policy Report, VIII:5, September/October 1986, pp. 6-9.

"This Dangerous Bill Should Never Be Law," USA Today, October 22, 1986, p. 8A.

"Employer Sanctions Don't Work Elsewhere," The Wall Street Journal, Sept. 9, 1986, p. 30.

"Would Employer Sanctions Work?" The San Diego Union, September 7, 1986, Opinion section, p. 1.

"David Stockman Is Really Blaming Americans," Los Angeles Times, May 11, 1986, Part V (Opinion), p. 3.

Contributor, "Presidential Initiatives for the Second Term," The Hudson Institute, Indianapolis, In., 1985.