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Boehm Group May 2024
(Left to right, bottom then top): Lorelay Mendoza, Hubert Zheng, Ali Boehm, Laura Roldan, Mengyang Zhang, Claire Anderson, Meghan Shea, Elana Chan, Sarah Lowry, Winnie Zambrana, Alessandro Zulli, Jessica Bullington, Hannes Schenk.
Current Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars
Alessandro Zulli Sarah Lowry Hubert Zheng
Post doc MS/PhD MS/PhD
Alessandro is a post doctoral scholar studying many aspects of wastewater based epidemiology and is a part of the WastewaterSCAN project. He also works with Professor Julie Parsonnet in the School of Medicine. Sarah works on problems related to pathogens in the environment and microbial source tracking. She also works with Dr. Orin Shanks at the US EPA ORD. Hubert is working on a systematic review of shedding of enteric viruses in human excretions and also working on studies that investigate virus persistence in the environment.
Meghan Shea
Meghan studies the scientific and human dimensions of using environmental DNA (eDNA) to characterize marine biodiversity. You can learn more about her work here. .
Elana Chan Claire Anderson Hannes Schenk
MS/PhD Post doc Visiting PhD
Elana is interested in environmental health and biostatistics. She will be working on a data analysis project looking at SARS-CoV-2 trends in wastewater. Claire is working on sunlight inactivation of enveloped viruses and soil transmitted helminths on surfaces. She also works with Professor Jade Benjamin-Chung in the School of Medicine. Hannes works on modeling SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and its relation to clinical measures of disease.
Jessica Bullington Mengyang Zhang Lorelay Mendoza
Phd Postdoc MS/PhD
Jessica is a microbial ecologist and oceanographer studying the sandy beach microbiome. She is a student in earth system science and her main advisor of Professor Chris Francis. Mengyang is working on the sunlight inactivation of influenza virus on surfaces. She also studied the persistence and disinfection of human coronaviruses in water and worked on the wastewater-based epidemiology. Check for more information on her website. Lorelay is working on SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in wastewater. Her main advisor is Professor Will Tarpeh in chemical engineering.
Former Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars
Jacob Phaneuf
MS 2022
Jacob did field work on the beach microbiome and coastal water quality.
Lauren Kennedy Katie Langenfeld Suzy Kim
Post doc 2024 Post doc 2023 PhD 2023
Lauren studied norovirus persistence in the environment and worked on wastewater-based epidemiology. Katie studied the beach microbiomor at Stinson Beach. Suzy worked on wastewater-based epidemiology.
Laura Roldan Winnie Zambrana Ryan Searcy
PhD 2024 PhD 2024 PhD 2023
Laura studied the partitioning of viruses to wastewater solids, and the persistence of viruses in wastewater. Winnie studied handwashing to remove viruses from hands, as well as wastewater based epidemiology. She also studied viruses on fomites. Ryan worked on modeling of pathogens, pathogen indicators, and environmental DNA in the coastal ocean.
Wiley Jennings Stephanie Loeb Katy Graham
PhD 2020 Post doc 2020 PhD 2021
Wiley studied fecal pollution in environmental waters. His projects included working with citizen scientists to sample coastal discharges, modeling environmental factors associated with fecal pollution in San Francisco waters, human virus in environmenal waters in Chile, and investigating the persistence of human norovirus in surface waters. Stephanie studied the photoinactivation of norovirus in natural waters. Her work aimed to develop qPCR methods for predicting infectivity after sun exposure and to improve the mechanistic understanding of the sunlight inactivation mechanisms in human norovirus. Katy worked on several different projects on the role of sea spray in the beach microbiome and a QMRA of MST markers at California beaches. She also studied viral pathogens in stormwater and their removal in biofilters and other LID.
Marlene Wolfe Mhara Coffman David Catoe
Postdoc 2021 MS 2022 Technician 2021
Marlene worked on projects related to SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater as well as persistence of enveloped viruses on fomites and hands. Mhara worked on detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater on Stanford Campus. David is a measurement expert in molecular methods and worked on measuring SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater project.
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Ben Kranner Jill McClary Eily Andruszkiewicz
ENG 2019 PhD 2018 PhD 2019
Ben was an MS/ENG degree student working on stormwater biofilters. Jill was a PhD student who studied how enteric and pathogenic bacteria respond to sunlight exposure in seawater. Her work focuses primarily on Staphylococcus aureus. She used cell transcripts to better understand how they respond to photo stress. She received her BS from University of Illinois (UIUC). She is now a post doc at the School of Freshwater Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Eily was a masters/PhD student who studied environmental DNA in the marine environment. She completed her BS at Notre Dame and studied eDNA in freshwater. You can find Eily in the woods on the weekends, often with her siblings (big brother Pete in picture)! She recently was awarded an EPA-STAR grant for her PhD research. She is now a post-doc at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI).
Collin Closek Nabiul Afrooz Dan Reineman
Post-Doctoral Scholar 2019 Post-Doctoral Scholar
Collin was an Early Career Science Fellow at the Center for Ocean Solutions. He is examining biodiversity from the Monterey Bay and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries. As part of the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), he worked to optimize molecular tools to examine environmental DNA (eDNA) in the water column. Collin earned his PhD from Penn State in 2014 and his BS in Biology from the University of Georgia. Nabiul worked in the Urban Water ERC ReNUWIt. He investigated the long-term efficiency of biochar as a filtration media in removing pathogens from stormwater to aid optimization of the field scale design of bioinfiltration systems for urban stormwater treatment. Nabiul has received his PhD from UT Austin in 2015. He is originally from Bangladesh and did his Bachelors in Civil Engineering from BUET. He is now working at the CA state water board in Sacramento. Dan worked on on an NSF-funded project to engage citizens in coastal water quality monitoring. To learn more about the study, visit this link: Dan is now a professor at California State University Channel Islands.
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Lauren Steinbaum Kendra Brown Mia Mattioli
PhD 2017 PhD 2016 PhD 2015
Lauren was a PhD student studying soil-transmitted helminth egg contamination in households in rural Kenya. She is now at University of Georgia. Kendra was a PhD student studying the transport and fate of microbial pollutants in beach sands and seawater. She is now working at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Mia did her PhD and a post doc in the lab. She studied water, hands, and health in developing countries, as well as persistence of molecular markers of fecal pollution in water. She was a post doc at Emory. She is now working at the CDC in Atlanta.
Angela Rice Lauren Sassoubre Peter Maraccini
PhD 2015 PhD 2014 PhD 2016
Angela studied water, hands, and health in developing countries. In the picture at the right, she is making a biscuit on a stick while camping. She is currently a teaching fellow at Stanford for the Thinking Matters program. Lauren was a PhD student and post doctoral scholar in the lab. She was studying the use of eDNA to detect fish in the ocean for her post doc. For her PhD, she studied the effect of sunlight on enterococci in seawater. She is now a professor at University of Buffalo . Peter studied sunlight inactivation of microorganisms in water. He now lives in Southern California and works for a small environmental engineering company.
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Anthony Wai Thoe Dan Wang Sanjay Mohanty
Post-Doctoral Scholar Post-Doctoral Scholar PhD 2011
Anthony was a post doctorial scholar working on a project to model beach water quality along the State of California coastline. Anthony previously worked on a similar project in Hong Kong where he is from and attended graduate school. Anthony now is a beach manager in Hong Kong. Dan was a post doctorial scholar working on the State of California source identification project to identify sources of microbial pollution along the coast line. She received her PhD from UC Davis in 2011 and is from China. She now works for the EPA. Sanjay was a post doctorial scholar working in the Urban Water ERC ReNUWIt. He studied how to best design bioinfilitration systems for the removal of pathogens in stormwater. Sanjay received his PhD from University of Colorado Boulder and is originally from India. He completed a post doc at University of Pennsylvania working after leaving Stanford. He is now an assistant professor at UCLA. Here is a link to his website.
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Kevan Yamahara Todd Russell Simon Wong
PhD 2011, COS Early Career Fellow PhD 2014 PhD 2014
Kevan studied enterococci and E. coli in beach sand along the California Coast. Kevan used to be a professional fisherman and is an avid surfer. He was awarded a position at the Center for Ocean Solutions as an early Career Scholar to work with Boehm and Chris Scholin at MBARI to adapt the environmental sample processor to measure concentrations of fecal indicators and pathogens. He is now working full time at MBARI. Todd studied the transport of E. coli, enterococci, and coliphage through sands as well as within the surfzone. He led the microbial source tracking project at Cowell Beach, Santa Cruz, CA as part of the State of California Source Identification project. He is currently the vice president of System Operation Servises, Inc (SOS). Simon studied at the intersection of fluid mechanics with water quality science. He studied the effect of internal tides on shoreline water quality at Huntington Beach, CA. He also studied the fate of small plumes in the coastal ocean. Simon currently lives in his home country of Hong Kong.
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Amy Pickering Nick de Sieyes Blythe Layton
PhD 2011 PhD 2011 PhD 2011
Amy was a doctoral student in the IPER program where she studied the efficacy of alcohol-based hand sanitizer for reducing bacteria and pathogen concentrations on hands, and improving health in the developing world. Amy is now a research associate at Stanford and works on projects in Kenya, Mali, Bangladesh, and Tanzania. She will soon begin as a professor at Tufts. Nick was a California Sea Grant trainee. He studyed submarine groundwater discharge along wave-dominated California beaches. In the picture at the left, he is installing well points at our field site at Huntington Beach, Ca. (Nick is on the beach, Keeney Willis is on the ladder.) Nick currently works at UC Davis. Blythe studied enterococci in the environment and the relation between climate and health.
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Sarah Walters Emily Viau Tim Julian
Post-Doctoral Scholar Post-Doctoral Scholar PhD 2010
Sarah studyed the persistence of nucleic acids in natural waters. In particular, she was working with poliovirus and enterococci. Her poliovirus plaque assay is shown at the right. She also ran the USDA project to look at pathogens and indicators in coastal streams. Emily studied the health risk of exposure to land based runoff from streams in Hawaii. Her work was funded by the NSF Oceans and Human Health program. She also assisted in the Tanzania project with the microbiology and pathogen testing of water and hand rinse samples. Emily received her PhD from Yale in 2009 studying pathogens in biosolids. Tim's thesis is entitled Fomites in Infectious Disease Transmission: A modeling, laboratory, and field study on microbial transfer between skin and surfaces. He was a post doc in Kellog Schwab's group at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore and is now a professor at EAWAG in Zurich, Switzerland.
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Karen Knee Maggie Montgomery Daniel Keymer
PhD 2010 Post-Doctoral Scholar 2009 PhD 2009
Karen was a doctoral student in geology and environmental sciences. She was co-advised by Adina Paytan and Ali Boehm. She studied submarine groundwater discharge along the Kona coast of Hawaii and the North shore of Kauai (in Hanalei). She was a Fulbright Scholar working in Ecuador and is now a professor at American University in Washington DC. Maggie worked on the Tanzania project to understand how providing personalized information on water quality and hand contamination influences people's behaviors and attitudes about water, as well as their health and stored water quality, and hand contamination. She is currently working on international water and health issues at the WHO in Geneva. Daniel studied the ecology of Vibrio cholerae in California coastal waters. Daniel was the recipient of a Stanford Graduate Fellowship. In the photo to the left, Daniel collects data during one of his monthly sampling outings. Daniel was a post doc at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as University of Georgia. He is now a professor at University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.
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Alyson Santoro Nick Handler Deyi Hou
PhD 2008 MS with Thesis 2006 MS/ENG
Alyson studied the microorganisms responsible for nitrogen cycling in coastal aquifers and how sea surface temperature and other ocean physics controls pollutant and phytoplankton levels in the surf zone. In this picture, she is collecting samples from the surf zone at day break during August of 2005. Alyson was the recipient of an NSF Graduate fellowship. A culture of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea she collected and grew from the subsurface at Huntington Beach is shown to the right. Alyson is a post doctoral researcher at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. She was a professor at Horn Point Marine Lab in Maryland and is now a professor at UCSB. She is the proud owner of a german shepard. Nick studied the effect of land use on coastal water quality in central and northern California. He is currently working in the lab as a researcher. Nick's sampling sites are shown to the right. Nick now lives in Uganda where he works for One Acre Fund. Deyi received his MS and ENG degrees. His work focused on risk endured from recreational water contact. He is also studyed the ecology of fecal indicator bacteria and Salmonella spp. in seawater. He was the recipient of the Shaw Fellowship from Stanford University.
Francisco Tamayo Diana Kitt Lilian Lam
Francisco was a high school student who worked in the lab. He worked with Kevan Yamahara studying enterococci persistence in sand. He attended Eastside Prep in East Palo Alto where he was a resident at one of the dormatories. He is an amazing artist and musician! His talents never cease to amaze us! Diana was a undergraduate student researcher participating in the ReNUWIt REU program in summer of 2016. She worked on biofilters for removal of pathogens from stormwater. At the time, she was a rising senior at University of Delaware majoring in CEE. Lilian was a high school senior when she started in the lab. She attends Swarthmore College. She has worked with Daniel Keymer and Blythe Layton. During the summer of 2006, she investigated the variability in Vibrio cholerae across a salinity. During the summer of 2007, she worked with Blythe to study the esp gene in enterococci and what species of enterococci can be found in the environment. She is a whiz at molecular methods and might just be the most productive member of the lab. She recently received her PhD from at Stanford in the Microbiology Department and now has a post doctoral position in the UK.
Updated January 2020