I am a Ph.D. student in the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, at Stanford University. Before starting grad school, I did my Bachelors in Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Madras in India.
My research interests lie in Numerical Linear Algebra and High Performance Computing. At Stanford, I work with Prof. Eric Darve in developing new, fast and scalable algorithms for solving general sparse linear systems and linear least squares problems. I'm also curious about the possibilities that such fast and scalable algorithms open up in various domains. One interesting application of our fast sparse QR technique is in efficiently solving least squares problems appearing in various Computer Graphics applications. This work was presented in SIGGRAPH '21 . My work also focuses on developing and implementing efficient parallel sparse direct solvers. I'm interested in understanding and exploring parallel programming using task-based runtime systems such as, TaskTorrent and Regent/Legion.
In my undergrad, I worked with Prof. Raghunathan Rengaswamy in developing simple mathematical models for understanding droplet flow in microfluidic channels. With the model, I used techniques from Control and Optimization to manipulate droplet behaviour for specific user-desired output. This work has been published here.
I have also worked on control of reaction systems without kinetic models with Prof. Dominique Bonvin at the Automatic Control Lab, EPFL. In this work, I worked on extending the application of control via rate estimation and feedback linearization to reaction systems in the presence of jacket dynamics.
You can contact me at abeynaya "at" stanford "dot" edu