anthony lising antonio
Associate Professor of Education, SSPEP/APA
Associate Director, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research (SIHER)
"Modern society provides many examples of our outstanding cognitive achievements: atomic energy, genetic engineering, modern agriculture, modern medicine, computers, information technology, and other modern technologies that seem to impact our lives with greater and greater frequency. It is truly astounding. At the same time we can see the great affective and emotional and spiritual divisions that threaten our very existence: religious fanaticism and hatred, racial prejudice, fanatical nationalism, noninvolvement in the political process, rampant dishonesty in business and government, escalating criminal behavior in the land of opportunity, and widespread poverty and homelessness in the face of unprecedented affluence. It is time to redress the balance. It is time to begin shifting some of our educational interest and energy in the direction of our affective side—to begin concerning ourselves much more directly with the development of beliefs and values that are going to heal our divisions and that will help to create a society that is less materialistic and competitive and selfish and more generous and cooperative."
- from "Assessment for Excellence" Astin & Antonio, 2012)
Dr. Antonio's research addresses many of the major issues currently facing American higher education. First, as admission spots into higher education institutions become more competitive and more acute, he seeks to achieve a better understanding of how college-going cultures are developed and maintained in schools. Second, his research investigates the impact that increasing racial and cultural diversity is having on higher education. His current projects also include studies of engineering education.
More Information at Anthony's School of Education Faculty Profile. |
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