HUMAN POLIOVIRUS 1 "Upon enter(o)ing man, I am able to pic[orna] on his abilities to walk."
This virus is a member of the Picornaviridae family, which is small (30 nm)
and stable. It is composed of a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome and
an icosahedral capsid. It belongs to the genus Enterovirus. Poliovirus was the first enterovirus to be discovered. In 1908, the basic
study of the virus began and this is when Landsteiner transmitted the disease to
monkeys. The reason that it was denoted as an enteric disease resulted from
studies conducted by Paul and Trask in the 1930s when they collected feces of
patients and healthy carriers and recognized the virus in the feces of both.
After an epidemic in North Carolina in 1948, antibodies against type 1 were
acquired. The number of subclinical infections of type 1 were recognized to be
approximately 100, although a bit higher in infancy. Then in the 1950s the
polioviruses became a group of a larger viral family, Picornaviridae. POWER The virulence is typically low, as most cases are asymptomatic. In rare
cases, it is serious. OFFENSES ATTACKS The attack of poliovirus begins in the tonsils, lymph nodes of the neck,
and small intestine. It then invades the central nervous system through the
bloodstream. It also infects nerve cell types, and thus can damage or completely
destroy these cells. The route of entry for most polioviruses is the alimentary tract via the
mouth. Thus the route of transmission is fecal-oral in areas with poor
sanitation. Typically this virus is present in the feces for several weeks and
in the pharynx for up to 2 weeks after infection. In other areas, transmission
is respiratory. OUTCOME The most common form of infection by the poliovirus is asymptomatic or is
displayed by malaise, gastrointestinal upset, and fever. The most serious
disease that results from poliovirus is poliomyelitis. The symptoms of this
paralysis incorporate aseptic meningitis, fever, headache, meningism, muscle
pains, and finally muscle paralysis, commonly asymmetrical. Poliovirus 1 can cause paralysis, ranging from slight to complete weakness of
the muscles. In between 1 of 100 or 1 of 1000 cases this virus may lead to
central nervous system involvement and paralysis. This is caused by permanent
damage incurred in the anterior horn motor neurons of the spinal cord. It can
also cause aseptic meningitis and undifferentiated febrile illness. SPEED Man is the only known reservoir, which identifies this virus as eradicable. The incubation period for the gastrointesinal disease is 3 to 21 days and is
typically between 7 and 14 days for the paralytic disease. DEFENSES VACCINES There are two vaccines for the poliovirus. One is the inactivated polio
vaccine (Salk). It was developed in 1957 by mixing the 3 serotypes of the
poliovirus and killing the mixture with formalin. This vaccine has proven to not
be as effective as it requires 3 injections at 3 to 6 months of age and later
boosters. Furthermore, it is more expensive than the other vaccine because of
the need for great amounts of antigen. The live, attenuated vaccine (Sabin), on
the other hand, proves more cost-effective and it produced long-lasting immunity
quickly. This vaccine was developed in 1963 by attenuating the three strains,
which allowed it to diminish in neurovirulence. It is more easily administered
orally, which does not require highly trained medical personnel. It too is given
3 times with boosters. This particular vaccine confers both humoral and
intestinal immunity. The Sabin vaccine is used in most countries. The function of the boosters for these vaccines is to prevent viral
replication in the gut. BEHAVIORAL It has been proven that quarantine of the patients does not prove
effective in controlling the spread of the poliovirus. Once exposed to the disease, lifelong immunity is conferred for that specific
type of poliovirus, as subsequent infection with other strains are still able to
occur. TREATMENT No anti-viral drugs have been discovered for poliovirus. GAME ACTION Once you receive this card, you will receive a
booster of the Sabin vaccine and it is your duty, as an officer of the Center
for Disease Control, to establish a plan for worldwide eradication.
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