Human Papillomavirus- Serotype 5 (HPV-5) " Even Tom Sawyer’s Dead-Cat-In-The-Cemetary-At-Midnight Cure won’t cure these warts"
Description: A member of the Papovaviridae family of viruses, HPV-5 is a
double stranded DNA virus with an icosahedral capsid. The virus is
non-enveloped. HPV-5 belongs to the genus Papillomavirus, which is
associated with skin conditions. The genome of this virus is known to have three
distinct regions: 1) an upstream regulatory region which controls transcription
and translation; 2) at least seven early genes which encode proteins required
for transcription and DNA replication; and 3) two late genes responsible for the
production of capsid proteins. Power: HPV-5 affects a small number of immunocompromised individuals, but it
creates a lifetime infection. Attacks: Papillomaviruses are host-species specific and are also restricted
in their tissue tropism. HPV-5 is categorized as a cutaneous type because it
multiplies only in the epithelial cells of the skin. This dermatotropic virus
has been implicated as a cause of squamous cell carcinomas of the skin. Outcome: HPV-5 is responsible for causing epidermodysplasia verruciformis,
which is a rare condition seen in people with particular autosomal recessive
hereditary cell-mediated immunodeficiency. The infection is generally acquired
during childhood, but like most papillomaviruses, it persists for life. This
condition is characterized by two types of lesions: flat warts and
reddish-brownish macular scaly patches. Squamous cell carcinomas arise in about
1/3 of all epidermodysplasia verrciformis patients. Speed: Skin warts have a long incubation period of up to 2 years. HPV-5
can,however, regress and recur spontaneously. Vaccines: Only experimental vaccines have been produced for human
papillomaviruses, but none have been specifically produced for HPV-5. This is
difficult, given that this strain usually affects immunocompromised individuals. Prevention: Transmission of skin warts occurs mainly in school age children
via direct contact with abrasions. Subsequent spread may occur by scratching.
So, adequate hand-washing and health education may be appropriate measures.
However, HPV-5 gives rise to a condition that ensues as a result of genetic
cell-mediated immunodeficiency. Treatment: The skin warts can be removed by cryotherapy or caustic chemicals.
These skin warts, however, usually regress spontaneously. Game Action Be a pal. Let another
immunocompromised player have a free turn.
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