Greetings fellow virophiles and curious wanderers of the web!
The purpose of this website is to examine various aspects of Papillomaviridae— a very special viral family chock full of nonenveloped, epitheliotropic human pathogens that cause cervical cancer and benign lesions of the skin— aka, warts!
I hope you enjoy exploring the site and the links. It’s easy and fun to learn something new and interesting about this very cool, medically important group of viruses. Please do not hesitate to direct any questions or comments you may have to the webmaster:
This website is the result of an assignment given in the two-part epic course, “Humans and Viruses” taught by Dr. Robert David Siegel in Autumn 2007 and Winter 2008 through the Human Biology program at Stanford University.
Created using Adobe Dreamweaver in March 2008. Contact with questions or concerns.