Human Papillomavirus Virus 6 and 11
Anogenital Warts
Pictures (Enter at your own risk; GOP--Genitals on Parade!)
Incubation is on average 2.8 months but the range may be from 3 weeks to 8 months.
Warts can be seen as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). There is a definite correlation with measures of sexual promiscuity along with other STDs. It is extremely common. Genital warts in children may be from sexual contact (usually sexual abuse) or inoculation during delivery. The actual lesions may increase in size or number during pregnancy.
Symptomatology and Outcome
This infection affects the genital skin and mucosa including the vaginal tract, cervix, and anal canal. There may be a wide range of clinical manifestations that may include asymptomatic and self-limiting to persistent and even leading to cancers. Penile lesions occur usually after sexual contact from a woman with cervical intraepitheal neoplasm. Condylomas, which are these genital warts, usually occur in multiples and are usually on the external genitalia and anus.
Prevention and Management
Prevention of genital warts goes along with the many preventive measures
taken to prevent the exposure to other STDs. These may include the use of
a condom, less sexual promiscuity, and perhaps even abstinence (may give you
100% protection). Protection by condoms for women is not investigated as well
as it has been for men, however. The new prospective vaccine that is mainly
being made to prevent cervical cancer due to HPV 16 and 18 may include these
strains that cause genital warts as well.
The treatment includes very similar methods used for common warts and plantar
warts. See that page ***. One addition may be that the topical application
includes imiquimod which is an immunomodulating agent used to stimulate interferons
and other cytokines. In addition, depending on the case severity there may
be cervical dysplasia that may entail surgical cryotherapy, electrosurgical
excision repair, and laser.