A Few Fun Facts
The poxvirus genome consists of covalently bonded
double-stranded DNA
containing 130-375 kilobase pairs. The genome is linear,noninfectious,
and encodes for over 100 genes.
The morphology of the poxviruses is classified as "complex", and the
nucleocapsid can be ovoid or brick-shaped. Electron micrograph reveals
the complex coat of tubular structures that help identify poxviruses.
A negatively stained poxvirus courtesy of the creators of http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/335/Poxviruses.html
Smallpox (variola major & minor): The incubation period is 10-14 days, and the onset is acute, with fever, malaise, headache, and backache. A pustular rash develops in which the rash is most profuse on the face, abundant on forearms, but less in lower legs, thighs, and trunk.
Vaccination Complications: Four to five days after vaccination, a papule appears. In most patients, the pustule dries from the center outward, leaving a characteristic scar. However, in some rare cases, immunocompromised individuals or those suffering from eczema may suffer a general vaccinial rash, that can prove even fatal in those whose immune system is severely hampered.
Monkeypox: Symptoms are similar to smallpox, but viral entry in primary infection most likely comes through skin lesions or orally.
Molluscum Contagiosum: The incubation period is 14-50 days. These lesions appear pearly, flesh-colored, raised, and are "umbilicated", and there is often an opening at the top of each nodule where a white core is visible. The lesions are painless, and often heal spontaneously.
Cowpox: These lesions appear as scratches or abrasions, usually on the hands. A vesicle, pustule, then scab forms on skin.
Yabapox: Rarely, large "protuberant" tumors can be seen in humans if there is accidental exposure to the virus.
Tanapox: Nodules develops into papular rash, and lesions ulcerate in the third week. The lesions are usually solitary on arm, face, neck, and trunk.
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Created: March 5, 1999
Last modified: March 5, 1999