Structure searching in CAS Online using STN Express:
An introductory workshop
Types of structure searches: Family search
- Family search retrieves substances which match the query exactly and any multi-component substances
that contain the exact query as one of the components
- All positions in query are blocked for further substitution
- All query rings are isolated
- No variable nodes are allowed in the query
- Variable bond values are allowed in the query
- Retrieves all substances having the same connection table
- Unsubstituted substance
- Stereoisomers
- Isotopically labelled substances
- Radicals
- Ions
- Homopolymers
- Retrieves multi-component substances that have the query as one of the components
- Family search may be used to find polymers of a specific monomer
- Family search will add hydrogens to all vacant atoms on the substructure drawn
- Family search will not permit any other non-hydrogen atoms to be present in the component corresponding to the substructure drawn. Any atoms may be present in other component(s).