Stanford Chemistry Department History
1977 to 2000
VI. Professors, Brief Biographical Summaries 1976–2000
These brief biographical summaries, listed in the order of their appointments to the faculty, are not intended to be complete and will of course become out of date after the year 2000. The reader is referred to contemporary volumes of American Men and Women of Science for more information and to the ACS Directory of Graduate Research for publication lists.
JAMES MURRAY LUCK. Biochem. B.S. Toronto, Ph.D. Cambridge, England, 1925. Student of J.B.S. Haldane and Sir Gowland Hopkins. Demonstrator Toronto, 1925–26; Asst. Prof. to Prof., Stanford 1926–34, Prof. 1934–65; Emeritus 1965. “1856 Exhibitor Research Scholarship”. Founding editor of Annual Reviews of Biochemistry and the many subsequent Annual Reviews Series in other fields. Fellow AAAS, Fellow Calif. Acad. Sci. Born Paris, Ontario, Canada 1898. Died Stanford 8/26/1993.
WILLIAM ANDREW BONNER. Org. Chem. A.B. Harvard, Ph.D. Northwestern, 1944. Student of C.D. Hurd. Instr. to Prof., Stanford 1946–59, Prof. 1959–83, Emeritus 1983. Guggenheim Fellow ETH, Zurich, Switzerland 1953. Born Chicago 1919.
RICHARD HALLENBECK EASTMAN. Org. Chem. A.B. Princeton, Ph.D. Harvard, 1944. Student of R.B. Woodward. Asst. Harvard 1944–46; Instr. to Prof., Stanford 1946–59; Prof. 1959–83, Emeritus 1983. NSF Fellow, U. Marburg 1958–59. Born Erie, PA 1918. Died Stanford 6/18/2000.
HARRY STONE MOSHER. Org. Chem. A.B. Willamette U., M.S. Ore. State Coll., Ph.D. Penn. State Coll. 1942. Student of F.C. Whitmore. Asst. Prof. Willamette 1939–40; Penn. State Coll. 1942–47; Asst. Prof. to Prof., Stanford 1947–55, Prof. 1955–80, Emeritus 1980. Hon. D.Sc. Willamette 1980. NSF Fellow Chester Beatty Res. Inst., U. of London 1959–60; NSF Fellow ETH, Zurich, Switzerland 1967–68. Visiting Prof. Vrije U. Amsterdam, 1974, U. of Sci. and Tech. of China, Hefei, PRC, 1988; Fellow AAAS, Fellow Calif. Acad. Sci.; Phi Beta Kappa. Born Salem, Ore 1915. Died Stanford 3/2/2001.
DOUGLAS ARVID SKOOG. Anal. Chem. B.S. Ore. State Coll., Ph.D. Illinois 1943. Student of D.T. Englis. Standard Oil of Cal. 1943–47. Asst. Prof. to Prof., Stanford 1947–62, Prof. 1962–76. Assoc. Exec. Head of Chem. Dept. 1961–76, Emeritus 1976. Author of texts in Anal. Chem. and Instrumental Analysis. Division of Chem. Educ. Award of the ACS 1996, Anal. Chem. Division Award of the ACS 1999. Born Wilmar, Minn. 1918.
ERIC HUTCHINSON. Phys. Chem. (Colloid Chem.) B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Cambridge, England. Student of Sir Eric Rideal. Instr. Sheffield U., England 1945–46; Post-Doc. Fellow, Stanford 1946–48, Asst. Prof. Fordham U. 1948–49, Asst. Prof. to Prof., Stanford 1949–59, Prof. 1959–78. Emeritus 1978. University Academic Secretary 1974–78. Visiting Prof. Yokohama National U. 1967–68, U. of Sussex. Born Morton, England, 1920.
DAVID MALCOLM MASON. Chem. Eng. B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Cal. Inst. of Tech. Student of Bruce Sage. Instr. Cal. Tech., 1949–51, Jet Propulsion Lab. of Cal. Tech. 1952–55, Assoc. Prof. to Prof., Stanford 1955–58, Prof. Chem. Eng. and Chem. 1958–86, Chair Dept. of Chem. Eng. 1955–72, Assoc. Dean of Undergraduate Studies 1972–76, Assoc. Dean Eng. 1972–76, Emeritus 1987. NSF Fellow, Imper. Col., U. London 1978–79. Found. Award, Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 1984. David M. Mason Lectures 1975–. Born Los Angeles 1921. Died Stanford 8/10/88.
CARL DJERASSI. Org. Chem. A.B. Kenyon Coll., Ph.D. U. of Wisc. 1945. Student of A.L. Wilds. Research Chemist Ciba Pharmaceutical Co. 1942–43, 1945–49; Assoc. Dir. Res. Syntex, Mexico City 1949–52; Prof. Wayne State U. 1952–59, Prof. Stanford 1959–. Hon. D.Sc. National U. Mexico, Kenyon Coll., Wayne State U., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Columbia U., Uppsala U., Coe Coll., U. Geneva, U. Ghent, Adelphi U., U. So. Carolina, U. Wisc., ETH Zurich. Natl. Medal of Science, Natl. Medal of Technology, ACS Award in Pure Chem., Baekland Medalist, Perkin Medal, Priestley Medal, Gibbs Medal, Fritzsche Medal, Natl. Inventors Hall of Fame for Patents (birth control pill), Wolf Prize in Chem., Roussel Prize., Appl. Sci Award. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci.; Mem. Inst. Med.-Nat. Acad. Sci. Born Vienna, Austria 1923.
WILLIAM SUMNER JOHNSON. Org. Chem. A.B. Amherst, A.M., Ph.D. Harvard 1940. Student of L.F. Fieser. Instr. Amherst 1936–37; Instr. to Prof. Wisc. 1940–60; Prof. Stanford 1960–88; Exec. Head of Chem. Dept. Stanford 1960–69. Emeritus 1988. Honorary D.Sc. Amherst Coll., Long Island U. Syn. Org. Chem. Mfg. Award in Creative Research, ACS Award in Creative Syn. Org. Chem., Nichols Medal, Roussel Prize, Natl. Medal of Science, Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci. Born New Rochelle, N.Y. 1913. Died Stanford 8/19/95.
PAUL JOHN FLORY. Phys. Chem. (Polymer Chem.) A.B. Manchester Coll., M.S. Ph.D. Ohio State 1934. Student of H.L. Johnson. Prof. Cornell U. 1948–57, Exec. Dir. Res. Mellon Inst. 1956–61, Prof. Stanford 1961–75, Chair 1969–72. Emeritus 1975. Hon. D.Sc. Manchester Coll., Indiana U., Manchester U. England, Ohio State U. Prof. Flory was the 1985 Nobel Laureate in Chem.; has been awarded numerous prestigious American chemical awards including Natl. Medal of Sci. (cf. Am. Men and Women of Sci., contemporary volume.) Born Sterling, Ill. 1910. Died Big Sur, Cal. 9/8/85.
EUGENE E. VAN TAMELEN. Org. Chem. A.B. Hope Coll., Ph.D. Harvard 1950. Student of Gilbert Stork. Instr. to Prof. Wisc. 1950–62; Prof. Stanford 1962–78; Chair 1974–78. Emeritus 1978. Hon. D.Sc. Hope Coll., Bucknell U. ACS Award in Pure Chem., Baekland Award, ACS Award for Creative Work in Org. Chem. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Am. Acad. of Arts and Sci. Born Zeeland, Mich. 1925.
HENRY TAUBE. Inorg. Chem. B.S., M.S. U. Saskatchewan, Ph.D. U. Cal. Berkeley 1940. Student of W.C. Bray. Instr. U.C. Berkeley 1940–41; Asst. Prof. Cornell 1941–46; Assoc. Prof. to Prof. Chicago 1946–52; Prof. 1952–62; Prof. Stanford 1962–88; Chair 1972–74 and 78–79. Emeritus 1988. Hon. L.L.D. U. Sask ; D.Sc. U. Chicago, Polytech. Inst. of N.Y., U. Guelph, Seaton Hall U., Layos Kossuth U. Hungary, Northwestern U., U. of Athens. Prof. Taube was the Nobel Laureate in Chem. in 1983; has been awarded many prestigious American chemical awards including Natl. Medal of Sci., Chem. Sci. Award of the Natl. Acad. of Sci. (cf Am. Men and Women of Sci., contemporary volume). Born Neudorf, Saskatchewan 1915.
JOHN I. BRAUMAN. Org. Chem. B.S. Mass. Inst. Tech., Ph.D. U. Cal. Berkeley 1963. Student of A. Streitwieser, Jr. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1963–72, Prof. 1972–. Chair 1979–83, 1995–96; Assoc. Dean School of Humanities and Sci. Awards: ACS Pure Chem., Harrison Howe, James Flack Norris in Phys.-Org. Chem., Arthur Cope Scholar. NSF Fellow, Guggenheim Fellow, Christensen Fellow Oxford U.; Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., 1937.
HARDEN MARSDEN McCONNELL. Phys. Chem. B.S. George Wash. U., Ph.D. Cal. Inst. Tech. 1951. Student of Norman Davidson. Natl. Res. Fellow U. Chicago 1950–52, Res. Chem. Shell Develop. Co. 1952–56. Asst. Prof to Prof. Cal. Tech. 1956–59, Prof. 1959–63, Prof. Stanford 1964–2000. Chair 1989–92. Emeritus 2000. Founder and Dir. Molecular Devices Corp., Palo Alto, Cal. 1983–. Hon D.Sci. U. Chicago, George Wash. U. Awards: ACS Pure Chem., Harrison Howe, Remsen, Peter Debye, Irving Langmuir. Natl. Medal of Sci., Pauling Medal, Wheland Medal, Wolf Prize in Chem., Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Fellow Am. Phys. Soc., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Born 1927.
ROBERT PECORA. Phys. Chem. B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Columbia U. 1962. Student of R. Bersohn. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1964–77, Prof. 1977–, Chair 1992–95. Humbolt Sr. Sci. Award, Natl. Res. Coun. Fellow, Brussels, Belg., 1963. Visiting Prof. U. Manchester, England. Born 1938.
JAMES PADDOCK COLLMAN. Org.-Inorg. Chem. B.S., M.S., U. Nebr., Ph.D. U. Ill. 1958. Student of R.C. Fuson. Instr. to Prof. U. No. Carolina 1958–66, Prof. 1966–67. Prof. Stanford 1967–. Hon. D.Sci. U. Nebr. 1988. Awards: Calif. Section ACS, Pauling, ACS Inorganic Chem., Alfred Bader Bioinorg. Biorg.; Sloan Fellow, Guggenheim Fellow, Erskine Fellow U Canterbury N.Z.; Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci. Born 1932.
HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN. Phys. Chem. B.S., Ph.D. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1966. Student of I. Oppenheim. Jr. Fellow, Soc. Fells. Harvard 1965–68. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1968–80, Prof. 1980–, Assoc. Dean of Nat. Sci., School Humanities and Sci. 1996–99. ACS Joel H. Hildebrand Award, Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Phi Beta Kappa. Born Brooklyn, N.Y. 1941.
LINUS C. PAULING. Phys., Bioinorg. Chem. B.S. Ore. State Coll., Ph.D. Cal. Inst. Tech. 1925. Student of R.G. Dickinson. Natl. Res. Council Fellow 1925–26; Guggenheim Fellow U. Zurich, Munich and Copenhagen 1926–27. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Cal. Tech. 1927–31, Prof. 1931–63. Head Div. of Chem. and Chem. Eng. 1937–58. Prof. Stanford 1969–74. Emeritus 1974. Fellow Linus Pauling Inst. Sci. and Med. 1973–94. Prof. Pauling was the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chem. 1954 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963. He received 30 Honorary degrees from American and foreign Universities and numerous prestigious chemical awards in America and abroad. Born Portland, Ore. 1901. Died Big Sur, Cal. 8/9/94.
FRANK ALBERT WEINHOLD. Phys. Chem. B.S. U. Colo., A.M. and Ph.D. Harvard 1968. Student of E.B. Wilson. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1969–76. U. Wisc. until retirement. Born Scottsbluff, Nebr. 1941.
BRUCE SAMUEL HUDSON. Phys. Chem. B.S., M.S. Calif. Inst. Tech., Ph.D. Harvard 1972. Student of B. Kohler and R.G. Gordon. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1972–78. Currently at U. Ore. Born Peekskill, N.Y. 1945.
KEITH OWEN HODGSON. Bio-Inorg. (Structural) Chem. B.S. U. Va., Ph.D. U Cal. Berkeley 1972. NATO Fellow Swiss Fed. Inst. Tech. 1972–73. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1973–79, Prof. 1979–. Sloan Fellow 1976–78; Sidhu Award for Contribution to X-ray Diffraction 1978. Born 1947.
WRAY HUGHES HUESTIS. Biophys. Chem. B.S. Macalester Coll., Ph.D. Calif. Inst. Tech. 1972. Student of M.A. Raftery. Sloan Found. Postdoc Fellow Cal. Tech. 1972–73; NIH Postdoc. Fellow Stanford 1973–74. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1974–80, Prof. 1980–. Sloan. Fellow 1977–79. Born Lander, Wyo. 1945.
MICHAEL DAVID FAYER. Chem. Phys. B.S., Ph.D. U. Cal. Berkeley 1974. Student of Charles Harris. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1974–81, Prof. 1981–, Dreyfus Teaching Award 1977; Sloan Found. Fellow, 1987; Guggenheim Found. Fellow 1993–94. Born Los Angeles 1947.
RICHARD H. HOLM. Inorg. Chem. B.S. U. Mass., Ph.D. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1959. Student of F.A. Cotton. Asst. Prof. Harvard 1962–65; Assoc. Prof. Wisc. 1965–67; Prof. MIT 1967–75; Prof. Stanford 1975–80. Prof. Harvard 1980–, Hon. D.Sc. U. Mass., U. Chicago. Awards: Bailar Medal. Inorg. Chem. Award of ACS, Alfred Bader, Harrison Howe, Centenary Medal of Royal Chem. Soc., Dwyer Medal of Australian Chem. Soc., Linus Pauling Medal, Chem. Sci. Award Natl. Acad. Sci., Theodore Richards Medal. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Born Boston 1933.
STEVEN GEORGE BOXER. Phys. Biophys. Chem. B.S. Tufts U., Ph.D. U. Chicago 1976. Student of Gerhart Closs. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1976–82, Prof. 1982–. Awards: Sloan Fellow 1980, Dreyfus Teaching Scholar Fellow 1981, Presidential Young Investigator 1984, NIH Merit 1994, Cope Scholar 1995. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Born New York City 1947.
ROBERT H. WOLLENBERG. Org. Chem. B.S., Ph.D. Harvard 1975. Student of E.J. Corey. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1976–83. Moved to Chevron Research Corp. Born 1950.
K. BARRY SHARPLESS. Org. Chem. (Homogeneous Catalysis-Asym. Transformation). B.A. Dartmouth, Ph.D. Stanford 1968. Student of E. Van Tamelen and J. Collman. NIH Fellow Stanford 1968–69, Harvard 69–70. Asst. Prof. to Prof. MIT 1970–77, Prof. 1977; Prof. Stanford 1977–80; Prof. MIT 1981–1990; Prof. Scripps Res. Inst. 1990–. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Fellow AAAS. Recd. numerous awards in Organic Chem. Born Philadelphia, Pa. 1941.
RICHARD ZARE. Chem. Physics, Anal. Chem. B.A., Ph.D. Harvard 1964. Student of Dudley Herschbach. Postdoc. Fellow Harvard 1964–65; Res. Assoc. and Fellow Inst. Astrophys, U. Colo. 1966–67, Asst. Prof. to Assoc. Prof. Physics and Chem. U. Colo. 1967–69; Prof. Chem. Columbia 1969–77; Prof. Stanford 1977–. Awards: Michael Polyani Medal, Fresenius, Am. Phys. Soc., Earle Plyler Prize, Natl. Medal Sci., ACS Gibbs Medal, Debye Award, E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy, Cal. Scientist of Year Award 1997, ACS Award in Anal. Chem., Sloan Res. Fellow, Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Chair 1996, Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Born Cleveland, Ohio 1939.
JOHN ROSS. Phys. Chem. B.S. Queens Coll. N.Y., Ph.D. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1951, Res. Fellow Yale 1952–53, Asst. Prof. to Prof. Brown U. 1953–66. Prof. MIT 1966–80, Chair Chem. Dept.1966–71, Chair of Fac. 1975–77. Prof. Stanford 1980–. Chair 1983–89. Hon. D.Sc.: Weizmann Inst. Sci., Israel, Queens Coll., SUNY, U. Bordeaux, France. ACS Irving Langmuir Award, Natl. Medal of Science, NSF Fellow, Guggenheim Fellow, Sloan Fellow Visiting Van der Waals Prof. U. Amsterdam. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Fellow Am. Phys. Sci., AAAS. Born Vienna, Austria 1926.
MICHAEL CRAIG PIRRUNG. Bio-org. Chem. B.S., B.A. U. Texas, Austin, Ph.D. U. Cal. Berkeley 1980. Student of Clayton Heathcock. NSF Fellow Columbia U. 1980–81. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1981–89. Prof. Duke U. 1990–. Born Cincinnati, Ohio 1955.
PAUL ANTHONY WENDER. Org. Chem. B.S. Wilkes Coll., Ph.D. Yale 1973. Student of Frederick Ziegler. Asst. Prof. to Assoc. Prof. Harvard 1974–81. Sloan Found. Fellow 1979, Prof. Stanford 1981–. Dreyfus Teaching Scholar 1980. Awards: Ernest Guenther, ICI Pharmaceutical Group’s Stuart Award for Excellence in Chem., Cope Scholar, Pfizer Research in Synth. Org. Chem., ACS for Creative Work in Synth. Org. Chem., NIH Merit, Pfizer Res., Alexander von Humbolt. Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Born 1947.
NATHAN SAUL LEWIS. Electrochem. B.S., M.S. Cal. Inst. Tech., Ph.D. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1981. Student of Mark Wrighton. Asst. Prof. to Assoc. Prof. Stanford 1981–88. Assoc. Prof. to Prof. Cal Tech. 1988–90, Prof. 1990–. ACS Award in Pure Chem. 1990, Fresenius Award 1990. Born Los Angeles 1955.
EDWARD I. SOLOMON. Phys. Inorg. Chem. B.S. Rensselaer Polytech. Inst., M.A., Ph.D. Princeton 1972. NIH Fellow Cal. Tech. 1974–75. Asst. Prof. to Prof. M.I.T. 1975–81, Prof. Stanford 1982–. Fell: Sloan Found. 1976–79, Guggenheim, Christensen, NSF U.C.L.A., Oxford U., AAAS, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. DuPont, G.E. Young Faculty Awards 1979–80, Remsen Award, Arthur Cope Scholar. Visiting Prof.: Xiamen U. PRC, U. Paris Orsay, U. LaPlata, Arg., Tokyo Inst. Tech. Japan. Born New York City 1946.
JOHN WESLEY FROST. Bio-org. Chem. B.S. Purdue, Ph.D. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1981. Student of George Whitesides. Postdoc. Fellow Harvard 1981–83. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1984–91. Currently at Purdue U. Born 1955.
LISA McELWEE-WHITE. Org. Chem. B.S. U. Kansas, Ph.D. Cal. Inst. Tech. 1983. Student of Dennis Dougherty. Postdoc Res. Affill. Stanford 1983–85. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1985–92. U. of Florida, Gainesville 1992–. Born 1958.
STEVE McCLELLAN GEORGE. Phys. Chem. B.S. Yale, Ph.D. U. Cal. Berkeley 1983. Student of Charles Harris. Postdoc. Res. Fellow Cal. Tech. 1983–84, Sloan Fellow 1988, NSF Pres. Young Investigator Award. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1988–95. Currently U. Colo. Boulder. Born 1955.
DALE GENE DRUECKHAMMER. Bio-org. Chem. B.S. Tarleton State U., Ph.D. Texas A and M 1987. Student of Chi-Huey Wong. NIH Fellow Harvard Med. School 1987–89. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1988–89. Currently at Duke U. Born 1961.
WESLEY ALLEN. Phys. Chem. B.A. Vanderbilt, Ph.D. Chem. Physics U. Cal. Berkeley 1987. Student of H.F. Schaeffer. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1988–94. Born 1961.
ROBERT M. WAYMOUTH. Inorg-Organometallic (Polymer) Chem. B.S., B.A. Washington and Lee U., Ph.D. Cal. Inst. Tech. 1987. Student of Robert Grubbs. Res. Fellow Inst. Polymer Sci., ETH Zurich, Switzerland 1987–88. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1988–94, Prof. 1994–. Awards: NSF Young Investigator, Cope Scholar, Sloan Fellow, Union Carbide Innovation, Fresenius, Alan T. Waterman, Undergraduate Teaching Award, Bing Teaching Award. Phi Beta Kappa. Born Warner Robbins, Ga. 1960.
JOHN H. GRIFFIN. Bio-org. Chem. B.S. Hope Coll., Ph.D. Cal. Inst. Tech. 1989. Student of Peter Dervan. Postdoc. Harvard Med. Sch. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1990–96. Currently U. Colo., Boulder. Born 1961.
BARRY M. TROST. Org. Chem. B.A. U. Penn., Ph.D. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1965. Student of Herbert House. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Wisc.-Madison 1965–76. Helfear Prof. 1976–90, Chair 1980–82. Prof. Stanford 1990–. Chair 1996–. Hon. D.Sc. U. Claude Bernard, Technion Haifa, Israel. Awards: ACS Awards for Creative Org. Chem. 1977, 81, 89, 90; Cope Scholar, Ernest Guenther, Roger Adams, Baekland Medal, NIH Merit, Janssen Prize, Pfizer, Sloan Fellow, Am-Swiss Found. Fellow, Dreyfus Fellow, AAAS Teacher-Scholar Grant 1970–75. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Born Philadelphia, Pa. 1941.
T. DANIEL P. STACK. Bio-Inorg. Chem. B.A. Reed Coll., Ph.D. Harvard 1988. Student of Richard Holm. NSF Postdoc. Fellow U. Cal. Berkeley 1988–91. Asst. Prof. to Prof. Stanford 1991–99, Prof. 1999–. Shell Found. New Faculty Award 1993–95; Bing Teaching Award 1995–98, Hoefer Teaching Award 1997. Born 1959.
CHRISTOPHER E. D. CHIDSEY. Phys. Chem. (Interface Chem.) B.S. Dartmouth, Ph.D. Stanford 1983. Student of Steven Boxer. Dreyfus Teaching Scholar 1983. Res. Assoc. U. No. Carolina 1983–84. AT and T Bell Labs. 1984–92. Prof. Stanford 1992–. Born 1957.
THOMAS J. WANDLESS. Bio-Org. Chem. B.S. Trinity U., Ph.D. Harvard 1993. Student of S.L. Schreiber. NSF Postdoc. Fellow Harvard Med. School 1993–95. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1996–. Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award. Beckman Found. Investigator. Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award. Born 1966.
CHAITAN KHOSLA. Chem. Eng. (Biosynth.). B.S. Tech. Indian Institute of Tech., Ph.D. Cal. Inst. Tech. 1990. Asst. Prof. to Assoc. Prof. Chem. Eng., Stanford 1992–97. Joint Assoc. Prof. of Chem. and Chem. Eng. 1997–. Winner of Alan T. Waterman NSF Award 1999; Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Investigator Award; Natl Sci. Found. Young Invest. Award 1994; Alan P. Colburn Award, Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 1997, ACS Lilly Award in Biolog. Chem., ACS Award in Pure Chem. 1999. Born 1974.
HONGJIE DAI. Phys Org. Chem. B.S. Physics, Tsing Hua U. Beijing PRC, M.S. Applied Sci. Columbia, Ph.D. Chem.-Applied Physics Harvard 1994. Student of Charles M. Lieber. Postdoc. Fellow Harvard 1995–97. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1997–. Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award. Born Shaoyang PRC 1966.
WILLIAM E. (W.E.) MOERNER. Phys. Chem. B.S., A.B. Washington U.; M.S., Ph.D. (Physics) Cornell 1982, IBM Res. Staff 1981–95, Manager to Project Leader 1988–95. Prof. U. Cal San Diego 1995–98; Prof. Stanford 1999–. Fellow Am. Phys. Soc., Fellow Optical Soc. Am. Roger I. Wilkinson Natl. Outstanding Young Elect. Eng.; IBM Outstanding Tech. Achievement Award. Visiting Prof. ETH Zurich, Switz.; Woodward Visiting Prof. Harvard. Born Pleasanton, Cal. 1953.
VIJAY S. PANDE. Phys. Chem. (Biosci.) B.A. Physics Princeton, Ph.D. Physics Mass. Inst. Tech. 1995. Student of A. Yu. Grosberg and T. Tanaka. Postdoc. Assoc. M.I.T. 1995–96. Center for Materials Sci and Eng. 1995–96. Fellow Miller Inst. for Basic Research in Sci. 1996–98. Postdoc. Res. Lawrence Natl. Labs Berkeley; Asst. Prof. Stanford 1999–. Born Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago 1970.
JUSTIN DU BOIS. Org-Bioinorg. Chem. B.S. U. Cal. Berkeley, Ph.D. Cal. Inst. Tech. 1997. Student of Stephen J. Lippard. Postdoc. Fellow M.I.T. 1997–99. Asst. Prof. Stanford 1999–. ACS Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Edu. in Chem.; NIH Gen. Med. Sci. Postdoc. Fellow. Born 1969.
ERIC T. KOOL. Biophys-Biochem. B.S. Miami U. Ohio; M.A. Ph.D. Columbia 1988. Student of Ronald Breslow. Postdoc. Fellow Cal. Inst. Tech. 1988–90. Asst. Prof. to Prof. U. Rochester, 1990–99; Prof. Stanford 1999–. Awards: ACS Pfizer, Cope Scholar, Sloan, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher Scholar, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Found., Young Investigator, Office Naval Res. Young Investigator, NIH Postdoc. Fellow. Born 1960.
Department of Chemistry Courtesy Appointments
MICHEL JEAN BOUDART. Chem. Eng. B.S., M.S. Louvain, Belg., Ph.D. Princeton 1950. Student of H.S. Taylor. Asst. Prof. Princeton 1954–58; Assoc. Prof. to Prof. of Chem. Eng. U. Cal. Berkeley 1961–64; Prof. Chem. Eng. Stanford 1964–98. W.M. Keck Prof. of Eng. Emeritus 1998. Cofounder and Dir. Catalytica Assoc., Inc., 1974. Awards: Curtis McGraw Res., Am. Soc. Eng. Educ., R.H. Wilhelm, Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., Kendal, Murphee, Chem. Pioneer Award of the Am. Inst. of Chemists. Visiting Prof. U. Louvain, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Paris. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., Natl. Acad. Eng., Belgium Royal Acad. Born Brussels, Belg. 1924.
ROBERT J. MADIX. Prof. Chem. Eng. Ph.D. U. Cal. Berkeley 1964.
CURTIS W. FRANK. Prof. Chem. Eng. and Material Sci. and Eng. Ph.D. U. Ill. 1972.
ALICE P. GAST. Prof. Chem. Eng. and of SSRL. Ph.D. Princeton 1984.
DANIEL HERSCHLAG. Assoc. Prof. Biochemistry. Ph.D. Brandeis 1988.
STACEY F. BENT. Asst. Prof. Chem. Eng. and Elect. Eng. Ph.D. Stanford 1992.
KARLENE CIMPRICH. Asst. Prof. Pharmacology. Ph.D. Harvard 1994.

Member of the Faculty 1926–1965

Member of the Faculty 1946–1983

Member of the Faculty 1946–1983

Member of the Faculty 1947–1980

Member of the Faculty 1947–1976

Member of the Faculty 1949–1978

Member of the Faculty 1955–1987

Member of the Faculty 1959–

Member of the Faculty 1960–1988
Executive Head 1960–1969
J.C. Jackson and C.J. Wood Professor 1975–1980

Member of the Faculty 1961–1975
Chairman 1969–1972
J.C. Jackson and C.J. Wood Professor 1965–1975

Member of the Faculty 1962–1988
Chairman 1972–1974; 1978–1985
Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor 1976–1985

Member of the Faculty 1963–
Chairman 1979–1983; 1995–1996
J.C. Jackson and C.J. Wood Professor 1980–

Member of the Faculty 1964–2000
Chairman 1989–1992
Robert Eckles Swain Professor 1979–2000

Member of the Faculty 1964–
Chairman 1992–1995

Member of the Faculty 1967–
George A. and Hilda M. Daubert Professor 1980–

Member of the Faculty 1968–
David Mulvane Ehrsam and Edward Curtis Franklin Professor 2000–

Member of the Faculty 1973–

Member of the Faculty 1974–
David Mulvane Ehrsam and Edward Curtis Franklin Professor 2000

Member of the Faculty 1974–

Member of the Faculty 1976–
Camille and Henry Dreyfus Professor 2000–

Member of the Faculty 1977–
Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor 1986–

Member of the Faculty 1980–
Camille and Henry Dreyfus Professor 1985–2000

Member of the Faculty 1981–
Francis W. Bergstrom Professor 1983–

Member of the Faculty 1982–
Monroe Spaight Professor 1982

Member of the Faculty 1988–
Robert Eckles Swain Professor 2000–

Member of the Faculty 1990–
Job and Gertrud Tamaki Professor 1990–

Member of the Faculty 1991–

Member of the Faculty 1992–

Member of the Faculty 1996–

Member of the Faculty 1997–

Member of the Faculty 1997–

Member of the Faculty 1999–

Member of the Faculty 1999–

Member of the Faculty 1999–

Member of the Faculty 1999–

Member of the Faculty (by courtesy) 1964–