The Department of Chemistry
Stanford University
1891 to 1976
- G. Nagel. “Letters of Jane Stanford”.
- P. V. Turner. “The Library That Never Was”. The Imprint of the Stanford Library Associates, Vol. II, No. 1, April 1976.
- Stanford Register, 1900–01. Leland Stanford Junior University, (April 1901) p. 123.
- Stanford Register, 1901–02. Leland Stanford Junior University, (April 1902) p. 118.
- G. C. Edwards, “Words of Appreciation”. Collected pieces in a Memorial Volume, John Maxson Stillman. (Stanford University), 1924.
- S. W. Young, “Biographical Sketch”. Ibid.
- The chairmanship of the Committee on Ways and Means and the vice-presidency of the University were vested in the same individual. For many years Stillman and John Casper Branner held those posts on a rotating basis.
- Several of Stillman’s earliest papers dealt with the extract of the California bay tree—a subject on which Professor R. H. Eastman carried out researches some seventy years later.
- Richardson’s grandson has been for many years a member of the chemistry faculty of the California State University at San Jose.
- Memorial resolution presented to the Academic Council, June 6, 1961.
- Notably S. S. Marsden, now Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Stanford.
- F. Blacet, P. Cross, D. Volman, and N. Smith, to name but a few.
- T. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
- S. W. Grinnell, W. A. Perkins, and F. X. Webster.
- We might note that Jack Tessieri (Texaco), Ed LaCombe (Union Carbide), M. Baruch (Chevron Research), and John Bills (Kerr McGee) were all graduate students during this period.