The Department of Chemistry
Stanford University
1891 to 1976
The Faculty
John Maxson Stillman. Ph.B., Ph.D., Ll.D. University of California; Instructor, U. C. 1876–1882; Chemist, Boston Sugar Company 1882–1891; Professor, Stanford 1891–1917; Executive Head 1891–1917. Born New York 4/14/52, died Stanford 12/13/23.
George Mann Richardson. A.C. Lehigh, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins. Instructor, Lehigh 1888–1891; Assoc. Prof., Stanford 1891; Professor, Stanford 1894–1902. Born 1863; died Stanford 7/26/02.
Lionel Remond Lenox. Ph.B. Columbia U. Instructor, Lehigh U. 1888–91; Chemist, Ordnance Dept. U.S. Navy 1891–92; Professor, Stanford 1892–1927. Born Brooklyn 3/8/65; died Stanford 7/25/27.
Stewart Woodford Young. B.S. Cornell U. Instructor, Cornell 1890–91; Instructor, Swarthmore 1891–93; Instructor, Stanford 1893; Assistant Prof. 1894; Assoc. Prof. 1901; Professor 1906–1931; Born Orient, N.Y., 3/14/69; died Stanford 4/9/31.
Robert Eckles Swain. A.B. Stanford, Ph.D. Yale. Instructor, Stanford 1899–02; Asst. Prof. 1902–06; Assoc. Prof. 1906–11; Professor 1911–40; Executive Head 1917–40; Acting President 1930–33. Born Hollister, Calif., 1/5/75; died Stanford 1961.
Edward Curtis Franklin. B.S., M.S. U. of Kansas; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, D.Sc. Northwestern, D.Sc. Western Reserve, Ll.D. Wittenberg. Assistant, Kansas 1891–94; Assoc. Prof. 1894–99; Professor 1899–1903; Professor, Stanford 1903–1929. Nichols Medalist 1926, Gibbs Medalist 1931; President, ACS 1923, National Academy of Sciences. Born Geary City, Kansas, 3/1/62; died Stanford 2/13/33.
John Pearce Mitchell. A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Stanford. Instructor, Stanford 1906–08; Asst. Prof. 1908–16; Asst. Prof. 1916–20; Professor 1920–45. Registrar 1925–45. Born Providence, R.I., 6/4/80; died Palo Alto 12/27/73.
William Henry Sloan. A.B., A.M. Stanford. Instructor, Stanford 1906–14; Asst. Prof. 1914–23; Assoc. Prof. 1923–37; Professor 1937–1942. Born Mayfield, Calif., 6/23/77; died 6/24/50. endowed the Sloan Scholarships in 1943.
Albert F. O. German. Assistant Professor 1921–24.
George Sutton Parks. B.S., M.S. U. of Washington, Ph.D. California. Instructor, California Institute of Technology 1919–20; Instructor, Stanford 1920–25; Asst. Prof. 1925–30; Assoc. Prof. 1930–37; Professor 1937–1960. Executive Head 1951–60. Acting Dean, Graduate Studies, 1950–51. Born Tacoma, Wash., 1/7/94; died Palo Alto 11/18/66.
Alexander Findlay. B.S., Ph.D., D.Sc. St. Andrews, Scotland. Visiting Professor, Stanford 1924.
Francis William Bergstrom. B.A., Ph.D. Stanford. Instructor, Stanford 1925–28; Asst. Prof. 1928–34; Assoc. Prof. 1934–42; Professor 1942–46. Student of E. C. Franklin. Born Bloomington, Ind., 1/10/97; died Stanford 3/29/46.
Nathanial Howell Furman. B.S., Ph.D. Princeton. Instructor, Stanford 1917–19. Spent virtually all the remainder of his academic life as a member of the Princeton faculty.
James Murray Luck. B.S. Toronto, Ph.D. Cambridge, England. Demonstrator, Toronto 1925–26; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1926–34; Assoc. Prof. 1934–41; Professor 1941–65. Emeritus 1965. 1851 Exhibitioner. Founding Editor, Annual Reviews of Biochemistry. Born Paris, Ontario, 10/23/99.
Maurice Loyal Huggins. B.S., M.S., Ph.D. U. of California. Assistant Professor, Stanford 1926–33. Born Berkeley 9/19/97.
James William McBain. A.B., A.M. Toronto, Ph.D. Heidelberg. Lecturer, Bristol, England 1906–1919; Leverhulme Professor, Bristol, England 1919–26; Visiting Professor, U. of California 1926–27; Professor, Stanford 1927–47. Director, National Chemical Laboratory, Poona, India 1947–50. Hons. Sc.D. Brown U. 1923; Bristol 1928. Fellow of Royal Society 1925; Humphry Davy Medalist, Royal Society 1939. Student of H. Quinke. Born Chatham, New Brunswick, 3/22/82; died Stanford 3/12/53.
Mary Evelyn Laing McBain. Sc.D., Bristol, England. Student of J. W. McBain. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1927–29; Sr. Res. Assoc. 1929–1947. Born Alcester, England, 10/17/91.
Kenneth Keith Kelley. A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Stanford. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1928–29. Student of G. S. Parks.
Philip Albert Leighton. A.B., A.M. Pomona, A.M., Ph.D. Harvard. Instructor, Harvard 1926–27; Instructor, Stanford 1928–29; Asst. Prof. 1929–32; Assoc. Prof. 1932–37; Professor 1937–62. Emeritus 1962. Executive Head 1940–51. Born Los Angeles 8/9/97.
Farrington Daniels. B.S., M.S. U. of Minnesota, Ph.D. Harvard. Visiting Professor, Stanford 1929. Spent virtually all his academic life at U. of Wisconsin.
Carl Robert Noller. B.S., M.S. Washington U., St. Louis, Ph.D. Illinois. Student of Roger Adams. Instructor, Northwestern 1926–27; Eastman Kodak 1927–29; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1929–35; Assoc. Prof. 1935–39; Professor 1939–66. Emeritus 1966. Visiting Lecturer, Harvard 1938–9. Born St. Louis 10/10/1900.
Pierre Van Rysselberge. Eng. Brussels, M.S., Ph.D. Stanford. Student of J. W. McBain. Instructor, Stanford 1929–31; Asst. Prof. 1931–41; Asst. Prof., Oregon 1941–43; Assoc. Prof. 1943–45; Professor 1945–56; Lecturer, Stanford 1956–70. Fulbright Lecturer, Italy. Born Brussels, Belgium, 5/18/05.
Herman A. Spoehr. B.S., Ph.D., Sc.D. Chicago. Courtesy Professor, Stanford 1932–47. Chairman, Plant Biology, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Stanford campus 1931–47.
Victor Kuhn LaMer. A.B. Kansas, Ph.D. Columbia U. Visiting Professor, Stanford 1930. Spent nearly all his academic life at Columbia U.
James Hollingsworth Clemmer Smith. A.B. Monmouth Coll., M.S., Ph.D. Chicago. Courtesy Professor 1931–70. Spent much of his scientific life at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford campus. Born Frest, Ohio, 12/3/95; died Palo Alto 1/8/70.
Frederick Otto Koenig. A.B. Harvard, Ph.D. Munich. Student of K. Fajans. Fellow, U. of California 1930–31; Instructor, Stanford 1931–36; Asst. Prof. 1936–38; Assoc. Prof. 1938–43; Professor 1943–1968. Emeritus 1968. Born New York City 10/15/02; died Stanford 7/5/74.
Edward Armand Guggenheim. B.A., Ph.D., Sc.D. Oxford, England, FRS. Visiting Professor, Stanford 1932.
George Bogdan Kistiakowsky. Ph.D. Berlin, D.Sc. Harvard. Visiting Professor, Stanford 1935. Spent nearly all his academic life at Harvard.
Richard Andrew Ogg, Jr. A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Stanford. Student of P. A. Leighton. Instructor, Stanford 1935–37; Asst. Prof. 1937–42; Assoc. Prof. 1942–47; Professor 1947–62. Born Victor, Colorado, 2/11/09; died Atherton 6/19/62.
Paul Clifford Cross. B.S. Geneva Coll., M.S., Ph.D. Wisconsin. Assistant Professor, Stanford 1936–38. Spent his later academic life at U. of Washington and Brown U.
Francis Edward Blacet. A.B. Pomona, A.M., Ph.D. Stanford. Student of P. A. Leighton. Instructor, Stanford 1931–2; Instructor, UCLA 1932–36; Asst. Prof. 1936–8; Visiting Professor, Stanford 1937–38. Spent virtually all his academic life at UCLA.
James Franck. Ph.D. Berlin. Visiting Professor, Stanford 1937–38. Nobel Laureate 1925. Professor Physics, Johns Hopkins.
Hubert Scott Loring. A.B. Pomona, M.S., Ph.D. Illinois. Student of V. du Vigneaud. Instructor, George Washington U. 1933–35; Fellow, Rockefeller Institute 1935–39; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1939–42; Assoc. Prof. 1942–47; Professor 1947–74. Emeritus 1974. Born British Honduras 11/19/08; died Stanford 10/31/74.
Lochart Burgess Rogers. A.B. Wesleyan, A.M., Ph.D. Princeton. Assistant Prof., Stanford 1942–45. Has spent much of his later academic life at MIT.
Robert David Rowe. A.B., Ph.D. Stanford. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1942–46.
Carl Gustav Lindquist. B.S. Purdue. Eastman Kodak 1937–42; Instructor (Chem. Engr.), U. of Rochester 1940–41; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1942–51; Assoc. Prof. 1951–54.
Claudio Alvarez-Tostado. B.S., M.S. Arizona, Ph.D. Stanford. Student of J. W. McBain. Instructor, Stanford 1940–44; Asst. Prof. 1944–49; Assoc. Prof. 1949–58; Professor 1958–. Born Durango, Mexico, 6/4/12.
Mark Neuhof. Ph.D. Frankfurt-am-Main. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1943–45.
William Andrew Bonner. A.B. Harvard, Ph.D. Northwestern. Student of C. D. Hurd. Instructor, Northwestern 1944–45; Instructor, Stanford 1945–47; Asst. Prof. 1947–51; Assoc. Prof. 1951–59; Professor 1959–. Born Chicago 12/21/19.
Harry Stone Mosher. A.B. Willamette U., M.S. Oregon State; M.S., Ph.D. Pennsylvania State College. Student of F. C. Whitemore. Asst. Prof., Penn. State 1942–46; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1946–50; Assoc. Prof. 1950–55; Professor 1955–. Born Salem, Ore., 8/31/15. Willamette Alumni Award 1966. Visiting Professor, Der Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
Richard Hallenbeck Eastman. A.B. Princeton, Ph.D. Harvard. Student of R. B. Woodward. Instructor, Stanford 1946–48; Asst. Prof. 1948–51; Assoc. Prof. 1951–59; Professor 1959–. Born Erie, Pa., 10/30/18. Guest Lecturer, U.S. Air Force Academy.
Douglas Arvid Skoog. B.S. Oregon State, Ph.D. Illinois. Student of D. T. Englis. Standard of Calif., 1943–47; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1947–52; Assoc. Prof. 1952–62; Professor 1962–76. Emeritus 1976. Assoc. Exec. Head 1961–76. Born Willmar, Minn., 5/4/18.
Eric Hutchinson. B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Cambridge, England. Student of Sir Eric Rideal. Instructor, Sheffield U., England 1945–46; Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford 1946–48; Asst. Prof., Fordham U. 1948–49; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1949–53; Assoc. Prof. 1953–59; Professor 1959–. Academic Secretary 1974–. Visiting Professor, Yokohama National University, University of Sussex. Born Morton, England, 12/25/20.
Harold Sledge Johnston. B.S., Ph.D. California Institute of Technology. Student of Don M. Yost. Instructor, Stanford 1947–49; Asst. Prof. 1949–53; Assoc. Prof. 1953–56. Has spent most of his later academic life at U. of California. Born Woodstock, Ga., 10/11/20.
John Hill Wise. B.S. Haverford, Ph.D. Brown. Instructor, Stanford 1947–50; Asst. Prof. 1950–53. Has spent his later academic life at Washington and Lee U. Born Marysville, Pa., 11/6/20.
Amos Clark Griffin. B.S. Utah State, Ph.D. Wisconsin; M.D. Texas. Instructor, Stanford 1948–49; Asst. Prof. 1949–52; Assoc. Prof. 1952–55. Born Newton, Utah, 5/16/18.
Ralph Robert Paxton. B.S. Illinois, D.Sc. M.I.T. Instructor, Colorado 1946–47; Asst. Prof., M.I.T. 1947–49; Asst. Prof., Stanford 1949–55. Born Zim, Ill., 3/4/20.
Stuart Wood Grinnell. B.S. U. of Calif., A.M., Ph.D. Stanford. Student of F.0. Koenig. Assoc. Prof., Stanford 1952–61.
David Malcolm Mason. B.S., M.S., Ph.D. California Institute of Technology. Instructor, Caltech. 1949–51; J.P.L. 1952–55; Assoc. Prof., Stanford 1955–58; Professor 1958–. Chairman Chem. Eng. 1960–72. Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies 1972–76. Born Los Angeles 1/7/21.
Lawrence Oscar Pilgeram. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1955–57.
Cornelius John Pings. B.S., Ph.D. California Institute of Technology. Instructor, Stanford 1955–56; Asst. Prof. 1956–59. Has spent much of his academic life at Caltech. David M. Mason Lecturer in Chemical Engineering 1975 (first recipient). Born Conrad, Mont., 3/15/29.
Eugene Russell Hardwick. Asst. Prof. Born Clovis, N. M., 6/11/22. Has spent much of his academic life at UCLA.
Thomas Reed Tuttle. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1959–62.
William Summer Johnson. A.B. Amherst, A.M., Ph.D. Harvard. Student of L. F. Fieser. Instructor, Amherst 1936–37; Instructor, Wisconsin 1940–42; Asst. Prof. 1942–44; Assoc. Prof. 1944–46; Professor 1946–60; Professor, Stanford 1960–. Executive Head 1960–69. Jackson-Wood Professor 1975–. Visiting Professor Harvard. National Academy of Sciences; American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Nichols Medalist; ACS Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry; Roussell Prize Winner; Hon. D.Sc. Amherst, Long Island U. Born New Rochelle, N.Y., 2/24/1913.
Carl Djerassi. A.B. Kenyon College, Ph.D. Wisconsin. Student of A. L. Wilds. Research Chemist, Ciba Pharmaceutical Co. 1942–43, 45–49; Assoc. Dir. Chem. Res., Syntex, 1949–52; Professor, Wayne State 1952–59; Professor, Stanford 1959–. National Academy of Sciences; Perkin Medal, SCI, ACS Award in Pure Chemistry; ACS Baekeland Medalist; ACS Fritzsche Award; Hon. D.Sc. National Univ. of Mexico, Kenyon Coll., Worcester Polytechnic Intitute, Wayne State U., Columbia. Hon. Fellow Chemical Society of G.B., Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. National Medal of Science. Member President’s Advisory Group on Contributions of Technology to Economic Strength. Born Vienna, Austria, 10/29/23
Frank Ephraim Harris. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1960–62; Assoc. Prof. 1962–68. Born Boston 8/26/29.
Glenn Howard Spencer. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1960–63.
Victor William Laurie. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1961–66.
William Herbert Orttung. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1961–63.
Paul John Flory. A.B., Manchester Coll., M.S., Ph.D. Ohio State. Student of H. L. Johnston. Professor, Cornell U. 1948–56; Professor, Stanford 1961–65; Jackson-Wood Professor 1965–75. Emeritus 1975. Baker Lecturer, Cornell; Visiting Professor M.I.T., ETH Zurich, Weizmann Institute, Israel. Hon.D.Sc. Manchester Coll., Indiana; Manchester U., England; Ohio State. Sullivant Medalist; Baekeland Award; Colwyn Medalist, IRI; Nichols Medalist; ACS Goodyear Medalist; ACS Debye Award; Chandler Medalist, Columbia U.; Cresson Medalist; Kirkwood Medal, Yale; Gibbs Medalist; Priestley Medalist; National Medal of Science. Nobel Laureate. Born Sterling, Ill., 6/19/10.
Henry Taube. B.S., M.S. U. of Saskatchewan, Ph.D. U. of California. Student of W. C. Bray. Instructor, U.C.-Berkeley 1940–41; Asst. Prof., Cornell 1941–46; Assoc. Prof., Chicago 1946–52; Professor 1952–62; Professor, Stanford 1962–. NATO Visiting Professor; Brotherton Research Professor; ACS Award for Nuclear Applications in Chemistry; Harrison Howe Award; Chandler Medalist, Columbia; Kirkwood Award; ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry; Dwyer Medalist, Australia; Baker Lecturer, Cornell; Priestley Lecturer, Penn. State. National Academy of Sciences; American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Born Neudorf, Sask., 11/30/15.
Eugene Earle van Tamelen. A.B. Hope Coll., Ph.D. Harvard. Student of G. Stork. Instructor, Wisconsin 1950–52; Asst. Prof. 1952–56; Assoc. Prof. 1956–59; Professor 1959–62; Professor, Stanford 1962–. Hon.D.Sc. Hope Coll., Bucknell U. ACS Award in Pure Chemistry; Baekeland Award; ACS Award for Creative Work in Organic Chemistry. Visiting Professor/Lecturer, Northwestern U., Ohio State, Wayne State, Columbia U., M.I.T., ETH, Zurich, U. of Michigan, U. of Virginia, Princeton, U. of North Carolina. National Academy of Sciences; American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Born Zeeland, Mich., 7/20/25.
Harden Marsden McConnell. B.S. George Washington U., Ph.D. California Institute of Technology. Student of Norman Davidson. Asst. Prof., Caltech 1956–58; Assoc. Prof. 1958–59; Professor 1959–63; Professor, Stanford 1964–. California Section Award; ACS Award in Pure Chemistry; Howe Award; Langmuir Award. National Academy of Sciences. Born Richmond, Va., 7/18/27.
Michel Jean Boudard. B.S., M.S. Louvain, Belgium, Ph.D. Princeton. Student of H. S. Taylor. Asst. Professor, Princeton 1954–58; Assoc. Prof. 1958–61; Professor, U. of Calif. 1961–64; Professor, Stanford 1964–. Born Brussels, Belgium, 6/18/24.
John I. Brauman. B.S. M.I.T., M.S., Ph.D. U. of California. Student of A. Streitweiser, Jr. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1963–69; Assoc. Prof. 1969–72; Professor 1972–. ACS Award in Pure Chemistry. National Academy of Sciences. Born Pittsburgh 9/7/37.
Karl Albert Folkers. B.S. Illinois, Ph.D. Wisconsin. Courtesy Professor, Stanford 1964–69. Baker Lecturer, Cornell. National Academy of Sciences. Born Decatur, Ill., 9/1/06.
John D. Baldeschweiler. B.Chem.E. Cornell, Ph.D. U. of California. Instructor, Harvard 1960–2; Asst. Prof. 1962–65; Assoc. Prof., Stanford 1965–67; Professor 1967–73. Now Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Caltech. Born Elizabeth, N.J., 11/14/33.
Neil Kestner. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1964–66.
Robert Pecora. B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Columbia U. Student of R. Bersohn. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1964–71; Assoc. Prof. 1971–. Visiting Professor, U. of Manchester, England. Born Brooklyn, 8/6/38.
Paul Gravis Simpson. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1964–70.
Lawrence J. Altman. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1966–72.
James P. Collman. B.S., M.S. U. of Nebraska, Ph.D. Illinois. Student of R. C. Fuson. Instructor, U. of N. Carolina 1958–59; Asst. Prof. 1959–62; Assoc. Prof. 1962–66; Professor 1966–67; Professor, Stanford 1967–. Visiting Professor, U. of Canterbury, England; Northwestern U., U. of Rochester, Rutgers. California Section, ACS Award; ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry. National Academy of Sciences. Born Beatrice, Neb. 10/31/32.
Hans Christian Andersen. B.S., Ph.D. M.I.T. Student of I. Oppenheim. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1968–74; Assoc. Prof. 1974–. Born Brooklyn 9/25/41.
Leonard M. Stephenson. Asst. Prof., Stanford, 1968–75.
Linus C. Pauling. B.S. Oregon State, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology. Student of R. G. Dickinson. Asst. Prof., Caltech 1927–29; Assoc. Prof. 1929–31; Professor 1931–63; Professor, Stanford 1969–74. George Eastman Professor, Oxford U.; Visiting Professor California, Cornell, M.I.T., Harvard, Princeton. Hon.D.Sc. Chicago, Princeton, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford, London, Paris, Toulouse, Montpellier, Liege, Melbourne, Cracow, Berlin. Foreign Member, Royal Society; French Academy of Science; Academy of Science, Norway, USSR, India, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Yugoslavia, Romania. ACS Award in Pure Chemistry; Nichols Medalist; Gibbs Medalist; Richards Medalist; G. N. Lewis Medalist; Avogadro Medalist; Pasteur Medalist; Pierre Fermat Medalist; Sabatier Medalist; Davy Medalist; Linus Pauling Medalist; Thomas Addis Medalist; Phillips Medalist; Gold Medalist of Medical Society of New York; Gold Medalist, French Academy of Medicine; Vermeil Medalist, Paris; Eliasberg and Goedel Medalist. Past President, American Chemical Society. National Academy of Sciences; American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Nobel Laureate, chemistry; Nobel Laureate, Peace. Born Portland, Ore.; 2/28/01.
Kenneth S. Pitzer. B.S. California Institute of Technology, M.D. California. Student of G. N. Lewis. Professor, Stanford 1969–71. President, Stanford University 1969–71. Born Pomona, Calif., 1/6/14.
Frank Albert Weinhold. B.S. U. of Colorado, A.M., Ph.D. Harvard. Student of E. B. Wilson, Jr. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1969–76. Born Scottsbluff, Neb. 5/18/41.
Bruce Samuel Hudson. B.S., M.S. California Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Harvard. Student of B. Kohler and R. G. Gordon. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1972–. Born Peekskill, N.Y., 3/15/45.
Wray Hughes Huestis. B.S. Macalester Coll., Ph.D. California Institute of Technology. Student of M. A. Raftery. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1974–. Born Lander, Wyo., 12/29/45.
Michael David Fayer. B.S., Ph.D. California. Student of C. B. Harris. Asst. Prof., Stanford 1974–. Born Los Angeles 9/12/47.
Richard H. Holm. B.S. U. of Massachusetts, Ph.D. M.I.T. Student of F. A. Cotton. Asst. Prof., Harvard 1962–65; Assoc. Prof., Wisconsin 1965–67; Professor, M.I.T. 1965–67; Professor, Stanford 1975–. Bailar Medal for Research in Coordination Chemistry; ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry. National Academy of Sciences; American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Born Boston 9/24/33.

Members of the Department faculty, 1940, on the occasion of Dr. Swain’s retirement.

John Maxson Stillman
Member of the Faculty 1891–1917
Executive Head 1904–1914

George Mann Richardson
Member of the Faculty 1891–1902

Lionel Remond Lenox
Member of the Faculty 1892–1927

Stewart Woodford Young
Member of the Faculty 1893–1931

Edward Curtis Franklin
Member of the Faculty 1903–1929

Robert Eckles Swain
Member of the Faculty 1899–1940
Executive Head 1917–1940

John Pearce Mitchell
Member of the Faculty 1906–1945

William Henry Sloan
Member of the Faculty 1906–1942

George Sutton Parks
Member of the Faculty 1920–1960
Executive Head 1951–1960

Francis William Bergstrom
Member of the Faculty 1925–1946

James Murray Luck
Member of the Faculty 1926–1965

James William McBain
Member of the Faculty 1927–1947

Philip Albert Leighton
Member of the Faculty 1928–1962
Executive Head 1940–1951

Carl Robert Noller
Member of the Faculty 1929–1966

Frederick Otto Koenig
Member of the Faculty 1931–1968

Hubert Scott Loring
Member of the Faculty 1934–1971

Richard Andrew Ogg, Jr.
Member of the Faculty 1935–1962

Claudio Alvarez-Tostado
Member of the Faculty 1940–1977

William Andrew Bonner
Member of the Faculty 1946–

Richard Hallenbeck Eastman
Member of the Faculty 1946–

Harry Stone Mosher
Member of the Faculty 1946–

Douglas Arvid Skoog
Member of the Faculty 1947–1976

Eric Hutchinson
Member of the Faculty 1949–

David Malcolm Mason
Member of the Faculty 1955–

Carl Djerassi
Member of the Faculty 1959–

William Summer Johnson
Member of the Faculty 1960–
Executive Head 1960–1969
J. C. Jackson and C. J. Wood Professor 1975–

Paul John Flory
Member of the Faculty 1961–1975
Chairman 1969–1972
J. C. Jackson and C. J. Wood Professor 1965–1975

Henry Taube
Member of the Faculty 1962–
Chairman 1972–1974
Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor 1976–

Eugene Earle Van Tamelen
Member of the Faculty 1962–
Chairman 1974–

John I. Brauman
Member of the Faculty 1963–

Harden Marsden McConnell
Member of the Faculty 1964–

Michel Jean Boudart
Member of the Faculty (by courtesy) 1964–

James P. Collman
Member of the Faculty 1967–

Hans Christian Andersen
Member of the Faculty 1968–

Linus Carl Pauling
Member of the Faculty 1969–1974

Richard A. Holm
Member of the Faculty 1975–