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IALL (Full Record)

=> d L8 iall 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
ACCESSION NUMBER:        125:156977  CA
TITLE:                   Heme models: synthesis, structural
                         characterization, and binding properties of
                         capped porphyrins
AUTHOR(S):               Slebodnick, Carla
CORPORATE SOURCE:        Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA
SOURCE:                  (1995) 201 pp.  Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int.,
                         Order No. DA9614841
                         From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 1996, 57(1), 329
DOCUMENT TYPE:           Dissertation
LANGUAGE:                English
CLASSIFICATION:          78-7 (Inorganic Chemicals and Reactions)
                         Section cross-reference(s): 6, 26, 67, 75
ABSTRACT:                Unavailable
SUPPL. TERM:       porphyrin iron ruthenium prepn structure binding;
                   crystal structure iron ruthenium porphyrinato complex;
                   heme model porphyrin iron ruthenium complex
INDEX TERM:        Crystal structure
                   Molecular structure
                      (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties
                      of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme
INDEX TERM:        Hemoproteins
                   ROLE: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except
                   adverse); PRP (Properties); BIOL (Biological study)
                      (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties
                      of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme
INDEX TERM:        Porphyrins
                   ROLE: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic
                   preparation); PREP (Preparation)
                      (iron complexes, prepn., crystal structure and
                      binding properties of capped iron and ruthenium
                      porphyrins as heme models)
INDEX TERM:        Porphyrins
                   ROLE: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic
                   preparation); PREP (Preparation)
                      (ruthenium complexes, prepn., crystal structure and
                      binding properties of capped iron and ruthenium
                      porphyrins as heme models)
INDEX TERM:        7439-89-6DP, Iron, porphyrin complexes   7440-18-8DP,
                   Ruthenium, porphyrin complexes
                   ROLE: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic
                   preparation); PREP (Preparation)
                      (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties
                      of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme

ALL (Full Record)

=> d L8 all 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
AN   125:156977  CA
TI   Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and binding
     properties of capped porphyrins
AU   Slebodnick, Carla
CS   Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA
SO   (1995) 201 pp.  Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int., Order No. DA9614841
     From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 1996, 57(1), 329
DT   Dissertation
LA   English
CC   78-7 (Inorganic Chemicals and Reactions)
     Section cross-reference(s): 6, 26, 67, 75
AB   Unavailable
ST   porphyrin iron ruthenium prepn structure binding; crystal structure
     iron ruthenium porphyrinato complex; heme model porphyrin iron
     ruthenium complex
IT   Crystal structure
     Molecular structure
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Hemoproteins
     RL: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); PRP
     (Properties); BIOL (Biological study)
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Porphyrins
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (iron complexes, prepn., crystal structure and binding properties
        of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Porphyrins
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (ruthenium complexes, prepn., crystal structure and binding
        properties of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme
IT   7439-89-6DP, Iron, porphyrin complexes   7440-18-8DP, Ruthenium,
     porphyrin complexes
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)

IBIB (Indented bibliographic citation)

=> d L8 ibib 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
ACCESSION NUMBER:        125:156977  CA
TITLE:                   Heme models: synthesis, structural
                         characterization, and binding properties of
                         capped porphyrins
AUTHOR(S):               Slebodnick, Carla
CORPORATE SOURCE:        Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA
SOURCE:                  (1995) 201 pp.  Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int.,
                         Order No. DA9614841
                         From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 1996, 57(1), 329
DOCUMENT TYPE:           Dissertation
LANGUAGE:                English

CBIB (Compressed bibliographic citation)

=> d L8 cbib 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
125:156977  Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and
     binding properties of capped porphyrins.  Slebodnick, Carla
     (Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA).  201 pp.  Avail. Univ.
     Microfilms Int., Order No. DA9614841  From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B
     1996, 57(1), 329 (English) 1995.

BIB (Bibliographic citation)

=> d L8 bib 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
AN   125:156977  CA
TI   Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and binding
     properties of capped porphyrins
AU   Slebodnick, Carla
CS   Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA
SO   (1995) 201 pp.  Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int., Order No. DA9614841
     From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 1996, 57(1), 329
DT   Dissertation
LA   English

IBIB ABS (Bibliographic citation and abstracr)

=> d L8 ibib abs 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
ACCESSION NUMBER:        125:156977  CA
TITLE:                   Heme models: synthesis, structural
                         characterization, and binding properties of
                         capped porphyrins
AUTHOR(S):               Slebodnick, Carla
CORPORATE SOURCE:        Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA
SOURCE:                  (1995) 201 pp.  Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int.,
                         Order No. DA9614841
                         From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 1996, 57(1), 329
DOCUMENT TYPE:           Dissertation
LANGUAGE:                English
AB   Unavailable

CBIB ABS (Compressed citation and abstract)

Note: You can also use bib abs or ibib abs

=> d L8 cbib abs 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
125:156977  Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and
     binding properties of capped porphyrins.  Slebodnick, Carla
     (Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA).  201 pp.  Avail. Univ.
     Microfilms Int., Order No. DA9614841  From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B
     1996, 57(1), 329 (English) 1995.
AB   Unavailable

BIB ABS (Bibliographic citation and abstracts)

=> d L8 bib abs 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
AN   125:156977  CA
TI   Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and binding
     properties of capped porphyrins
AU   Slebodnick, Carla
CS   Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, USA
SO   (1995) 201 pp.  Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int., Order No. DA9614841
     From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 1996, 57(1), 329
DT   Dissertation
LA   English
AB   Unavailable

TI (Title)

=> d L8 ti 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
TI   Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and binding
     properties of capped porphyrins

SCAN (Sample format in random order, free)

=> d L8 scan

L8    222851 ANSWERS   CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
CC   79-2 (Inorganic Analytical Chemistry)
TI   Studies in automated microanalysis (flow injection)
ST   flow injection automated microanalysis
IT   Analysis
        (flow-injection, in automated microanal. with optical detection)


L8   222851 ANSWERS   CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
CC   78-7 (Inorganic Chemicals and Reactions)
     Section cross-reference(s): 6, 26, 67, 75
TI   Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and binding
     properties of capped porphyrins
ST   porphyrin iron ruthenium prepn structure binding; crystal structure
     iron ruthenium porphyrinato complex; heme model porphyrin iron
     ruthenium complex
IT   Crystal structure
     Molecular structure
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Hemoproteins
     RL: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); PRP
     (Properties); BIOL (Biological study)
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Porphyrins
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (iron complexes, prepn., crystal structure and binding properties
        of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Porphyrins
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (ruthenium complexes, prepn., crystal structure and binding
        properties of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme
IT   7439-89-6DP, Iron, porphyrin complexes   7440-18-8DP, Ruthenium,
     porphyrin complexes
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)


SAM (Sample, title plus indexing)

=> d L8 sam 13

L8   ANSWER 13 OF 222851  CA  COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS
CC   78-7 (Inorganic Chemicals and Reactions)
     Section cross-reference(s): 6, 26, 67, 75
TI   Heme models: synthesis, structural characterization, and binding
     properties of capped porphyrins
ST   porphyrin iron ruthenium prepn structure binding; crystal structure
     iron ruthenium porphyrinato complex; heme model porphyrin iron
     ruthenium complex
IT   Crystal structure
     Molecular structure
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Hemoproteins
     RL: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); PRP
     (Properties); BIOL (Biological study)
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Porphyrins
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (iron complexes, prepn., crystal structure and binding properties
        of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)
IT   Porphyrins
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (ruthenium complexes, prepn., crystal structure and binding
        properties of capped iron and ruthenium porphyrins as heme
IT   7439-89-6DP, Iron, porphyrin complexes   7440-18-8DP, Ruthenium,
     porphyrin complexes
     RL: PRP (Properties); RCT (Reactant); SPN (Synthetic preparation);
     PREP (Preparation)
        (prepn., crystal structure and binding properties of capped iron
        and ruthenium porphyrins as heme models)