L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS ACCESSION NUMBER: 124:320029 CA TITLE: Rheology of Industrial Polysaccharides: Theory and Applications. AUTHOR(S): Pricl, S.; Lapasin, R.; Editors CORPORATE SOURCE: UK SOURCE: (1995) Publisher: (Chapman & Hall: London, UK), 640 pp. DOCUMENT TYPE: Book LANGUAGE: English CLASSIFICATION: 44-6 (Industrial Carbohydrates) ABSTRACT: Unavailable SUPPL. TERM: book rheol industrial polysaccharide theory use INDEX TERM: Rheology (theory and applications of rheol. of industrial polysaccharides) INDEX TERM: Polysaccharides, properties ROLE: NUU (Nonbiological use, unclassified); PRP (Properties); USES (Uses) (theory and applications of rheol. of industrial polysaccharides)
L2 147 ANSWERS CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS CC 35-5 (Synthetic High Polymers) TI Rheological Properties of Polymeric Systems (Reologicheskie Svoistva Polimernykh Sistem) ST book rheol polymer system IT Rheology (of polymer systems) IT Polymers, properties RL: PRP (Properties) (systems, rheol. of)
L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS CC 44-6 (Industrial Carbohydrates) TI Rheology of Industrial Polysaccharides: Theory and Applications. ST book rheol industrial polysaccharide theory use IT Rheology (theory and applications of rheol. of industrial polysaccharides) IT Polysaccharides, properties RL: NUU (Nonbiological use, unclassified); PRP (Properties); USES (Uses) (theory and applications of rheol. of industrial polysaccharides)
L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS TI Rheology of Industrial Polysaccharides: Theory and Applications.
L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS AN 124:320029 CA TI Rheology of Industrial Polysaccharides: Theory and Applications. AU Pricl, S.; Lapasin, R.; Editors CS UK SO (1995) Publisher: (Chapman & Hall, London, UK), 640 pp. DT Book LA English
L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS ACCESSION NUMBER: 124:320029 CA TITLE: Rheology of Industrial Polysaccharides: Theory and Applications. AUTHOR(S): Pricl, S.; Lapasin, R.; Editors CORPORATE SOURCE: UK SOURCE: (1995) Publisher: (Chapman & Hall: London, UK), 640 pp. DOCUMENT TYPE: Book LANGUAGE: English
L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS 124:320029 Rheology of Industrial Polysaccharides: Theory and Applications.. Pricl, S.; Lapasin, R.; Editors (UK). (Chapman & Hall: London, UK), 640 pp. (English) 1995.
L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS AB: Unavailable
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L2 ANSWER 1 OF 147 CA COPYRIGHT 1996 ACS 124:320029 Rheology of Industrial Polysaccharides: Theory and Applications.. Pricl, S.; Lapasin, R.; Editors (UK). (Chapman & Hall: London, UK), 640 pp. (English) 1995. AB: Unavailable