Stanford University Libraries

Appendix D: Teaching Materials Available

  1. Curricular Materials

    Teaching modules available from the Education Committee, ACS Division of Chemical Information include:

    • Introduction to Computer Searching of Chemical Abstracts. Dialog Module. 1990.
    • Introduction to Computer Searching of Chemical Abstracts. STN International Module. 1995
    • Citation Searching Module. 1990
    • Patent Searching. STN International Module. 1990.

    Send requests to:

    Mrs. Arleen N. Somerville
    Carlson Library
    University of Rochester
    Rochester, NY 14627-0236
    Phone: 716/275-4465
    FAX: 716/473-1712
    Bitnet: ansv@uordbv

    Materials are provided without charge as a service of the ACS Division of Chemical Informaton.

  2. ACS/SLA Joint Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials.

    Approximately 200 items related to teaching chemical information are available on request. Cost to requestor: $.10 per page. List of available materials is available on request from:

    Dr. Gary Wiggins
    Chemistry Library
    Chemistry Bldg. 003
    Indiana University
    Bloomington, IN 47405
    Phone: 812/855-9452
    FAX: 812/855-6611
    Bitnet: wiggens@iubacs

  3. Online Services (e.g. DIALOG, ORBIT, STN International)

    These services offer the following aid to instructors:

    • printed guides and workshops on how to search their systems
    • printed guides and workshops on how to search databases on their system
    • small inexpensive versions of the databases useful for training purposes
    • some services provide printed and computerized materials for instructors
    • some services have booths at ACS and other conferences where staff answer questions
  4. Organizations that Produce Databases (e.g. Chemical Abstracts Service, Biological Abstracts, National Library of Medicine, Institute for Scientific Information)

    These organizations offer the following aid to searchers:

    • printed guides and workshops on how to search their databases
    • some organizations provide printed and computerized materials for instructors of computer searching
    • some organziations have booths at ACS and other conferences where staff answer questions.
  5. The Chemical Information Instructor column in Journal of Chemical Education

    This quarterly column began with July 1991 issue. It offers practical information to instructors of chemical information.

  6. Chemical Information Textbooks

    A number of chemical information textbooks are available, including:

    • Gary Wiggins. Chemical Information Sources. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. Comes with a disk.
    • Yecheskel Wolman. Chemical Information; A Practical Guide to Utilization. 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, 1988.
    • Robert E. Maizell. How to Find Chemical Information; A Guide for Practicing Chemists, Educators, and Students. 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, 1987.
    • M.G. Mellon. Chemical Publications; Their Nature and Use. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982.