If you are having trouble, try one or more of the following sources of help:
Hours: | Monday through Friday — 8:00am – 8:00pm U.S. Eastern Standard Time |
Telephone: | Continental U.S.A. and Canada: 800-848-6533 If busy, call: 800-848-6538 Elsewhere: 614-447-3698 (toll charge) |
Address: | STN Help Desk c/o Chemical Abstracts Service 2540 Olentangy River Road P.O. Box 3012 Columbus, Ohio 43210-0012 U.S.A. |
Fax: | 614-447-3798 |
Hours: | Monday through Friday 8:30am–5:00pm U.S. Eastern Standard Time |
Telephone: | 1-800-848-6538 |
If you EXPAND on a name or a number and do not get one posting or have trouble verifying your answer, you can quickly create a larger bill than you anticipated. Sometimes you can find a Registry Number for less cost by using CAS Registry Services instead of searching online yourself.
If you need an expert to find a Registry Number, try CAS Registry Services. Supply us with chemical names, structure names, structure diagrams, or CAS Registry Numbers. Then, depending on the service you choose, CAS Registry Services can supply you with any of the following substance information: CAS Registry Nuunbers, CA Index names, synonyms, molecular formulas, structure diagrams, or connection tables. Available services include:
When time is less of a factor and you have less than 100 chemical substance names. Usually takes 10–14 business days. A bargain for the expert help.
When you need to identify 1 to 10 substances quickly. Somewhat more expensive.
For further CAS Registry Services information and prices contact:
Telephone: | Customer Service 800-753-4CAS (800-753-4227) 614-447-3713 |
Telefax: | 614-447-3747 |
Address: | CAS Registry Services c/o Chemical Abstracts Service P.O. Box 3343 2540 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43210-0015 U.S.A. |
If you need more information relating to a substance, such as toxicology or health data, manufacturing or market information, consider using CAS Search Service. A highly qualified staff member will perform your searches and send the answers to you promptly. Sources of information include the publicalions and services of Chemical Abstracts Service along with the files of STN International and other online networks.
Hours: | Monday through Friday — 9:00am – 5:00pm U.S. Eastern Standard Time |
Telephone: | 800-848-6538, extension 3707 614-447-3707 |
Telefax: | 614-447-3709 |
Address: | CAS Search Service c/o Chemical Abstracts Service 2540 Olentangy River Road P.O. Box 3012 Columbus, Ohio 43210-0012 U.S.A. |