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February 18, 2009
New Version of Federal R&D Project Summaries Available: Descriptions of Federally Funded Research Awards
ISI Web of Science Enhancement — Search Grant Activity and Funding Acknowledgements
Search Funding Agency and Grant Number fields in Web of Science and see where funding money is going; what research has been developed from a specific grant; and who is funding research at your institution.
Update Your Bookmarks — ISI Has Changed Their URLs
- Web of Science
- Biosis Previews
- Derwent Innovations Index
- Journal Citation Report
Using SearchWorks to Find Wiley eBooks @ Stanford
In SearchWorks, enter as search term.
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For Access — select Online
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SuperStar Now Available
Predicting Protein-Ligand Interactions Using Experimental Data
Macintosh and Windows versions of SuperStar are now available for downloading. (Listed under Cambridge Structural Database)
About: “SuperStar is a program for generating maps of interaction sites in proteins or around small molecules using experimental information about intermolecular interactions. The interaction maps that SuperStar generates are therefore fully knowledge-based.
SuperStar retrieves its data from IsoStar, CCDC’s interaction database. IsoStar contains information about non-bonded interactions from both the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) and the Protein Data Bank (PDB).”
For more details, please see the SuperStar page from Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
February 2, 2009
Site License for Educational Version of Polymath 6.1 Available
Numerical Computation Package
About: “Polymath is a proven computational system that has been specifically created for professional and educational use. The various Polymath programs allow the user to apply effective numerical analysis techniques during interactive problem solving on personal computers. Results are presented graphically for easy understanding and for incorporation into papers and reports. Engineers, mathematicians, scientists, students, or anyone with a need to solve problems will appreciate the efficiency and speed of problem solution.
DIPPR 801 Database/DIADEM Software is Available
DIADEM is a convenient interface to the DIPPR® 801 Database that enhances one’s ability to view, calculate, plot and compare the thermophysical properties in the database.
Why waste your time in the tedious data search and evaluation process? Leave it to the experts! (more…)
Largest Collection of Proton NMR Spectra Now Available in SciFinder
“Scientists worldwide can now access more than 23.8 million predicted proton NMR spectra in SciFinder, CAS’ leading research and discovery tool and the authoritative source of information on more than 41 million chemical substances. These proton NMR spectra augment the 1.9 billion predicted and experimental properties and data tags already available in SciFinder.
CAS is making the proton NMR spectra available through an agreement with ACD/Labs, a respected organization that has supplied other property information to CAS.”
Site License for Selected ACD Software is Replacing I-Lab
For many years, we have had a license agreement to ACD’s I-Lab which is a web interface that provides predicted CNMR and HNMR spectral diagrams, IUPAC names, and predictions for physical properties.
Because the software offers more functionality — for example it includes a 2D NMR Processor — I decided to replace I-Lab with the equivalent software. I-Lab will not longer be available after March 2009. This (PC Only) software includes: ACD/CNMR Predictor, HNMR Predictor, NMR Processor, Name & PhysChem Suite v.12. To download, please go to the Swain software page.
Mac (and PC users) will be able to access this software on-campus or off-campus via CDSERVER, which uses a web browser and a Citrix plug-in. CDSERVER is not compatible with Vista. Swain will also have ACD’s software loaded on most computers (all except three “public kiosk” computers).
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces — New Journal Available
The new international forum for applied materials science and engineering
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces is being launched with the goal of becoming the international publication of choice for the interdisciplinary community of chemists, engineers, physicists and biologists focusing on how newly-discovered materials and interfacial processes can be developed and used for specific applications. The journal will publish full length articles and letters from researchers in academia and industry in addition to featuring comments and forums dedicated to
advancing applied materials research.
Topics covered by ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces will include: