June 19, 2009

Common Chemistry

Filed under: Web Tools — admin @ 11:54 am

Common Chemistry™ from Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a web resource that contains CAS Registry Numbers for approximately 7,800 chemicals of widespread general public interest. Common Chemistry is helpful to non-chemists who know either a name or CAS Registry Number® of a common chemical and want to pair both pieces of information. The CAS Registry Number is the universally recognized unique identifier of chemical substances and is often found on packaging and on articles of commerce.


Bytesize Science

Filed under: Web Tools — admin @ 11:46 am

Bytesize Science


Watch the latest episode to find out how scientists are developing “super paper” that is stronger than cast iron and which may someday lead to a new kind of bullet proof vest.
Source: E-lements of Communication by ACS.

Attend Virtual Tetrahedron Symposium — June 24–26, 2009

Filed under: Web Tools — admin @ 11:39 am

If you’re unable to join the Tenth Tetrahedron Symposium, featuring Nobel Prize winners Jean-Marie Lehn and Richard Schrock, you can still participate on-line.


The virtual conference gives you access to real-time web-casts of selected presentations and posters over the three days of the Symposium. You can also visit virtual exhibitor booths, take part in scheduled chat sessions and network with other online delegates.


Swain Orientation Tours for 24-Hour Access to the Library

Filed under: Announcements — admin @ 11:28 am

To obtain 24-hour access to the library, you must first attend a library orientation tour. Swain Library will conduct four sessions in July and August.

Tuesday, 11 a.m. – Noon Thursday, 3 – 4 p.m.
July 7th July 16th
August 4th August 20th

For more details about who’s eligible for 24-hour access, please see Swain’s After-Hours Access page.

June 5, 2009

IUPAC Glossary of Terms Used in Biomolecular Screening

Filed under: New Resources — admin @ 1:01 pm

Glossary of Terms Used in Biomolecular Screening

Provisional Recommendations
Comments by 30 September 2009

Biomolecular Screening is now a crucial component of the drug discovery process and this Glossary of Terms will be of use to practitioners in the field of screening and to those who interact with the screening community. The glossary contains definitions related to various aspects of the screening process such as assay types, data handling and relevant technologies. Many of the terms used in this discipline are not covered by existing glossaries, and in the cases they are, the definitions are often not appropriate for this field. This document provides new or modified definitions to better reflect the new context. The field of Biomolecular Screening is multidisciplinary in nature and this glossary containing authoritative definitions will be useful not only for regular practitioners, but also for those who make use of the data generated during the screening process.

Download full text of the Provisional Recommendations (pdf file — 281KB)


Publishers Allow More Than Authors Think

Filed under: New Resources — admin @ 1:00 pm

“Publishers’ agreements are more liberal than journal authors think, but do not allow self-archiving of the published PDF.

The Publishing Research Consortium has published another in its series of reports: Journal Authors’ Rights: perception and reality (Summary Paper 5).

Using re-analysis of the recently published ALPSP report Scholarly Publishing Practice 3 (which looks at the practice of 181 publishers, representing 75% of all articles), and a new survey of 1163 authors, the report compares what publishers actually allow authors to do with the different versions of their manuscript, and what they want to do and believe they are permitted to do.


Strengthening High School Chemistry Education

Filed under: New Resources — admin @ 12:59 pm

Strengthening High School Chemistry Education Through Teacher Outreach Programs: A Workshop Summary to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable


Steve Olson, Rapporteur; Chemical Sciences Roundtable; National Research Council

Publisher’s Description:
A strong chemical workforce in the United States will be essential to the ability to address many issues of societal concern in the future, including demand for renewable energy, more advanced materials, and more sophisticated pharmaceuticals. High school chemistry teachers have a critical role to play in engaging and supporting the chemical workforce of the future, but they must be sufficiently knowledgeable and skilled to produce the levels of scientific literacy that students need to succeed.


Learning Science in Informal Environments

Filed under: New Resources — admin @ 12:58 pm

Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits


Philip Bell, Bruce Lewenstein, Andrew W. Shouse, and Michael A. Feder, Editors, Committee on Learning Science in Informal Environments, National Research Council

Publisher’s Description:
Informal science is a burgeoning field that operates across a broad range of venues and envisages learning outcomes for individuals, schools, families, and society. The evidence base that describes informal science, its promise, and effects is informed by a range of disciplines and perspectives, including field-based research, visitor studies, and psychological and anthropological studies of learning.


Gender Differences at Critical Transitions

Filed under: New Resources — admin @ 12:57 pm

Gender Differences at Critical Transitions in the Careers of Science, Engineering and Mathematics Faculty


Committee on Gender Differences in the Careers of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Faculty; Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine; National Research Council

Publisher’s Description:
Gender Differences in the Careers of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Faculty presents new and surprising findings about career differences between female and male full-time, tenure-track, and tenured faculty in science, engineering, and mathematics at the nation’s top research universities. Much of this congressionally mandated book is based on two unique surveys of faculty and departments at major U.S. research universities in six fields: biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, and physics. A departmental survey collected information on departmental policies, recent tenure and promotion cases, and recent hires in almost 500 departments. A faculty survey gathered information from a stratified, random sample of about 1,800 faculty on demographic characteristics, employment experiences, the allocation of institutional resources such as laboratory space, professional activities, and scholarly productivity.


Complex Systems

Filed under: New Resources — admin @ 12:56 pm

The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative: Complex Systems: Task Group Summaries


The National Academies Keck Futures Initiatives

Publisher’s Description:
The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative was launched in 2003 to stimulate new modes of scientific inquiry and break down the conceptual and institutional barriers to interdisciplinary research. At the Conference on Complex Systems, participants were divided into twelve interdisciplinary working groups. The groups spent nine hours over two days exploring diverse challenges at the interface of science, engineering, and medicine.
