Archive for the ‘Web Tools’ Category

Engineering Library Workshops on Using RefWorks, EndNote Web, and Zotero

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Did you know Stanford Libraries provide free access to RefWorks and EndNote Web? Please bring your lunch and join us to learn how citation management tools can help you track your research and simplify creating your papers.

See the Engineering Library blog entry for more information.

2010 Colors of Chemistry Calendar Now Available on the Web

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Colors of Chemistry Calendar

Each year in the Colors of Chemistry calendar, CAS attempts to answer intriguing scientific questions with information from the CAS databases. This year, we answered questions on topics ranging from environmentally friendly fireworks to glowing fuel rods in nuclear reactors; from promising anti-cancer agents in redwood trees to distinct forms of iron oxide on the surface of Mars.

HazMap has Added 265 Agents

Friday, January 8th, 2010


Haz-Map, a database on the effects of occupational exposure to potentially toxic agents from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), has added 265 agents.

These agents include 60 assorted metal compounds, 100 rare earth metals, 10 uranium compounds, and 16 metallic perchlorate compounds. Also added are 9 thiols, 4 sulfites, 20 nitriles, 6 glycol ethers, 4 fluorides, 7 aldehydes, and 5 acid anhydrides.

Journal Abbreviations: CAS Tools to Help You

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Core Journals Covered in Chemical Abstracts Online
Bibliographic information and abstracts for all articles in more than 1,500 key scientific journals are added to CAplus within 7 days. The list below is sorted alphabetically by the full journal title and also includes the journal abbreviation, CODEN, and publication frequency. This is not the full list of publications covered by CAS, and the list is subject to change.

Who’s Citing You? Find Out By Setting Up Alerts in Web of Science

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Option 1: Setting up an alert for an individual paper

Login to Web of Science

Do a search and locate paper of interest. Click on Create Citation Alert button at right.

Find Colleagues Using Chemistry & Biochemistry Department Directories

Monday, December 7th, 2009

Chuck Huber, Chemistry Librarian at UC Santa Barbara, has compiled directories of Chemistry and Biochemistry department websites across the U.S. and worldwide.

Chemistry and Biochemistry Departments in the United States
Links to websites of chemistry and biochemistry departments offering Bachelor’s degrees and higher in the United States
Chemistry and Biochemistry Departments Worldwide
Links to websites of chemistry and biochemistry departments offering Bachelor’s degrees (or equivalent) or higher outside the United States

LibX Plugin for FireFox and Internet Explorer

Monday, December 7th, 2009

LibX is a Firefox/Internet Explorer plugin that helps you conduct your research more quickly and efficiently. It allows you to:

  • Search SearchWorks, Socrates, Stanford E-Journals, Google Scholar, and WorldCat from the toolbar
  • Drag-and-drop citations onto a “magic button”, that will then pull up the article or book for you from Stanford-accessible database(s)
  • For easier off-campus access to some sites, right-click to “reload via EZProxy”
  • If you use, you can see if the library has a copy with a single click

Download the LibX plugin

For more information, see the LibX QuickStart Guide created by the Cubberley Education Library.

Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) has Added First Set of Nanomaterial Records

Friday, October 23rd, 2009
Hazardous Substances Data Bank

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) has added its first set of nanomaterial records. Nanotechnology is the study of matter on an atomic and molecular scale — structures 100 nanometers or smaller. A nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter.

Like other HSDB records, the nanomaterial records are peer-reviewed and contain information on toxicity, manufacturing and use, chemical and physical properties, environmental fate and exposure, and more.


Periodic Tables

Friday, October 23rd, 2009


This year’s NCW theme celebrated the Periodic Table of the Elements. To view more resources on periodic tables, go to the Resources for NCW 2009 site or see Swain’s Periodic Tables page.

SciFinder web Enhancements

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

SciFinder is a research discovery tool that allows you to explore the CAS databases that contain literature from many scientific disciplines including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science, and more! You can explore one single source for scientific information in journals and patent literature from around the world.

With SciFinder, you can be more creative and productive in your research process. SciFinder is easy-to-use and offers:
