Preview the coming upgrade to the Swain Library website and the integrated blog. Future blog updates will be made only on the new blog.
May 15, 2010
Preview the new Swain Library Website and Blog
February 19, 2010
The Alchemy Web Site
“This site contains nearly 400 megabytes online of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided into over 2500 sections and providing tens of thousands of pages of text, over 3000 images, over 250 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy.
Watch BBC Documentary “Chemistry: A Volatile History” on YouTube
“The explosive story of chemistry is the story of the building blocks that make up our entire world — the elements. From fiery phosphorous to the pure untarnished lustre of gold and the dazzle of violent, violet potassium, everything is made of elements — the earth we walk on, the air we breathe, even us. Yet for centuries this world was largely unknown, and completely misunderstood.
AccessEngineering: Site-Licensed for Stanford
About: “AccessEngineering delivers comprehensive authoritative information that accelerates research and innovation, and features content from a broad range of must-have McGraw-Hill engineering publications, including the latest editions of classics such as Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, and many more. AccessEngineering offers the widest and deepest repository of fully searchable engineering content available online — from the authors and industry-leading titles engineers have trusted and depended on for years.
Links to References from All AIP Journals Back to Volume 1, Issue 1
Now you can access links spanning 80 years of seminal physics research
AIP is happy to let you know that live links are now in place for references in all AIP journal articles going back to the very first issue of each. This final stage of an ambitious initiative brings the total of linkable references to the backfiles of AIP journals (see list below) to nearly 4,000,000. The initiative incorporates reference links that extend as far back as 1930 — the year AIP published the debut issue of Review of Scientific Instruments.
Read it Online: Featured eBook
Ridley, D. D. (2009). Information retrieval: SciFinder. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
Publisher’s Description
“SciFinder® is rapidly becoming a preferred means to access scientific information in industry and universities worldwide. It accesses databases which span the chemical, engineering, life, medical, and physical sciences, including five Chemical Abstract Service databases and the National Library of Medicine bibliographic database Medline®. No other single information access tool has such breadth of coverage for scientific journal and patent documents.
GrantsNet from AAAS
February 5, 2010
E-reading’s future may not be iPad, but Blio
From eSchool News:

Blio’s makers say it will allow students to interact with textbooks in full color.
“Despite all the buzz about Apple’s iPad tablet and how it could be useful for reading electronic textbooks, a new software program on the way might hold even more promise for education.
Blio, a free eReader program that is expected to be available in February, reportedly will allow users to read more than a million electronic books on nearly any computer or portable device, with the ability to highlight and annotate text, hear the text read aloud, and more.
Blio was announced at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas and is the brainchild of education technology pioneer Ray Kurzweil, creator of Kurzweil Educational Systems and a range of assistive technology products.
Looking for Images for a Presentation?
European Bioinformatics Institute
An excellent description of the resources available from the European Bioinformatics Institute is published in Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, Database issue D17-D25.
The EBI site contains a wide array of databases and tools. It also is a site that contains 3D Rotatable Structures. Enter a substance name in the search box at the top of the page and get a summarized view of information available. To see 3D images, choose the Macromolecular Structures section of results. Select which record you want to see and then click on View in PDBsum. Visualization options and tools are on left side. See search example below on Taxol.