Searching by Functional Groups and Common Heterocyclic Rings | Functional Groups Available | Functional Group Class Terms | Ring Terms | Searching by CAS Registry Number
Searching by CAS Registry Number
Chemical Abstracts Service, 1993. Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from CAS, a Division of the American Chemical Society.
Each chemical substance which participates in a reaction is indexed in CASREACT.
CAS RN searching is not as precise as structure searching because you cannot designate where the reaction occurs.
You may search for a substance in any role.
Example: => s 50-00-0
Reactant | /RCT |
Reagent | /RGT |
Reactant or Reagent | /RRT |
Solvent | /SOL |
Catalyst | /CAT |
All but Product | /NPRO |
Product | /PRO |
Example: => s 50-00-0/RCT
The only way to search for catalysts and solvents (because structure searching is limited to Reactant, Reagent, and Product roles).
You must locate CAS RNs before you sign on to CASREACT because the CASREACT account we have does not include access to the CAS Registry File.