Beilstein German to English and English to German Dictionary
German to English (I–L)
Copyright 1990 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer-Verlag.
identisch identical Identität (f) identity im in the immer always impfen vaccinate, (to) impfen seed, (to) impfen inocculate, (to) imprägnieren impregnate, (to) in into in in indizieron indicate induziert induced infolge because of infolge as a result of Inhalt (m) capacity (of a vessel) Inhalt (m) content(s) initiert initiated inner internal innig intimate insbesondere particularly insbesondere especially insgesamt altogether Intensität (f) intensity Ionen-beweglichkeit (f) ion mobility Ionen-produkt (n) ionic product Ionen-stärke (f) ionic strength Ionisierungs-potential (n) ionization potential Ionisierungs-querschnitt (m) ionization cross section irritativ irritant Irrtum (m) error irrtümlich erroneously isentrop insentropic isocyclisch isocyclic Isolierung (f) insulation Isolierung (f) isolation isotherm isothermal isotrop isotropic ist is
Beilstein German to English Dictionary
Copyright 1990 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer-Verlag.
Jahr (n) year jede(r) every jede(r) each jedoch however je nach according to jeweils each time jeweils in each case Jod (n) iodine jodhaltig containing iodine Jodierung (f) iodination Jodierung (f) iodation
Beilstein German to English Dictionary
Copyright 1990 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer-Verlag.
Kaffee (m) coffee Kalilauge (f) caustic potash Kalilauge (f) potassium hydroxide solution Kalium (n) potassium Kalk (m) limestone Kalk (m) chalk Kalk (m) lime Kalk-milche (f) milk of lime (aqueous slurry of calcium hydroxide) kalt cold Kälte (f) cold(ness) Kälte-mischung (f) freezing mixture Kamille (f) camomile Kaninchen ( n) rabbit kann is able kann can Kapazität (f) capacity Kapillare (f) capillary Karminrot (n) crimson lake Karminrot (n) carmine red Kartoffel (f) potato Käse (m) cheese Katalysator (m) catalyst katalysieren catlayse, (to) katalytisch catalytic Kathoden-strahl (m) cathode ray Kationen-austauscher (m) cation exchanger Katze (f) cat kaukasisch caucasian Kautschuk (m) rubber (gummi elasticum) Kautschuk (m) caoutchouc Kautschuk-industrie (f) rubber industry Kautschuk-industrie (f) caoutchouc kein(e) not..any kein(e) none kein(e) no Kennzeichen (n) distinguishing feature Kennzeichen (n) label Kennzeichen (n) characteristic Kern (m) kernel Kern (m) nucleus Kern-quadrupol-kopplungs-konstante nuclear quadrupole coupling (f) constant Kern-Spin-Relaxations-zeit (f) nuclear spin relaxation time Kessel (m) kettle Kessel (m) vessel Kessel (m) boiler Kette (f) chain Kieselgel (n) silicagel Kieselgur (m), Kieselguhr diatomaceous earth Kieselsaüre (f) silicic acid kinematisch kinematic Kinetik (f) kinetics kinetische Energie (f) kinetic energy klar clear klein small kleiner smaller Knall-quecksilber (n) mercuric fulminate Knall-quecksilber (n) fulminate of mercury Knallsäure (f) fulminic acid Knick-schwingung (f) bending vibration koagulierend coagulating kochen to boil Kochsalz (n) sodium chloride Kochsalz (n) common salt Kohle (f) charcoal Kohle (f) carbon Kohle (f) coal Kohle-Lichtbogen (m) carbon arc Kohlen-dioxid (n) carbon dioxide Kohlen-monoxid (n) carbon monoxide Kohlensäure (f) carbonic acid Kohlensäure (f) carbon dioxide Kohlenstoff (m) carbon Kohlen-suboxid (n) carbon suboxide Kohlen-wasserstoff (m) hydrocarbon Koks (m) coke kommt...zu in addition (to) kommt...zu comes (up) to Komplexbildungs-tendenz (f) complex forming tendancy Komponente (f) component Kompressibilität (f) compressibility komprimiert compressed Kondensations-mittel (n) means of condensing kondensiert condensed konduktometrisch conductometric Konfigurations-bestimmung (f) configurational determination Konfigurations-zuordnung (f) configurational assignment konjugiert conjugated konkurrierende Reaktion (f) competitive reaction können able, (to be) konnen can Konservierungs-mittel (n) preservative Konstante (f) constant Kontakt-winkel (m) angle of contact Kontakt-zeit (f) contact time konz.=konzentriert concentrated Konzentration (f) concentration Kopplung (f) coupling Kopplungs-konstante (f) coupling constant korallenartig coral like Körper (m) substance Körper (m) body Korr. = korrigiert corr. = corrected Kost (f) food diet Kp = Siedepunkt (-bereich) (m) boiling point (range) Kraft (f) strength Kraft (f) power Kraft (f) force Kraft-konstante (f) force constant kranzförmig wreath-shaped kranzförmig coronoid kreuzen cross, (to) Kristall (m) crystal Kristall-achse (f) crystal axis kristallin crystalline Kristall-modifikation (f) crystal modification Kristall-morphologie (f) crystal morphology Kristall-optik (f) crystal optics Kristall-struktur (f) crystal structure Kristallstruktur-analyse (f) crystal structure analysis Kristall-wachstum (n) crystal growth Kristall-wasser (n) water of crystallization kritisch critical Kryoskopie (f) cryoscopy kryoskopisch cryoscopic Krystall crystal (see Kristall) kucisch cubic kühl cool kühlen cool, (to) Kühler (m) condenser Kühlhaus (m) cold storage house Kühlung (f) cooling Kümmel (m) caraway (seed) kumuliert (ac)cumulated Kunstharz (n) artificial resin Kunstharz (n) synthetic resin künstlich artificial künstlich synthetic Küpe (f) vat (liquor, dye) Kupfer (n) copper Kupfer-block (m) copper block kurz short Kurve (f) curve
Beilstein German to English Dictionary
Copyright 1990 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer-Verlag.
l = Liter (m) litre l = Rohr-länge (f) in dm length of tube (polarimetry) in dm Lack (m) varnish Lack (m) oil-based paint Lack (m) laquer Lackmus-papier (n) litmus paper laden to charge (electrically) Ladung (f) charge Lähmung (f) paralysis Lähmung (f) lameness Lage (f) position lang long langsam slow(ly) Laub-holz (n) deciduous wood laufend continuous(ly) laufend current (year, etc.) laufend running Lauge alkaline solution l. c. loc. cit. = loco citato lebens-dauer (f) durabilty lebens-dauer (f) lifetime lebensmittel-chemie (f) food chemistry Leber (f) liver Legierung (f) alloy leicht easy leicht easily leicht light leicht löslich easily soluble Leicht-metall (n) light metal Leicht-öl (n) light oil leiten lead, (to) leiten guide, (to) leiten direct, (to) leiten manage, (to) leiten conduct (electricity), (to) Leitfähigkeit (f) conductivity Leitvermögen (n) conductivity Leitvermögen (n) conduction letal fatal letal lethal letzte last letztere the latter leuchten shine, (to) leuchten glow, (to) leuchten (give) light, (to) leuchtend shining leuchtend bright leuchtend luminous Leucht-gas (n) coal gas Leucht-gas (n) (lighting) gas Licht (n) light Licht-ausbeute (f) light yield Licht-ausschluss (m) exclusion of light Licht-bogen (m) (electric) arc Licht-emission (f) light emission lichtinduziert (Reaktion) light induced (reaction) Licht-intensität (f) light intensity Licht-streuung (f) light scattering liefern provide liefern give liefern deliver, (to) Linie (f) line Linien-breite (f) line width links left linksdrehend levorotatory Literatur-quelle (f) reference Literatur-quelle (f) literature source locker loose Löschung (f) extinguishing Löschung (f) discharge Löschung (f) quenching lösen dissolve, (to) lösen solve, (to) löslich soluble Löslichkeit (f) solubility Löslichkeits-diagramm (n) solubility diagram Lösungs-enthalpie (f) enthalpy of solution Lösungs-gleichgewicht (n) solution equilibrium Lösungs-mittel (n) solvent Lösungs-temperatur (f) solution temperature Lösungs-vermögen (n) disolving power Lösungs-wärme (f) heat of solution Luft (f) air Luft-strom (m) air current Luft-strom (m) air stream Luft-zutritt (m) air access Luminescenz (f) luminescence Lunge (f) lung (s)