Key To The
Summary Lines
Since many species are quite flexible in situating their
nest, the symbol often represents only the most likely
location. The symbol for the primary site is given at the
left-hand margin of the summary line. Secondary locations
are indicated by words or abbreviations shown below that
symbol. These words are shown in the list beginning on the
next page just under their symbols. For a very few unusual
sites the location is given by a word only (no symbol).
the summary line, the numbers just under the location
information indicate the most likely height in feet above
ground, and the numbers in parentheses (if present) indicate
the general range of heights at which nests of the species
have been found. The
heights indicated apply only to those nest locations given
above the numbers, not below. A species whose nests are
found in trees as high as 50 feet, in shrubs, and on the
ground will be shown as O'-50'.
Note that in this key the
most abbreviated form of a word is always given, although
where space permitted we spelled words out in the summary
Locations Defined by Topographic Features:

Includes river banks, areas of soft soil on steep island
slopes, etc., where nest burrows are excavated.
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Includes nests placed among the roots, or in niches among
the roots of fallen trees, among tules and reeds (in
marshes), among grasses, on bare rock, or simply scraped in
the dirt or sand.
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Includes nests situated in natural crevices or on ledges of
cliffs typically offering a commanding view of a defensible
position, and sometimes chosen when no suitable trees are
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Locations Defined by
Supporting Plant Structures:

Includes nests placed within any multi-stemmed woody plant
(i.e., one that does not have a distinct single trunk
extending several feet between the ground and the lowest
branching point).
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tree. Includes nests placed in any broad-leaved tree,
whether it sheds all of its leaves in the fall ("deciduous")
or not ("live"): oaks, maples, poplars, hickories,
magnolias, etc. Also used for species that use broad-leaved
and coniferous trees more or less
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tree. Includes nests placed in any tree that bears
cones: pines, spruces, junipers, firs, etc.
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Nests in a standing dead tree. Also used for species
that use cavities in dead and live trees more or less
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tangle. Includes nests in vines, brambles, brush piles,
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on water. Almost always anchored to live emergent or
submerged vegetation.
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(2) NEST TYPE: The
symbol shows the type of nest most frequently used by that
species. Birds of the same species tend to construct similar
nests, but the materials available often differ from area to
area. (See essays: Masterbuilders; Nest Materials; Nest
Lining.) Secondary nest types are listed beneath the symbol
and usually discussed in the treatment paragraph.
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A simple depression usually with a rim sufficient to
prevent eggs from rolling away. Those of many duck species
are almost bowl-shaped. Occasionally with lining
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Typical of songbirds, this is the archetypal "bird nest."
Hemispherical inside with a rim height several times the
diameter of the eggs. In some cases bulky, but always with a
deep depression.
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A shallow cup with the height of the rim not more than
two times the diameter of the eggs. Also a flattened nest of
pliable vegetation as in some wetland birds.
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A structure in a tree, on a cliff, or providing a dry place
above marshy ground or water, usually big enough for the
bird to land on, with or without a distinct depression to
hold the eggs. Typical of many raptors and birds of
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Either excavated, as is typical of woodpeckers, or natural
cavity found in dead or dying limb or tree. Sometimes a cup
or other structure is built within.
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Eggs placed in a crack in the face of a cliff, between
boulders, in a human-made structure, etc.
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Eggs placed in a chamber at the end of a tunnel. Tunnels
either excavated by the birds (most kingfishers, puffins,
storm-petrels) or usurped from small mammals, especially
ground squirrels and prairie dogs.
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An elongate sac-like nest suspended from a
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Globe-shaped or ball-shaped. A roughly round structure,
fully enclosed except for a small opening usually on the
side or at one end.
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male (M) and/or female (F) code(s) below the nest symbol
indicate which sexes participate in nest building. If both
sexes participate, but one does much more than the other,
there is a minus sign (-) preceding the symbol of the
less-involved sex, and that sex is presented second. In
cooperative breeders, if birds other than the breeding
adults help with construction, there is a plus sign (+)
following the codes for the breeding adults.
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mottled egg symbol is used if the eggs have markings, the
white egg symbol if it is unmarked.The number(s) just below
the symbol indicate the most common clutch size, or the
range (there is often individual and/or geographic variation
in clutch size). The number(s) in parentheses below that
line or to its right indicate more extreme values recorded
in the literature.
In many species the data
on clutch size are limited. Furthermore it is often
difficult to determine when clutch sizes at the higher end
of the range indicate the production of two or more females
laying in the same nest (we have tried to exclude such
values here), and when clutch sizes at the lower end of the
range indicate incomplete production. Clutch size can also
be affected by a female's age, by whether the clutch is
produced early or late in the season, by whether it is the
female's first clutch or a replacement clutch, as well as by
other factors (see essays: Average Clutch Size; Variation in
Clutch Sizes; Brood Parasitism; and Cooperative
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The following abbreviations found below the clutch size
listed beneath the drawing of the egg indicate which
breeding system is typical for the species.
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One male mates with one female (see essay:
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One male mates with two or more females (see essay:
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One female mates with two or more males (see essay:
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Males and females mate more or less indiscriminately (see
essays: Promiscuity; Leks).
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Both polygyny and polyandry occur.
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Two females rear broods in the same nest simultaneously
and/or non-breeding birds serve as helpers at the nest of
one or more breeding pairs (see essay: Cooperative
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Monogamy is, by far, the
most common mating system in birds, and unless there is
evidence to the contrary, we have assumed a species to be
monogamous. Note that very often a small percentage of birds
in a population deviate from the mating system of the
majority. It is not, for example, unusual in an otherwise
monogamous population to find 5 percent of the males
polygynous. Conversely, in virtually every population of a
polygynous species there will be at least a few monogamous
pairs. In our classifications, unless at least 15 percent of
the birds use the minority system (given in parentheses), it
usually will not be identified in the summary line. Here
again, careful observations are needed to see if
nonmonogamous systems, especially polygyny, are more
widespread than currently thought.
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In cases
when the mating system is unknown, a ? is
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male (M) and/or female (F) codes at the top of the fourth
column of the summary line indicate whether both parents, or
only one parent, incubates. As in nest construction, if both
sexes are involved but one spends much more time on the
nest, there is a minus sign (-) before the symbol of the
less-involved sex, and it is listed second; in cooperative
breeders, if birds other than the breeding adults are
involved, there is a plus sign (+) following the symbols of
the pair.
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number(s) following the "I:" are the usual number of days
(or recorded range of days) from the start of incubation to
Note that hatching of a
clutch is often synchronized by delaying the start of
incubation until the last egg is laid. Incubation time is
somewhat geographically variable within species, and your
accurate observations could add to our knowledge of that
variation. Numbers appearing in parentheses represent
recorded extreme values.
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HATCHING: Birds show great variation in their degree of
development at hatching, and we show the maturity of
hatchlings for each species on the line under the incubation
time. In North America there are no fully developed
(PRECOCIAL 1 ) young at hatching. Our most fully developed
young at hatching are classified "PRECOCIAL 2," exemplified
by ducklings and shorebird chicks. They are downy,
open-eyed, mobile at birth, and find their own food while
following their parent(s). At the opposite extreme, our
songbirds are "ALTRICIAL" -- born naked, immobile, and
wholly unable to feed themselves.
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Developmental patterns are
explained fully in the essay Precocial and Altricial Young.
In North America seven conditions of young at hatching are
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2 Mobile, downy, follow parents, find own
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3 Mobile, downy, follow parents, are shown
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4 Mobile, downy, follow parents, fed.
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Mobile, remain at nest, fed.
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1 Immobile, downy, eyes open, fed.
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2 Immobile, downy, eyes closed, fed.
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Immobile, downless, eyes closed, fed.
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Other than in the summary
line, the word "precocial" used alone in this guide refers
to the first four categories collectively; similarly the
word "altricial" refers collectively to the last three
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number(s) under the development pattern, following an "F:",
are the usual number of days (or recorded range of days)
until precocial young are able to fly competently and the
time required before altricial young leave the nest
(altricial species may not be able to fly competently when
they depart the nest). Numbers in parentheses represent
recorded extreme values. Again,
fledging times are variable and your accurate observations
may be useful. Note that fledging rarely means the end of
parental care. Precocial young of some species, such as
oystercatchers, stay with and are helped by the parents long
after they can fly; after they have left the nest, altricial
young may be fed more than twice as long as they were fed in
the nest.
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the parents divide the feeding (and guarding) of the young
is shown just under the hatch-to-fledge
time. For precocial
species whose young are not fed by the parents, this
indicates who tends the young while they feed. The letters
coding the sex of the tending parent are the same as those
used in (3) above.
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BREEDING: The symbol shows the primary type of food
eaten during the breeding season. Secondary types of food
commonly taken may be shown by words or abbreviations below
the symbol. Many of these words are shown in the list below
just under their symbols. Additional specific food items
taken less frequently are listed in the treatment paragraph
and details of primary food types are often given there
(since the symbols cover broad categories). Remember, many
species have an entirely different winter diet, and if so,
this is usually described in the treatment
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Animal Foods

Mammals. Anything from shrews to ground squirrels and
rabbits, but most often rodents.
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May include their eggs -- if so, that will be mentioned in
the treatment paragraph.
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Terrestrial Lower Vertebrates. Includes reptiles
(lizards, snakes, etc.) and amphibians (salamanders, frogs,
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Sometimes includes fry and eggs, in which case that usually
will be mentioned in the treatment paragraph.
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Invertebrates. May include insects, spiders, mites,
snails, slugs, worms, millipedes, sowbugs, etc. Usually
predominance of insects.
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Invertebrates. May include aquatic insects, crayfish,
shrimp, snails, bivalves, etc.
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Prey found dead.
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Plant Foods

The sugary solution found in many flowers.
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Includes berries, which are simple fleshy fruits.
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May include leafy parts of both aquatic and terrestrial
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Hard, dry, single-seeded fruits, often acorns and
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Includes grains, sunflower seeds, conifer seeds,
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A variety of plants and animals too diverse to specify here;
neither plant nor animal food usually comprises less than
one-third of diet.
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Many birds, especially
passerines, that eat both seeds and insects take
proportionately more insects when seasonally available.
Although seed-feeding birds frequently consume gravel to aid
in grinding seeds, we have not included grit in our
description of diets.
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TECHNIQUES: The major method each species uses to obtain
food during their breeding season is the last symbol on the
right in the summary line. The symbol is often supplemented
by a word or abbreviation that indicates less frequently
used foraging techniques. These words are shown below just
under their symbols. In the case of foraging techniques we
again find gaps in the record, offering ample opportunities
to provide the missing information. Note both primary and
secondary techniques may be used to obtain primary food
Techniques for Picking
Food from Ground Surface or Plants While Walking or Clinging
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Gleaning. Picking up items from the surface of soil,
turf, sand, etc. Includes scavenging dead aquatic organisms
from shorelines.
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from Foliage and Occasionally from Branches. Takes
invertebrates and/or fruit from vegetation, not from the
surface of the ground.
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from Tree Trunks and Branches. Describes foraging that
only rarely includes removal of invertebrates from foliage
as well. Includes excavating and drilling into
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Hovering Techniques

while Hovering. Takes nectar, insects or berries from
plants above the ground while hovering
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and Pouncing. Hovering before swooping or dropping down
on prey.
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